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Posts posted by CopenhagenColt

  1. http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/eye-on-football/24204029/former-incognito-teammate-he-was-immature-unrealistic-scumbag


    How anyone, assigned to any form of leadership role, would be fine with anything remotely similar to something like this, is completely beyond me. Hitting a guy in the face with a sock filled with coins? That'll surely make him "tougher" and make him better at his job.. What a bizarre point of view.

    If anyone in a leadership position would be fine with that, he's not fit to be in that position.

  2. I believe they will be given every chance to succeed. Grigson wont draft for any of their positions until after they've proven unsuccessful.

    I'm not sure that we won't draft a Guard next year.. Could very well be a top prospect available in the second round, and given the problems we have on the O-line, I could see Grigson pulling the trigger on one of them.

  3. I voted NO       I don't like the cut & run type , Be a man stand up for your self ,

    In principle, yes. But sometimes that's just not a realistic option. Some have suggested that he should have punched Incognito in the mouth - And what would have happened if he did just that? What if Incognito had won that fight? What would the outcome have been if he had injured Incognito? How would the coaches/GM have reacted to two linemen physically fighting each other?


    It's just to trivial to say "Stand up for yourself", when it's obviously much more complex.

    Martin is probably a quiet type of guy, possibly introvert, where Incognito is your typical alpha male bully who thinks that you "toughen up" be being shoved around and having insults hurled at you at any moment. That's an odd way to build teamspirit and teamwork. You would think that making the rookie know that you have his back, as long as he works his butt off, would be more beneficial to the team as well as the individuals.


    All the nonsense about a locker room being something completely different than the outside world is just that - nonsense.

    Intimidating, degrading, threatening, insulting, bullying and/or yelling at people never made anyone better at anything or more motivated. Not in sports or any other area of life.

  4. If there's one area of the team that really needs improvement, it's the O-line. I'm sure Grigson knows this and will adress it in FA/Draft. Thornton wasn't very impressive against the Texans, to say the least. Sure, we'll get Donald Thomas back, but we all know his history with injuries, so can we rely on him for a full season? Given how Satele has been performing, and that Holmes hasn't seen any action yet, I wouldn't bet my money on him being the solution at Center any time soon.


    I could see us draft a Guard in the second or third round, Yankey, Richardson, Su'a-Filo or Jackson could all be interesting Grigson.

    With regards to Center, I think we would all like to see Mack signed, but lets see if he's available when the FA season begins.

    WR - It all depends on Reggie. How will his knee heal, and he's not getting younger even if he's still the most reliable WR we have.

  5. @ DW49


    I didn't say it would be easy, or that any team would be interested in making such a trade. But perhaps some team would be interested in getting our second round pick in 14, plus a couple of late round picks each in 14 & 15.

    Question is if there's anyone in the draft Grigson would want to make such a trade for, or if he's happy with the options that should be available when we pick in the second round. It's all pure speculation at this point as we can only guess what will happen in FA, who will be resigned and who wont be resigned, and we don't even know who will have what pick at the draft.

  6. How are we going to know anything on Holmes when they wont give him a chance to play and prove himself.

    Well, the guys who decide who plays in the games see Homes every day. What you and I think, and anyone else on the forum, doesn't matter. Could it be that the coaching staff doesn't think Homes would be the best option available?


    And why is everyone in here so convinced that we'll be fine with Thornton suddenly? From what I saw sunday night.... It wasn't a very impressive performance he put up. If he can step it up, fine by me, but to think that we've found a a key player for the O-line of the future, based on what we have actually seen him play.. That's stretching it.

  7. Well, giving up late round picks in 2014/15 doesn't really bother me, if there's a real stud player available.

    Looking at our drafts from 2010 - 2013, it's not like we've getting a lot of quality from our late round picks, except in 2012 where we got Ballard and Brazil in the 6th who have done okay for us.

    The rest... Gone, even if there's a couple left on the practice squad and on the Reserve/Injured.


    Going over these past years drafts.. Some of them are not very impressive, to say the least. 2012 was a slam dunk, but the rest of them.. awful

  8. The future looks good. With some few tweeks it'll be great.

    Luck, Fleener, Allen, T-Rich, T.Y. are all only second year players with elite talent and they will keep improving in the coming years.

    Building the O-line and finding the right players to replace Reggie and Mathis will be the most important tasks for Grigson. Replacing those two is not an easy task though.

  9. I don't think he can play guard....

    And I'm not sure he can start in the NFL....    at least not under the current coaching staff at Miami....


    So....   if he was released, I think he'd be a competent back-up for the Colts.    But I don't see him beating out either of our two starting tackles.

    Well, he started 16 games for Miami last year, and 7 this year according to NFL.com, so he can start in the NFL.

    He's done in Miami, that's for sure

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