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Posts posted by tonychen

  1. LOL at losing Wayne being the reason we finish 9-7


    Wayne is the 3rd targeted WR in the entire league, only behind Calvin Johnson and AJ Green. He serves as Luck's security blanket and none of the other WRs on the roster is a possession receiver that can function like Wayne. Fleener could play this role but he has lots of drops that kill drives. Lets see how creative they are to design a game plan accordingly. But the division is so week that Colts can still win it easily.

  2. I think the AFC playoff picture is pretty clear after wk7:


    AFC west:

    Chiefs has an extremely easy schedule except for the two game with Denver and one with Colts. I think they split with Denver and win Colts at home especially after Wayne is out for season. They may lose one to Chargers but still can finish 14-2 as the #1 seed.

    Broncos could lose one to Chiefs and may lose one to Pats and finish 13-3. Even if they win the Pats one and finish 14-2 they lose the tie break and get a wildcard spot.

    Chargers might get a chance to fight for the 2nd wildcard.


    AFC east: Pats against three inconsistent and mediocre teams. Pats take the division with a 11-5 or 10-6 record. Jets might get 9-7 and fight for a wildcard spot but it will be hard.


    AFC north: Bengals win with 11-5 or 10-6 and wins a tie break against Pats. Steelers and Ravens fight with Jets for wildcard.


    AFC south: Colts win the week division with 9-7 record. Wayne is gone so Colts may split with Houston and Titans, lose to Chiefs and Bengals, lose one on the road against NFC west, and still win the division.


    Wildcard round will be Ravens/Steelers/Jets/Chargers at Pats, and Broncos at Colts.

  3. With the death of his son I though he was coming out and playing with fire, instead I saw he was indifferent and had no interest in the game anymore, I sympathize him as he spent such a spectacular career with a franchise keeping making bonehead decisions.

  4. Looking forward to KC v Denver. That front 4 against Denver's oline is going to get messy really fast! That front 4 scares me, but their offense is quite average


    It will take more than just a good defense to beat Manning, just like Colts it will take Luck plus the D to beat him. I see the game at KC by Denver to be a close one, and Denver will need to play much better than last night to win that one, but they will. Even last season at KC it took Manning a lot to win a low-scoring game. The one at Denver I see no problem.

  5. Denver had a bunch of TOs that lead to 12 points including two by Manning and a fumble that easily could have been a TD instead of a safety. To lay the whole game on the Denver D is not accurate or true. All three phases for Denver - O, D and special teams contributed to the loss against a rock solid Colts team.


    This sounds like the many pivotal Manning playoff losses against Ravens (blown safety coverage), Steelers(shanked field goal), Chargers(failed short yardage conversion and Harrison's fumble), and Pats (too many in the early age) ...


    The new Colts look much similar to those superbowl-winning physical teams in Ravens, Steelers, and Pats now.

  6. True, but that game gives me much more hope for the future of the Colts, than cause to worry about Denver. That game shows that the Colts are a team to be reckoned with. The only thing that gives me cause for concern is Reggie's health. Let's give credit where credit is due, thE Colts beat the Broncos, the Broncos didn't just suddenly implode on their own.


    With Wayne injured it really calls the end to Manning's era and the influence on Colts. Now it is all Luck and his generation. It will show if he is a very good or great QB by whether he can make the young receivers around him better. If they can somehow keep winning with other receivers despite all the injuries they will really be the future of NFL.

  7. The Colts exposed everything on Denver that we had been seeing all season - sloppy play, penalities, turnovers in the run game and a team unable to play physical football which seems to the norm for Manning-led teams for some reason. They should be asking themselves a lot of questions as the division is not a guarantee right now much less a Super Bowl...


    I agree completely and I think it is not necessarily a bad thing for Manning's team to not take for granted a winning streak and 14-2 record. The only time a Manning-led team won the superbowl Manning did not play like he generally did and they had a 10-6 record, and the rest of the team stepped up.

  8. Pats used to succeed against Manning by attacking his receivers physically in the earlier years, but this drew attention especially when Colts manager Bill Polian brought it up at the competition committee meetings, which resulted changes of pass-interference rules. Another thing is Denver's wideouts are way bigger and more physical than the likes of Harrison and Wayne. It will be hard to attack them anyway.

  9. yes I agree with you . . . with Josh McD. having been there in the past and with the presence of Welker on the team there are connections to the Pats offense . . . if some of the elements work in a given situation, then Manning would be smart to implement the same into his offense, . . . so yes I do see some of our offense seeping into the Denver attack . . .


    Manning must really be amazed by the offense Pats ran when he visited and lost. He emphasized up-tempo much more since than, and I noticed he has so far shortened his audible and simplified his signals to run more plays. In the old Colts no-huddle they actually take as much time off the clock as they can to test the defense's intention and adjust things like how deep the receivers go.

  10. Thanks for looking that up. Appreciate it. Who are the top 3?


    BTW - I do think the way they are using Welker is similar but then again what else are you going to do with him. lol. He is a slot guy but they are getting him more open in the red zone. He never had this many TDs with the Pats. He averaged 5-6 a season.


    3rd is Atlanta, 2nd is Rams, and you can always figure out who the 1st is -


    Yes, Lions with Reggie Bush.

  11. The point I started the thread is people are asking if anybody can stop Denver's passing game. This kind of offense are pretty scary when it all work, but some adversities could slow it down by Injuries to key receivers, like when Pats lost Gronk and Hernandez last season they were slowed down. The substituted players may be OK in receiving but it will take time for them to learn the proper blocking scheme and the signals.

  12. He is still running the Indy offense. Not really comparable to the Pats except for the hurry up. He is throwing shorter but his guys lead the league in YAC. Pretty lethal combo.


    For total yards, 2012 Pats YAC is 2,352, which is the 1st, and Denver is 1,998 at 9th. 


    This year Denver's 581 yds is the 4th. Pats 377 yds is at 15th.

  13. He is still running the Indy offense. Not really comparable to the Pats except for the hurry up. He is throwing shorter but his guys lead the league in YAC. Pretty lethal combo.


    according to stats in 2012 Pats is 5th in YAC percentage at 49%. Denver is 39.5% and 21st.



    New England Patriots





    Denver Broncos




  14. It seemed to me that Seymour left the Pats the same way Welker did.  Welcome mat not being offered.  Surprised me when Bellycheck let them go.  After watching how the Pats dismantled the sparrows last night, maybe he knows who he needs and doesn't need.  The loss of Wilfork looks huge, but it did not seem to make a difference last night.


    Not last night since the sparrows don't have a legit running game. It will show when the opponents can run a little bit.

  15. I do not know if anybody has noticed, but I have seen lots of elements in Manning's passing game that are very similar to what Patriots did in the past couple of seasons.


    Of course they are playing up-tempo, which both Manning and Brady borrowed a little bit from Chip Kelley's scheme but improved on it. For all these short passes and screen passes which are turned into long gains with proper blocking, and how Welker were used at the goal line, I see a lot of similarity with Patriots approach. And Manning's signature crossing routes and "dig" routes are seen much less than they did last yr.


    You guys thoughts?

  16. I think you are taking the 'doing more with less' track.  Well, in retrospect, Deion Branch and Troy Brown weren't as bad a folks made them out to be, and Peyton Manning also made many no name receivers look quite decent on Sports Centervideo clips (Blair White, Gijon Robinson, Aaron Moorehead, Tom Santi, Brody Eldredge, Brandon James, etc.   Tom's young receivers won't be horrible by the end of the year either. The way I see it, Peyton is doing a LO more with more. 


    At Indy Manning had always been doing more with less. Reggie is great and Marvin was quick, but to today's standard they are not as physically gifted as the younger generation of stars, and besides these two the other receivers he had were mostly made by him.

  17. Yeah obviously, but there's no denying that Luck could potentially get to Manning's level. 


    He may not have to but he is very likely to own more superbowl rings when he retires with Colts building a team like this.


    For years I have believed Manning's Colts could not win him another superbowl unless they do either: 1. reinforce the defense and running game and allow Manning to take less responsibilities to carry the load, or 2. give Manning more weapons to allow him gain a higher margin to make up for the defects in the defense. Now Colts have done the 1st but they are featuring Luck, and Manning is having more weapons than he ever had with Colts. It will be really interesting to see which way is better when Colts play the Broncos, but I predict Colts lose by a small margin this year and win next year (yes, Colts will win the division and meet Manning again next yr).

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