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Posts posted by ColtStrong2013

  1. 1 minute ago, JCPatriot said:


    The way this offense has been playing, I don't think you can be picky about how they score.  They need the TD however they can get it.  They shouldn't be trying to force things to go any faster than they need to, but if they can score a TD on the next play then they should take it.


    You dont take your time. You keep your foot on the gas and try and keep their defense from rotating players. Score quick. If you can't, you have three timeouts to try and get the ball back. We aren't good enough to take our time and risk not scoring. Take the touchdown and let your defense win. 

    • Thanks 2
  2. 15 minutes ago, Myles said:

    I applaud the Jags.   They were run poorly for many years.   Then in 2016 they started drafting well and spent some money on FA's.  I think Marrone was a good hire as HC.  His O-line days have shown through.   He's got allot of experience and has been pretty successful wherever he has been.  Bringing Coughlin in was a good move too.   They are a formidable team.  

    They will have some cap issues, but in the NFL, it can be worked through.   They have a few guy making big money that can be worked out.   They needed to change their identity and I think they are on the right road. 


    I don't think we'll see a team in London.  


    Big spending. Their biggest problem is they will most likely move (have to move) on from Dareus, Campbell, and malik Jackson by 2020... They are relying on drafting their replacements, and isn't going to happen to their liking. That is their identity. That is their bread and butter on defense. And they will have to let them walk because they overspend in FA every year. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, Myles said:

    In his defense, it is still early.   I don't expect the Colts defense to be a top 10 "D" all season.   Too young.   I could be and hope I am wrong though.  


    I dont either. They are very young... but they are far from talentless. And Crunked repeatedly said they were leading up to the season. 

  4. 2 hours ago, Crunked said:

    Sure, as I said I thought Leonard looked good in the preseason, and "time will tell" so my review after a whopping 2 games is Leonard is still good and time will still tell....

    ... and the defense is still void of talent, right? 


    And Hankins and Simon were bad decisions... as they sit at home and watch.

  5. https://overthecap.com/salary-cap/jacksonville-jaguars/


    Doesn't look like a cap situation I would want to be in... I'll take $100 million, Andrew Luck, and a bunch of young talent to build with... 


    Until Blake Bortles proves me wrong in the postseason, all that money is going down the drain, in my opinion. 


    26 players under contract in 2020 accounting for $180 million. $19 million capspace... Jalen Ramsey is not one of those guys. Please tell me how this is good management? Even if they are front loaded deals, they are strapped until those guys are cut...   To put this into perspective, the Colts have 25 under contract in 2020... with $121 million in capspace.

  6. 4 hours ago, NannyMcafee said:

    Ballard’s plan takes hitting on the majority of his draft picks. But also I am super intrigued and excited with the way Reich is running this offense. He has so far from what I can see, maximized the talent we have on the roster. And after 2 games the Colts defense is the highest rated tackling team according to PFF. Which is huge. How many times have we seen players take wrong angles or just flat out can’t tackle the guy? Seeing that has me pretty excited as well. So far, all the complaints I had with pagano aren’t relevant anymore. They’re doing up tempo short passes move the chains. And the defense can tackle. 


    Ballard understands he can’t do it alone. And so far I’m loving Reich and I’m excited to watch the Colts again on Sunday’s. We will see how it goes. 


    We watched peyton manning, one of the most disciplined players ever. And the team is playing disciplined football once again. Let’s hope it keeps on going.  

    I dont think it does take hitting on the majority.... He had 10 this year. If you hit on half, and it's looking promising, of those picks, you can stack 3 or 4 on top of another and have a dang good roster. Much better than we are accustomed to. Guys that fit your mold/scheme. We are seeing the dividends of propert scheme fit, and prototype mold. Speed. High motor and intelligent players. 

  7. 44 minutes ago, OLD FAN MAN said:

    i agree building only through the draft can take a long time there are faster methods the pats and jax are two examples of teams who get above average talent any way they can, pats contend every season and jax under the present regime will rule our division for years while we wait to build through the draft and low pay free agents


    Who have the Patriots paid big in FA recently? How are the Jags going to sustain the high payroll? Years to come? Lol.


    I can't tell if you are being serious or not... seriously. 

    • Like 1
  8. On 9/2/2018 at 10:15 AM, Crunked said:

    I don't know that I can give Ballard genius status yet. Although he exudes a confidence that "there is a plan" and "everything will be alright" ....which is a good thing, as we appeared rudderless in years past. Some of his moves I look at with the head tilt of the family pet. Hankins release, Anderson trade, Simon cut, not going after FA O line aggressively enough....a couple of his draft picks.........look its too early to pass judgment on all those things, I am just looking at some of those moves and thinking, I am not sure that was a good idea, and it puts him on one side of the fence or the other (and time will tell which side) for now, as a fan, I am giving him some slack to win or lose my support......but in a situation where we are void of talent defensively, I would hang on to the players I have that can contribute until I can acquire there scheme fit replacements....Maybe we have, I haven't seen evidence of it yet, again time will tell.

    On 9/2/2018 at 5:54 PM, ColtStrong2013 said:

    I read it. And I'm still amazed. 


    I'm still questioning why Hankins isn't on a roster. Apparently you are still stuck on why it's not ours. Good for you. 


    Obviously. This is an opinion forum. My opinion is you are hung up on a few moves that you shouldn't be.


    You also mentioned that this roster is void of talent defensively... Really? There's a lot of talent on that side of the ball. It's inexperience. I would venture to say this is one of the most talented defenses we have had in a while. They are going to make plays this season. They will also make big mistakes. 


    Can we revisit this discussion now that we are heading into week 3?... Are you still sour on Hankins and Anderson not being on this defensive line/scheme? Are you still sour that Simon was released in favor of Hunt? Just curious... Do you still think this defense is void of talent? ---Darius Leonard and Kenny Moore would like to know your thoughts.

    I thought this was humorous then. I especially do now. 

  9. 33 minutes ago, Hoose said:

    Wow, the negative nancies around here get old. The Colts just beat a team they weren't supposed to beat. Luck is only in his second game back after all those lost months. New coaches; new scheme; youngest squad in the league (if you discount Vinny); and still, the whining is incessant. This is a year that will frustrate and exhilarate. Get used to it and enjoy the ride. Its going to be bumpy, but fun. 

    Nothing frustrating if you put it in perspective... Just fun. 


    Sit back and watch the young team grow... they are already exceeding our expectations.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, jvan1973 said:

    Pretty sure that's a first down every 2 attempts.   The mentality of this offense is to put the ball in the hands of the playmakers and take a few deep shots.   Mission accomplished so far

    Chip away baby. Chip away.


    Wanna know the secret to long drives? 3rd down conversions.  Wanna know the secret to 3rd down conversions? 3rd and short situations. Plain and simple.


    I would also stress that our tackle situation is less than idea... which takes away opportunities to be agressive and put pressure on the back end of defenses... but that pressure is always there with Luck, TY, and now Ebron in the mix. 

    • Like 2
  11. 2 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:



    The official depth chart is empty...


    But when Smith threw deep Hooker was there like a free safety.   When Washington ran the ball Geathers came up to make a play like a string safety does.     What makes you think they’ve switched?    I don’t think they have....


    Hell half the time they were in a dime with Fairley at safety and Geathers down in the box... as they should.


    Correction: 29 of the 74 defensive plays Farley was at safety. Geathers and Hooker played 100% of the snaps.


    What is interesting is this. Leonard obviously played all 74... but the other linebackers, Walker, goode, moore and franklin, only accounted for 49 of those plays. 

  12. 51 minutes ago, CamMo said:

    It takes one W and our fanbase gets all the way gassed up haha  


    Hoping for a good game. I haven’t really watched Wentz play. 


    It wasn't necessarily the W, but more of how we came into the W. No one gave this young defense a shot this year, and they looked dang good yesterday. If they can build on that confidence, and keep fixing their mistakes... they are going to be a better defense than us Indy fans are accustomed to watching week in and out. 

  13. On 9/11/2018 at 3:46 PM, mahagga73 said:

    Yeah, I'm not seeing the optimists right now.  Seems like they dont have access to a schedule.  



    Check again. There were plenty of optimists on this forum after last Sunday... If anything, there were more of them after watching how our offense moved the football for a change and how fast the defense played. Yesterday was on a whole nother level. We have the team, the coaching staff, and most importantly, the confidence now to win 9-11 games this season. 

  14. 4 hours ago, Superman said:



    Only took two games for me to be proved wrong. They ran it perfectly. Hopefully Luck is no worse for wear, but I think he's fine. Good call. 


    It was smart timing. Defense was slow to get set, offense was ready. I don't look for it to be an every game situation, but i think we'll see it plenty this season to keep the sticks moving. 


    We need Turbin back down at the goalline though...

    • Like 1
  15. Well coached. Great gameplanning. Great adjustments. If week 1 to week 2 on defense is any indication, they are getting coached up something special. I can't wait to watch these guys continue to be held accountable in film and practice, and watching that translate to the game field each week. THAT is how a team gets better. And that is exactly what is happening with this coaching staff each week


    • Like 1
  16. But our defense is going to suck this year... andrew is going to have to put up 30 a game...



    Sit back and watch the growth of this young defense. Enjoy the Hell out of it. This is going to be a FUN year, win or lose. We will get better and it's going to be a lot of fun to watch. They are exceeding my expectations to start, without a doubt. 

    • Like 1
  17. 3 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


    Yup....   especially now with a more diversified offense...   there’s no need to force the ball this way.... 


    Use all your weapons...



    I really thought a good screen to get TY or Hines in open space was smart there. Punt the football instead of forcing something on 3rd and long. Defense is playing way too strong to gift wrap 3 points there.

  18. Just now, NewColtsFan said:

    Once again....    forcing the ball to Hilton...


    For an incredibly smart guy,  sometimes Andrew acts like he has a learning disability.....   (sigh...)


    Staring him down the entire time...


    Bad habit that has to be corrected. I hope Frank rips him apart in film. He is too smart to continue to play this way.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  19. 5 minutes ago, DougDew said:

    I read about the game.  But 53 pass attempts is alot. 


    The quality of NEs oline is less relevant because they get rid of the ball quickly, and when they don't, rushers don't charge with ears pinned back due to the constant habit of being aware for the need to peel off and catch a receiver in the flat or near the LOS.  Scheme slows down the rush...not a high quality oline....which looks better than what it is when they actually do sit in the pocket and throw it long.  Like a trained dog, the D line has already been trained to not rush as hard right off the snap


    When all that oline talent is working in Dallas, Elliott runs well and Dak doesn't attempt 53.


    If we're going to have a scheme where we throw 53 times, despite being ahead by 13 points in the 3rd or 4th quarters, I don't see the need to have Dallas' oline.


    So if we're not going to have an O scheme like Dallas', why does it matter that one of our Gs owned one of their DTs?


    That Dallas o-line gave up 6 sacks. Less than a hundred rushing yards, and lost. 


    Like New England, we threw the ball quickly and efficiently on Sunday. We also had great protection in the interior, which is necessary for getting rid of the ball quickly and efficiently, especially when going up against premier interior defensive lineman. We threw the ball 53 times because of the defensive line we were facing, and we had success early. It's not the scheme going forward. It was the circumstance of the opponent. Frank wants balance, just like they had in Philly, and it starts with a good line... one that Quenton Nelson will be leading for years to come. 

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