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Posts posted by ricker182

  1. Where do YOU think possession should start?

    It doesn't matter what I think, but since you asked, it should be common sense possession. If he catches the ball and is not in the process of going to the ground the player should be given a 2 second window, a football move, or 2 steps.
  2. The fumbled punt in the first Houston game that was overturned and the call at the goal line against the Bengals were a failure to me of the replay system. The call last week against the Chiefs, while I think it was wrong, I can understand how they stayed with the call on the field.

    Why have slo-mo replay if bang bang makes it stay the call first ruled on the field?

    To me it wasn't even bang bang.

    I know they took "football move" out of the rulebook, but where does possession even start anymore? It's getting ridiculous.

  3. His drops are amplified because some were so bad. Brazil dropped a TD last week. I'd say Reggie, TY, and Coby all had more drops. Not percentage wise though.


    Take Coby out of the drop parade. He has o two drops against 51 receptions. That's pretty good.


    Cecil Shorts has 10 drops vs 66 receptions (pretty bad).

  4. To me it doesn't matter who you play because anything other than a Super Bowl Championship is a failure. You have to beat the best teams anyway.

    That being said, having a first round bye would be nice for our banged up team.

    P.S. Thanks Broncos for not closing out that New England game....

  5. different type of play. megatron's was controlling the ball through going to the ground. they are determining incomplete or complete, a fumble is never even an option

    in the play of topic, we are deciding incomplete or fumble while the WR. Being down before the fumble is not being reviewed.

    The WR clearly catches the ball, tucks it, and takes a step while turning to run. It was a fumble. I agree that it was quick, but I was POed it wasnt a fumble before i saw a replay. then the replay was so obvious i knew we would get the ball (just like BGE's TD run on 4th down vs Cincy).......... Even the announcers said we would get it and then when they said "ruling on the field stands" the announcer said "WHHHHATTTT!!!!!!! WOOOO... I can't believe it."

    The Megatron catch is a terrible example. It's impossible to catch a football in the endzone then fumble it. Not to mention a fumble was never in question and the ruling was completing the process of the catch while going to the ground. Idk why they would bring that up because in the Colts game the receiver wasn't going to the ground.

    He completed the catch, tucked the ball away, took multiple steps with possession and was stripped of the football. In real time you could argue him "tucking" the ball away was him "juggling" the football, but the replay clearly showed the opposite. Even common sense tells you it was a fumble, but the refs don't use that in their officiating.

  6. These are Pereira's tweets that I "think" related to the call that prompted this thread:



    That was a bang-bang play in KC - in real time, you have to stay with the call there


    Nothing in the rule book talks about how many steps -- it's maintaining control long enough to perform an act common to the game.


    Replay would stay with whatever was called on the field. It's THAT close.



    I disagree with his thinking though. It's clearly a catch in every sense of the word and a fumble.


    I do respect his opinion though because he usually calls it like he sees and and doesn't purposely side with the refs.

  7. Congrats to the Colts and fans.


    Like I posted previously, the real game is in 2 more weeks. But you guys already knew that, right?


    For both teams, no injuries, stay healthy and I'm sure the Chiefs will do their homework and open the playbook for you guys in 2 weeks.......


    Cheers and carry on........

    If they even play each other....

  8. Well not according to the ref.  He basically said receiver never had possession, was juggling it. It's a challengeable call. Did we?  I thought we did. And if so, evidently the 3 steps wasn't clear to the head official either. 

    Well yeah that's why it was a terrible call. I can see how they call it incomplete in real time but after watching multiple replays it's clear he is not juggling the football, takes multiple steps then the ball is jarred loose.   

    It was a clear reception and fumble.  

    Blown call.

    We will be getting a "we're sorry" from the NFL in a few days.

  9. "@KBowenColts: 35.1% of the Chiefs 399 points this year have come off turnovers. Chiefs lead the league with 140 takeaway points this year."

    Cool stat. Protecting the football and containing Jamaal Charles is the key to winning.

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