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Posts posted by K-148

  1. By the way, 2014 preseason the Colts started with 12 DLs: Nnamdi Obukwelu, Jeris Pendleton, Tyler Hoover (as a DE), Zach Kerr, Montori Hughes, Fili Moala, Cory Redding, RJF, Arthur Jones, Josh Chapman, Gannon Conway, Brandon McKinney. Kelcy Quarles was added in september. In regular season the Colts kept 6 DLs: Josh Chapman, Montori Hughes, Cory Redding, Arthur Jones, RJF, Zach Kerr (7 after Kelcy Quarles arrival).

    But now the Colts have only 9 DLs: Zach Kerr, Montori Hughes, Arthur Jones, Josh Chapman, Kelcy Quarles, Henry Anderson, David Parry, Earl Okine, Kendall Langford. So 9 men for 7 spots. Not much competition. Maybe, Grigson has some trade in mind?

  2. Even given that...in my opinion, a receiver could have been taken at a lower round since it was a deep draft at that position this year.    I don't really see our wide receiver situation as dire as you do. Having a better running game will help our passing game as well.  I have more confidence in our offense than I do in our defense at this juncture.

    I suppose Grigson was well aware of our defense's weaknesses. But he supposed Anderson to fall into 3rd round and he was not a fan of Brown or Goldman. If Grigson has missed on Anderson, he would probably trade for DE prior the regular season. Heck, Grigson still can do it after watching his WRs in preseason games. TY for Mychal Kendricks, for example.

  3. I totally, totally agree with you we had those Colt defenders last year in those big games NE.Pitt.Dall. and they stunk. I hear and have been hearing Pagnano and Grigsom raving about that we have the guys already on our defense in place to fix stopping the run REALLY? I ask how so they certainly could n' t stop the run in those huge games last year and we didn't add any FAgents they are big enough names to make me feel good about our run defense especially when the playoffs start Or in the big games during the season. The NE games we got torched w the run and pass in the Dallas game same in the Pitt game with the pass over 600 something yards. How can anyone be naïve enough to think the Colts can compete against the elite teams NE, Pitt, Dallas ,even Miami Bills,Jets are going to be incredibly tough for us. Miami , Jets ,Bills are no cake walk and they have greatly improved from last season. I do not know why Colts front office didn't make a bigger push to sign H. Nagta Or Wilfork then I would of as least felt somewhat at ease w/ out run stopping somewhat. And the draft besides Henry Anderson did not /does not show much help..and besides Anderson is not going o step right in and be our answer immediately no. And we have to have a good record to have home field advantage hopefully thru out the playoffs because we are not going to win in NE in the cold.  And watch out for the Ravens also.

    Sorry for misleading, but "Dorsett pick was a luxury" was a sarcasm. Actually, I really like this pick. Not because I am a "full throttle offense" fan. Just because the Colts prior the draft had too many holes on defense (2 ILB, DE, SS, CB) to fill with that 1st round pick. So it made a lot of sense to take our offense on higher level to compensate defense's weakness.

  4. Jones and Kerr were our DTs last year when our defense was gashed by New England, Dallas and Pittsburgh. Yet they will man the middle again for us this year. I'm concerned by that. I was hoping for more of an upgrade there than simply adding a 6th round prospect in Parra to the equation. Colts lost Redding and RJF. Anderson will replace one and Langford was brought in to replace the other. Probably a wash at best. At least Anderson can be moved around a bit but he needs to bulk up more for the NFL and likely isn't a better option at DT than who we already have. Also rookies usually take some time to adjust and make an impact as evidenced by Werner and his struggles. Langford is a support role type of player who is more effective on a strong defensive front. He is decent but not really anything to get too excited about.

    Our wide receivers were perhaps our strongest offensive unit as evidenced by Luck's passing yardage and the offense's overall prolific nature. Yes...they struggled in the AFC Championship game so I can understand wanting to add another weapon to stretch the field. However the draft was pretty deep at receiver and I feel that could have been accomplished with a lower round draft pick.

    When critics, media types or analysts assess the Colts and their prospects for winning a Super Bowl, you always hear about their inability to stop the run as the primary concern. Pagano himself has said they will either find a way to stop the run or someone else will. Tell me when you ever heard them express concern over our plethera of receiving options. Traditionally, we have been very strong at that position. When you couple in our two tight ends (Fleener & Allen) plus Doyle, Luck had no shortage of passing options.

    Last year the Colts had TY, veteran named Wayne, FA, who was on decline for two years, named Hicks, UDFA, who was kicked out of SEC program because of his character, named Rogers, and Moncrief. This group was not that impressive in february.

    This year the Colts have Moncrief, veteran named TY, FA, who is on decline for two years, named Johnson, UDFA, who was kicked our of SEC program because of his character, named Carter. Yeah, let's pray for them to be good in february no matter what. Dorsett pick is a luxury. Who cares that TY, Allen, Fleener, Castonzo are FA after 2015...

  5. I'll respond to you since I'm "that dude". First...Henry Anderson is a DE. Malcolm Brown is a DT. The more applicable comparison would be the Stanford DT Parra who we drafted in the sixth round. If you can't see the talent difference between Malcolm Brown and a 6th round DT then I don't know what to say to you. I'll leave it to you or anyone else who wants to do all the run defense stat comparisons between Brown and Parra. I don't have the time but would be interested if anyone cared to do it.

    Also there were other defensive positions that could have been taken in the first round at other positions not just Malcolm Brown. Colts had multiple needs along the defensive line and in the secondary.

    I agree that Henry is a nice selection in the 3rd Round. I'm not convinced right now that he is the answer to what ails our defensive line though. He needs to bulk up some. He was a very effective college player but I have to see how his game speed translates to the NFL. I'm hoping he becomes the player we are hoping for but I'm a little cautious.

    At the end of the day....it is what it is. I'm not here to rehash all of this. The Colts picked who they did and Griggson will be evaluated based on the choices he made for better or worse. I'll be cheering for Phillip Dorsett when he steps on the field to show out like everyone else. I'm just pointing out that for the original poster to just assume that everyone will be singing Griggs' praises if Dorsett becomes a stud is only looking at one side of the equation. If the defense still sucks some fans will still look at the pick as a lost opportunity to allocate better talent towards fixing what has become an recurring achilles heel for this franchise.

    The Colts have lost DE in Redding. The Colts have DT in Jones. The Colts have drafted DE in Anderson, who is better than Brown. Why compare Brown to Parry? Compare Brown to Jones. If you don't think WR is a need because of TY and Moncrief, why should I think DT is a need, when the Colts have Jones and Kerr as a DTs?
  6. 1. I know... you brought up the Patriots...

    2.  So we went and signed a vet to take care of this... plus sign young talent.  Yet we still needed to spend our first round pick as well?

    3. You seem to not understand what I mean.  Brown is a Tackle.  His play will not be predicated on how many times we put 4 receivers or how many times Luck throws the ball.  In fact he might be out there more if he is able to occupy multiple people on our interior line which didn't improve so he may be out there much more than what you are "conceiving".

    4.  Lol... I have no reply because we fundamentally disagree.  As I've said I not only have my own logic but past experience with the EXACT SAME teams as my variables... 

    5.  So the old excuse only works with Andre but not with an over 30 RB? lol ok.  I'd say from here on out lets agree to disagree because your logic can't even follow your own parameters.

    As you like, sir. ;)

  7. Ok. So lets look at your logic.


    You are saying our receiver group is a position of strength right?  And in comparison to the Patriots (the team you brought up) they lost all of their secondary.  So we are improving in an area that we have already improved over them just by staying the same...


    It's much easier to field a (supposed) "unstoppable offense".  How many times have we gone into the AFC champ game with the highest scoring offense in the league or one of the high est (sometimes even record breaking) and lose in a blowout 3 or 7 to 50?  Doesn't matter if it is Luck or Manning.  And throw the choker crap out if you want the fact is that our organization never learns.  Defense creates opportunity instead of demanding perfection out of your offense in which the Patriots have constantly showed that they will stop.


    So you are saying because they have a great LB corp that Brown will be ineffective?  Or are you saying that because we will have 4 receivers on the field Brown won't be on the field?  Either way both of those are pretty ridiculous...  Brown can penetrate and he can occupy so that those LBers you were going on about can blitz Luck before he ever throws the ball to any of those 4 receivers...


    So you are saying it isn't difficult for a team who ALREADY had O-Line trouble to focus or scheme to block one guy with a "great" LB corp (your words) behind him?  That sounds pretty backwards.  Again if that is the case why is it that those LBers had no trouble covering in our game before?  Also OK we go 3x1 as you say.  Who is going to help Luck stand up right may I ask?  Since most likely the D is in Nickel then and all of those (great) LBers are coming in hot?  Because if Luck throws a 2step short guess what?  We are playing into "the Patriots" strength and right in the zone of those LBers.  So again who has the upper hand here?  


    The problem you have is that I have plenty of past evidence in which the Patriots always have an answer for any Offense. And somehow you are trying to say that Dorsett will be the answer because having Marvin/Reggie/Stokely/Gonzo and the other countless talented receivers before hand (with a better QB mind you) Will all of a sudden change what has already happened? lol  You know when the Patriots had trouble with us? When we kept Brady in a nice little hole and hit him.  Which is again something that Malcom would have helped with. And you know who we had at receiver?  A bunch of nobodies except Reggie.

    1) There are other 30 teams, many of them improved their secondaries.

    2) Johnson is not young, Moncrief is not proven and SB is 18 games away. You better be sure, you have somebody to play at a high level in February.

    3) Yes, Brown will not see field that much when the Colts will play 75 snaps a game and Luck will throw 50 times. Or Hightower will be on a bench. Or Collins.

    4) Yes, it's not difficult for bad OLman NOT to BLOCK defender. Read him. Option him. Sure, you can try to block three stud DL with three mediocre OL one on one. Bad idea. Or you can block one stud DL with two mediocre OL, option second one stud DL with "stick-draw" concept and run away from third stud DL (cut block him).

    5) No, we do not play to their strength with 2step. Because next second after Hightower will drop in coverage on #3 WR, Luck will shove football to Gore. Put Hightower on Gore and S on #3 WR? It's basically Cover 0 on 3 WRs side. Not good.

  8. Apologies but this is an extremely ignorant counter argument.  A receiver has a more individual aspect to the game in which you can scheme and protect your DB's without weakening the integrity of your defense. A (presumed) play maker at the line requires you to focus numbers to a sole player meaning both the opponents passing game (blocking) and running game (again blocking) are dramatically weakened.  If you scheme to take out a D-Lineman you usually lose your pass protection because a well run defense will be blitzing every single hole your oline abandons to compensate for that one player.  By basic fundamental football your premise is completely flawed.


    In other words. A receiver being taken out of the game is a much easier feat than trying to take a D-Line out of the game because of the nature of their positions.  D-Lineman have the greatest impact on defense because they effect every position.  They can take receivers out by rushing the passer or obliterating his line, they can shed blocks and take the runner, and they can take out TE's by requiring them to stay and block.  The impact is so much more.

    Colts' receiver group is much better than Colts' front 7. So it was much easier to field unstoppable offense than unbreakable defense. Brown is potential stud. Mayo, Collins and Hightower ARE studs. They can cover Allen and Fleener. They can not cover Hilton, Johnson, Moncrief, Dorsett. So why play to Pats' strength? Lets play 4 WR sets! Heck, their NT will not see field at all!

    And no, it's not difficult to neutralize DE without "dramatically weakened blocking". It's all about "packaged plays", "stick-draw" concept for example: use 3x1 WR set, force defense to play LB on WR, double block stud DE, leave LB unblocked, pitch football to RB OR throw it to WR. Let unblocked LB pick his poison.

    So, it is easier to scheme out 1 stud DL out of weak group than scheme out 1 stud WR out of strong group.

  9. It won't matter if we have the Pats outmatched with our receivers. Dorsett won't see the field that much if the Pats are running out down our throat.

    Also anyone who thinks Dorsett is going to be difference make against the Pats is severely underestimating BB.

    It's not just about putting up points. You have to stop the opposing team from putting up points and controlling the clock.We dropped 34 on the Steelers and still lost. Part of that was Vontae being out, but Blount and Bell were also to blame.

    I thought it was Roethlisberger and his 522 yards to blame... Not Bell and Blount and their 113 yards.
  10. In that statement lies the problem. One guy does not build a defense, neither does one guy build an offense unless he is the QB.

    Playoff football lately has been more favorable to contact and less favorable to scoring in the 30s. We did not beat the Broncos 34-23. We beat them 24-13. The further you go into the playoffs, the trench play starts mattering more, especially if a dome team like us does not have home field advantage. Our playoff success will still boil down to opportunistic defense at the very least to minimize opponent scoring in the low 20s.

    Dorsett may very well be like Marvin Harrison but coaches like Carroll and Belichick will find a way to neutralize him and T.Y., our D will still need to limit our opponents to give us a fighting chance in the playoffs.

    Carroll and Belichick will find a way to neutralize T.Y., Johnson, Fleener, Allen, Moncrief, Dorsett, but will not find a way to neutralize ONE stud (presumably) 1st round DL?
  11. So  did you watch all of the Colts games last season? There was only one team that ran on us and that was the Patriots. Part of that was our inability to move the ball on the offense due to having no receivers. Liking the pick has nothing to do with the non stop whine that some have. Calling for Grigsons firing is asinine. Every day there are some who come in this forum to do nothing but degrade and talk bad about the Colts  If you fall into that category then yes, I was talking about you.

    We can stop the run by drafting best run-stoping NT, DE, DT, ILB, OLB, SS...

    Or by putting a lot of points on board. With Andrew under center second way is better.

    You can not win by stoping. you can win by scoring.

  12. Pats game is a perfect example. People may not realize but the defense was so tired out from the offense going 3 and out. They shutdown ty and the game was all but over. If the offense was able to get it going, the defense wouldnt have had to waste all their energy in the first half. I like this pick now that I look at it.

    Agreed. Let's not forget: Hilton, Allen and Fleener are FA's next spring. Do we want Andrew to play with Carter, Swoope and some rookie next season?
  13. OL: cut Cherilus, Thomas. Re-sign Reitz. Sign Iupati. Draft 1st round RT.

    QB: re-sign Hasselbeck.

    WR: do not re-sign Wayne, Hicks. Sign someone like Brandon Tate. Draft 2nd round WR.

    RB: cut Richardson, Ballard. Re-sign Bradshaw. Draft 3rd round RB.

    DL: re-sign Redding.

    ILB: do not re-sign Freeman. Sign Brandon Spikes. Draft 4th round ILB.

    OLB: re-sign Studebaker. Draft 6th round OLB.

    CB: re-sign Butler, Gordy. Draft 5th round CB.

    S: cut Landry. Re-sign Adams, Brown, Howell, Anderson. Draft 6th round S.

    K: draft 7th round K.

    Tender Shipley.

    Clean the cap for 2016: Luck, Hilton, Allen, Fleener, Castonzo.

  14. My personal opinion is that he was whiff no some of his moves. My opinion is 50/50 on him right now. He has done a terrible job with our Oline and LB'ers.

    Freeman is an exellent LB, who was downgraded to garbage by Manusky. No joke. From other thread.
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