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Posts posted by tonychen

  1. For slot receiver I would take Amendola over Collie since Amendola's injuries are not as serious, but he is also more expensive, and being sidelined by broken bones is no different from concussion in the sense of playing time. Signing Collie can be a low-risk decision as far as they keep other slot receivers on the roster.


    Really I don't see Freeney as a good signing for them since he is just way too 1-dimensional, and it will be expensive for a player playing <1/3 of the snaps.

  2. Manning knew as well that once he won his first SB, the Marino "SB ring monkey" was off his back :). Once he made the next SB and lost, he became Brett Favre with less gun slinging :).


    Maybe, the next step he aspires for is Kurt Warner to take 2 franchises to the SB??? That was co-incidentally Kurt Warner's 3rd SB appearance too.


    I hope he follows John Elway's trajectory in the last few yrs of his career, then it will be Peyton Manning's own definition of greatness - better than all of these names above.

  3. I have not heard one analyst compare him to Marino directly. It is a bunch of Pats fans and Manning haters that want to spew the Marino garbage. If anything, Peyton compares to Brett Favre who also went 1-1 in SBs, and had a history of throwing picks, just a little more. You are just here inciting, you wont last long.


    It is Manning himself admitting that he knew people compared him with Marino all the time and when he won the SB he felt so very released this was no longer a problem. Interestingly he also said Marino was his favorite idol other than his dad, while Brady as a guy from SF bay area always favored Joe Montana...

  4. I agree, but I'm not sold on anybody continuing running it effectively over the next couple of yrs.. Some QB's will have more success than others and IMO kaepernick will run it better than any of the other QB's currently giving it a shot. Kap is big and strong and IMO throws the ball better than RG3 or Wilson. RG3's injury is going to seriously limit him in the read option going forward. I mean, lets face it, 1 more tear to RG3's knee and his career is over so letting him continue to run that style of offense would be remarkably stupid IMO.


    Some people said Colts made a bad decision to draft Luck over RGIII, which is just ridiculous. RGIII may get more attention, win more useless awards, and make more commercials than Luck, but In 3 yrs when Luck is taking his team to playoffs regularly, RGIII may not even be on the field anymore.


    Totally agree on Kaepernick, and add Cam Newton to the list of the best in this scheme if he can correct his attitude.

  5. the titans will NEVER win a SB with Locker at QB.


    The issue with Locker is his accuracy is terrible inside the pocket but outstanding outside the pocket.


    In an essence, they are catering to his higher accuracy ballpark but also minimizing his weakness by moving him outside the pocket more.


    This is not the same as RG3, Wilson, Kaepernick playing similar formations because those guys are more accurate inside the pocket than Locker is. Soon, teams will catch up to that fact and rush him from the outside forcing him to make bad decisions or take "remember me" shots inside the pocket. :)


    Being in Nashville for yrs I really hate to wath their games - boring and ineffective. To the ineffective part Locker fits their scheme extremely well. It is a very safe bet Titans can never win a SB in the future 10 yrs.

  6. Good points to consider. I think he knows he's not going to be worth much, but he wants another ring. I'm guessing he'll play for a contender at a discount. I'm not concerned about his health. The last time he missed a chunk of season like this was in 2005. 


    At certain age missing a major part of the season becomes a regular thing and this is why many good players decide to retire even when people think they still have plenty left in the tank. About title contender honestly I do not see any for him better than Packers. Maybe he could go to Denver? But I think they already have a Champ Bailey in almost the same situation.

  7. The pistol is one thing, the read option is another. I don't believe in the read option in the NFL and honestly believe it will be defensed and make it obsolete in a matter of time. 


    Scheme is one thing, execution is another. Locker can run their version but it won't be as effective as 49ers or Redskins versions.

  8. Had they kept Vince Young, they could have been beastly with the read-option.  When you have CJ in the backfield behind VY, that's a lot of speed for defenders to try to stop.  Locker is somewhat injury prone though.  And having an injury prone QB run the read-option is asking for trouble.


    The problem for Vince Young was attitude. He was never a serious player and he thought he was talented enough to not to be serious, which is just ridiculous. Problem for Locker is injury and accuracy. Looks like he can nenver complete 60% of his passes even when the opponent is only working hard to stop CJ. As inefficient as their offense is, if their defense is not playing well, the game is becoming ugly very quickly and it will take CJ thier best weapon out of the game even before half time.


    Titans are always the same team -  a run and defense based team that cannot score many pts. The thing they really need to do now is to fix that defense which used to be good enough to help them win 8-10 games a yr.

  9. Bottomline is, the days of the Pats and Peyton led Broncos winning SBs has become tough ever since the NFC has become more competitive.


    Unless the team help on the running game and D improves considerably, neither team will be winning a SB. Peyton won his SB because of his success in the middle with Dallas Clark, IMO. Brady missed THE GUY in the middle with Gronk being out the last 2 years for the playoffs. Flacco won the SB because of the presence of Boldin in the middle. Eli won his 2nd SB because of Cruz in the middle, IMO, with Nicks and Manningham on the outside. You keep killing teams in the middle with a very good weapon till they overcompensate and then give you the outside, it seems like the recurring theme in the playoffs.


    Most teams like the Seahawks, 49ers etc. seem to do well vs outside wideouts with big man CBs and the middle is where good teams win it with a force to be reckoned with. That is my theory anyway.


    So I was suprised by how Manning did not take more advantage of his TE talent this past season. He used to throw way more to TE when he was with the Colts, and these underneath throws were things he lived on for yrs. The INT he made was of this kind, which I cannot imagine could happen considering how accurate he was at that distance.

  10. There is a reason for this: Although NFC east is the most inconsistent division, once they are playing the playoff-caliber teams they are also playoff caliber. Giants are always able to go all the way, Cowboys and Eagles could beat anybody when they are willing to play. Now the Eagles may be gone for a while but Redskins are becoming a force. Teams playing this division and make the playoff tend to be most battle-tested.


    However in 2013 as far as Giants and Cowboys are all going through a little rebulding, the division that can test teams' readiness for playoff will more likely be NFL west - two playoff teams, one tough team in Rams, and one team going up in Cardinals. This will be the division to beat for a couple of yrs at least. Colts will be playing them so it bolds well for Colts.

  11. when signed they wanted a 2 back system that failed when used  often early  in year & later in year when used sparingly


    Mentally a good coach , at least I feel should be able to Rally the troops when shocked  and prepare them for any eventuality in a 60 minute game  so wont be shocked and not let emotions get out of control, esp as 2  long TDs were already made & 1 missed to smith by overthrow


    I agree & blame cold & numbness that Peyton didnt have usually arm strength but 


    Thats what u paid him for, to be big in those moments with some time & some timeouts  & that  3rd & 7

    just using extra OL & only decker as reciver, no TE's so he couldnt even audible if wanted to pass, who to the extra eligible lineman 


    At the end with about 30sec left and no timeouts, everybody thought the game was over. Friends of mine even turned to other channels. obviously Manning did not even try a deep pass in the entire 2nd half and if he did have some consistency or strength issue I just don't want to see Ed Reed ints him and let them win the game with a last second FG.


    For me the problem to their coaching staff is failing to recognize the game situation. As they were playing conservative for the entire game, at least they should place 1 more DB to stop the only big plays that could tie the game. I have never seen an NFL level coach playing a normal defensive package under such circumstance.

  12. Peytons influence on Broncos offense was limited to make sure what was done a lesser qb could do too to keep running the system

    Watching 1 of the leagues greatest QB's  play that game was tough , Peyton Manning taking that knee with out attempting to get within FG range had me curious as a Colts fan I'v watched him pull many last min WINS .  Just look down the field  nothing available fine throw it out or take your knee , Denver defense failed who's to say the Ravens could'nt do the same .


    Yes there have been ugly ending's to our season but all in all as a Colt fan I always knew our best chance to win , Meant let Peyton Manning show you why he's so special . In Peyton We Trusted . Champ Baily- Peyton Manning  blame whomever you chose .  




    To limit Peyton Manning ?  John Fox  ?? Really  ?? so that a lesser QB can run your system  . You Sir are the biggest Loser .




    I believe at the time they signed him they thought about running mainly the Denver system and I dont blame them for doing so since they still didn't know how far Manning's health could carry him. They had to play a managable game in the sense that a backup QB could run, otherwise they could be at the spot of the 2011 Colts and Curtis Painter if Manning goes down. With the games going, especially after the 6th week's come-back at San Diego, they pretty much let Manning run his old playbook, which was very obvious.


    Pretty sure the conservative approach in the playoff had nothing to do with the system here and it was more about Manning's arm strength and the team's mentality at the point.

  13. B

    To me, the idea is to get a base defense on the field and keep it there. That way you are seeing basically the

    same thing you saw on the last play because they dont have time to change.

    You dont have to pass out of the NE hurry up and they must have some predesigned play sequences..

    or one-word play calls, right? That's the only way they can run a play that fast...

    The speed attack keeps the same base defense on the field..and wears them down...and it would be even more effective in

    the second half of a game in a place like Denver.

    I would bet cash money that Denver will eventually is mix the two...No huddle 'hurry' and no huddle......

    In this season last..they did not use the no huddle to their advantage


    The injury to Knoshone Moreno was huge since the replacement Hillman had limitations in pass protection, and they flow of offense was interrupted in the 2nd half. And he just cannot get some tough yards from the middle which Moreno could get. Also the Ravens dialed up the pressure on pass rush, and it showed the impact in the 3rd qtr.


    The ultimate key is being able to run effectively when the defense are playing deeper coverage. As far as the Ravens front 7 can stop the run without safety help and cover the short pass pretty well, which was the case in their entire playoff run so far, the quick no-huddle will not do much damage to them either. Look at the score of the AFCCG, they only managed to get 13 pts.

  14. This is very interesting because I do not konw why the Broncos didnt 'play fast' the way new England did..

    We all talked about how that would be a major weapon in the mile high air....

    They didnt use it against an again Baltimore team they led the entire game.

    They used the 'no huddle' attack but it a was a slow 'no huddle'

    I assumed it was because they were not in sync enough to call and run plays in 15-20 seconds


    If you have been watching Manning's games for a while you may notice this is a totally different no-huddle scheme. He needs to use the time to test the reaction of defense, understand whether certain players are blitzing or dropping into coverage. Sometimes good defensive players can hide his intention to the last seconds. Also after reading the D Manning will give asignments to the OL and RB for protection, and tell the receivers where to go. Patriots no-huddle is much simpler and the only read a few things and the assignemnts are just choice between a few plays they have practiced with. So by nature Manning doesnt run the high rythm offense Pats do.

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