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Posts posted by PeterBowman

  1. I will say that yes there were too many sacks, but there were quite a few positives on the o line this last game. There were A LOT of plays where Luck had all day to throw, similar to the Detroit game, it was mostly one person who did most if not all the damage against the O line(Hyder for Detroit and Willie Young for the Bears). It's not like there were constant jail breaks on every other snap. When you have 2 rookies and a first year guard all playing next to each other, these things will happen from time to time. I think we should give this unit a little time to develop that continuity. Now if a few weeks from now, the same lineup is still  having the same issues over and over then something should be done. But also Luck getting the ball out quicker, not always focusing on the big play. Being better at executing screens would be nice too. Hopefully this young line will grow and improve and there is a bit to be optimistic about too. We'll just have to see.


  2. yes there's been too many sacks so far this year, but there's things to be encouraged about too. I think we could be seeing Haeg at RT going forward. He's making rookie mistakes and so is Good(yes he's a 2nd year player) but he's a rookie at guard. This just needs time going forward and I feel if Haeg and Good can stay healthy they could anchor that right side. There will be and has been growing pains with them. And also forgetting that Kelly is a rookie at center too.


    There have been times that Luck has had Brady time back there, and it seems that as the year has gone on, that has been increasing each game(save for Jax for some reason). Plus the running game as been the most efficient it's been in a while (just few attempts). Remember the last few years where it was comical when the Colts tried to run it on 3rd and very short. Now they seem to convert it on a regular basis(not every time, but most of the time).


    Are there issues? Absolutely, but I think there just needs to be patience on this. '


    Now if the same things are happening by the end of the season, then I'll change my tune some on this. Until then, I'm going to preach patience.

  3. 21 minutes ago, jbaron04 said:

    I know like it seems every team in the NFL finds ways to complete 2 yards slants and gain 7 yards etc...  But we never use quick drops and let the wrs make plays. if you take 5 steps drop and hold the ball for another 3-4 secs its gonna lead to alot of sacks and hits 

    and this is where this question lies.....is it Chud's playcalling or is it Luck changing the plays to the longer routes? Especially since Luck seems to be having a bigger control of the offense.

  4. Yes Grigson has improved tremendously the last couple years and that will pay dividends in the future. Too bad that 2013 draft was a big mud dump....but then again it was that way for most teams it seems too.


    Also he's improved on the free agent signings.....now say what you will about who he's brought in over his tenure, but you can't deny that those deals were very team friendly and allowed the team to get out of them if they didn't work. Plus they're in VERY good cap shape for the future. At least they're not a dumpster fire like the Saints D AND in cap hell on top of it.

  5. TY was virtually unguardable against SD. Why go away from the hot hand.


    Besides Dorsett is still an asset and has to be accounted for. Also in an offense that has so many potential playmakers there's only one ball to go around.

  6. 23 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    In other news, I thought our Defense was bad? Are you guys watching the Saints/Falcons. Man Matty Ice is destroying them, 28 points already!

    Yeah their d is embarrassing......no even slowing them down any.

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