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Posts posted by PeterBowman

  1. 3 minutes ago, BullsColtsFan1 said:

    I honestly don't think the line can be much worse.  I honestly thought the Colts had a chance in this game before the AP news broke.  I think he'll run all over us and Bradford will make just enough plays.  I think the Vikings win 23-17.  Whats up with Art Jones?  He's played in like 4 or 5 straight games now he's hurt again, as usual. 

    I know people rag on the Colts OL but from what I understand Minny's is far worse.

  2. 10 minutes ago, braveheartcolt said:

    How funny when we let our own biased views get in the way of real statistics. Nobody cares about our o-line having the least amount of penalties? Really? I remember many whinges on here when we are 'indisciplined'. Some people just want to cherry pick to suit their own negative vibe. Well done o-line, although plenty to work on for sure. 

    yep, pretty much nailed it. Injuries and youth are the primary culprits of the O line but you can't deny there's been big strides made from the beginning of the season to now....most of the damage done sack and pressure wise was done in the first half...now they're not perfect by any means but denying that there's been no improvement is wrong.

  3. it may sound crazy but this O Line is trending in the right direction. Remember in years past when short yardage runs were routinely blown up in the backfield? That's really not the case anymore. Also I think the running game would be more successful if they stuck with it more instead of abandoning it at the first sign of adversity.


    The pass blocking metrics I think could be better if they weren't such a downfield oriented offense. Mixing in those NE style quick hitters every so often to keep the defense honest would be nice.

  4. 18 minutes ago, will426 said:

    Big Ben got an Oc that forced these short passes into his mind until he got used to it then he added back the deeper routes what's his name again

    todd Haley? Could've sworn he taught Alex smith the same way on the Chiefs and all he does is dink and dunk as well

    and who was Big Ben's initial  OC?


    that's right, Bruce Arians.

  5. Luck's more Big Ben than Manning/Brady....but correct me if I'm wrong, Ben took a lot of punishment too because of the way he played. And it's just more recently that he's been doing a lot of the short game too.


    But yeah Luck's style of play is both a blessing and a curse. A blessing in that he's made A LOT of plays but a curse in that he's also taken a beating constantly looking for those plays. Just needs more work with everyone, Luck, OC, etc in finding that mix of quick hitters and picking your spot to go for the big plays.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Nadine said:


    I just can see that if we've got all these years getting them better at their jobs that maybe we have too much invested to start over.  


    Then again, there's Robert Mathis saying that everything is fine and the team is just not 'mentally strong' and I have no idea what he means by that. They are not giving to the extent of their abilities? They are slackers?

    to the bolded, I don't think they're slacking, they're just making too many mental mistakes in pressure situations....that could also go back to the youth of the team.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Nadine said:

    I have a question that one of you gurus should be able to answer easily.  To what extent do new coaching and new GM's have a few unproductive years before they start rocking and rolling.  You know, like rookie players? I'm just wondering if we cut ties now if they both go on to be awesome elsewhere.

    and this is the catch 22.....just like players, Pags and Grigson were brand new to their positions and needed time to grow with the position same as rookies to theirs. And to be honest, yes they're struggling this season, but there's a lot of youth and they've been in every game save for 2 that went to down to the last couple minutes. Also the worst record they've had is 8-8 (depending on how this year turns out). We'll just have to see how the rest of this year plays out. I think they'll be given next year as the do or die year to get back to where they were the first couple years of the new regime.

  8. 1 minute ago, Superman said:

    Not necessarily a relief. Better short term prognosis, but a chondral defect could be a long term issue and affect his career. Don't be surprised when he's dealing with "loose bodies" and having a "minor scope" in a couple years. Hopefully he avoids the dreaded microfracture...

    well yeah there's that, because the microfracture is a killer

  9. 6 minutes ago, Superman said:


    Disclaimer: I'm fine with moving on from Grigson, but I don't evaluate the GM the same way I do the coach.


    I'm not as done with him as you and others are because his strategy from 2013 to 2015 was different than it should have been, and different than what it is now. They fooled themselves into thinking they could patch together a SB team, and misappropriated resources with that goal in mind. Blame him for that, and in doing so, he still left a lot of meat on the bone; could have made better short term decisions than Cherilus, Toler, RJF, etc. He also missed some fundamental draft picks, particularly in 2013. So it's absolutely right and fair to be critical of his ability to identify and acquire talent, and if that leads you to believe that he's not a good GM, that's fine.


    His drafting hasn't been good, but I think you're selling short some of his good picks. Allen isn't playing well and has had injuries, but he was a good draft pick. Mewhort is a good pick, Geathers and Anderson are good picks, (I think Thornton was a good pick, but between injuries and bad coaching he never developed), etc. Even Fleener was a good pick, although Cordy Glenn or Derek Wolfe would have been the best picks, IMO. 


    As of right now, I believe that Grigson has a directive to be far more disciplined and patient with their roster building, starting with this past offseason. I think Grigson had a good draft (still early, but promising returns, especially at OL), and his reserved FA approach was dictated by Luck's unresolved contract. I think the 2017 offseason will be busy because the team has some obvious subtractions to make (IMO) and will have a good amount of cap space. In general, though, they'll be all about good drafting.


    It's unclear whether Grigson is the right guy to build through the draft. There's plenty of evidence to suggest that he's not. Giving him the benefit of the doubt, I'm saying I think he lacked discipline and focus previously, and if he's refocused on scouting and the draft, then he can be better. I also think evaluating a GM is much different and requires more time than evaluating a coach. Pagano has coached 71 games for the Colts, including the playoffs; that's a lot to evaluate. Grigson has five offseasons, and the team's needs and goals change from year to year. Not excusing Grigson's mistakes, just saying that a couple poor offseasons is less evidence than 25 poorly coached games.


    With the new directive in 2016, I think Grigson has a good offseason. I'm fine with giving him more time; doesn't mean I'm incredibly confident that he'll do a great job, but it's conceivable that his best is yet to come. With Pagano, I'm pretty confident that we've seen his best, and it's not good enough.

    yep, they were so much better than they originally thought they went from rebuild mode to immediate win now mode. Unfortunately that backfired on them and set them back a couple years. So now they're slowing down the process and doing what they probably should have done in the first place. Maybe Irsay saw a potential quick Super Bowl and made Grigson be more aggressive than he normally would have been....I'm not there so who knows how that went down, but it's food for thought.

  10. Just now, NewColtsFan said:


    Just because Cook is being mocked to the Colts,  that doesn't mean it's going to happen.    These mocks are based on guesses.     They're not being mocked because these guys have sources telling them we want to draft Cook.         People doing the mocks see we need a running back, and they know this is a great class of backs, so they project Cook to us.      But if it indeed happens,  it's not because anyone had an inside source.     It's just a good educated guess.


    Seriously......     don't read too much into the mocks.....    


    oh I don't read into mocks, though it's fun to bring into discussions.......but I find it funny that with all the help the D needs that people are mocking him to the Colts.....


    I know the season's not done but I love talking about the draft.

  11. Just now, Mr Clueless said:

    It is painful to have to admit that the Offensive has been a disappointment in most games this year. I was expecting Chud's offense to fly but the make-shift defense to struggle in an understandable way.


    I'm extremely disappointed that Chud hasn't been able to make more of this offense. I thought he would bring smarts and creativity and make it way less predictable. Maybe my expectations was too high after getting rid of Pep, but now I'm delusional. 



    same here.....it's really a feast or famine offense, there's not as much in the way of consistency. When it works, it's a thing of beauty, but there's too many lulls.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Superman said:


    There's nothing to scrap. There's a young core, and nothing else is worth mentioning.


    You're not getting rid of any of the 5th or 6th year guys, nor do you need to (it's arguable whether Allen and AC should be kept, but I wouldn't even entertain moving on from either right now). Luck, Hilton, Mewhort, Kelly, Moncrief, Geathers, Green (played a good game Sunday, IMO), Anderson, Ridgeway, are the basis of the core right now. Need more, especially on defense, and there are some borderline guys like Parry, Haeg, Clark, E. Jackson, etc., that I'm not including, but they aren't going anywhere right now, either.


    The older guys -- Mathis, Walden, Jones, Adams, Gore, etc. -- will be like chaff in the wind.


    The Colts don't have cap issues, especially if they move on from some of the moderately paid vets like Jones and Gore. They don't have a bunch of free agents to re-sign. 


    The answer is simple: draft better, and coach better. Not necessarily easy, but simple. If Grigson does get the hook, one thing he hasn't done is load the roster down with high priced contracts.

    I think this last draft saved Grigson. I'm starting to think that Irsay probably knew deep down that this wasn't a contending team this year with all the youth on it. That's probably also the main reason for the massive inconsistency from game to game. Now if they underperform again next year, I can see them both getting let go. But, imo, there is some good youth on this team, especially Anderson, Kelly, Geathers, Ridgeway, Mewhort, Moncrief and even Green is showing flashes. They just need experience.

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