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Posts posted by tonychen

  1. Seems our new OC has no logic...

    To decipher this, the first sentence is nice talking and good wishes, while the second is sth. they know will happen.

    Yes Manning and Colts will part ways soon and it is no secret inside the organization now.

  2. This is why people are saying Irsay has already made the decision. It is a long period of time for the recovery and if they are not sure about Manning's healthy at this point, there is almost no way they can know it by March. Even September could be kinda early to tell, not to mention Manning will not be tested in severe game conditions until a real football season begins. So actually this is not a decision related to Manning's health indeed.

  3. Maybe (though not certainly) to Peyton in Indy, but not to Peyton overall. Any football fan would be sad to see Peyton retire, regardless of their favourite team. Same goes for guys like Ray Lewis, Tom Brady, Ed Reed, Tony Gonzalez, etc. They made the game better

    Yeah the game will move on. It is so hard for us to see Peyton leave, but he just cannot play forever. The day will come anyway, but I just hope it can be delayed for at least a couple of yrs. If he has to play outside Indy, it is at least better than not seeing him play at all.

  4. Jim Irsay wants to be the face of the organization, that is pretty apparent. So, he is going after the guy who really is the face of the franchise. He is turning into an Al Davis/ Jerry Jones type owner. That is the last thing you want your owner to become.

    This is not about taking Irsay or Manning as the face of the franchise. It is always Irsay's property. How successful his team can be without Manning is another story.

    No matter how great Manning is, he cannot play forever and will retire. Eventually it is Irsay's team and he will take action when he needs a new direction and a new QB to make him money for another decade. He is making changes rather than waiting until things have to be chagned. No matter what, these are business decisions which won't be easy to handle and won't end pretty.

  5. The difference is perspective. If Manning is released, it is the Colts who are saying, sorry Peyton (for one or a combiination of many reasons) you're done as a Colt QB.

    Whereas, if Manning retires, it is Peyton who is saying, I'm done.

    I think, given the personal relationship between Peyton and Irsay, that Irsay prefers that Peyton opts to retire, rather than having the Colts opt to release him.

    In this way Iray is just hypocritical and he will be a real 'politician'.

    But if Manning can play he will not want to retire. Even if he retires he will very likely come back like Favre did and this will make Irsay's and Colts public image even worse.

  6. Will be waiting for more dramas coming after next weekend when they really start to solve the issues. I just don't think there will be any definite prediction on Manning's healthy coming up next month, since it is still a lengthy recovery and he is not actually playing until months later. The owner will need to make a tough decision since he will need to be prepared if eventually Manning cannot play agian. Things happening right now don't show any sign for him to bring Manning back.

  7. Bump. The blogger should focus on the cap hits.

    I have zero problem agreeing with the blogger, and everything he writes/implies makes perfect sense and is reflected by what has happened/is happening. Only one thing I don't see is what difference does it make for Irsay if Manning retires or is released. If Colts does not get anything as a compensation if Manning choose to retire, why don't they feel happy to release him and make a good ending to his era?

  8. we can change up our schemes and play both 3-4 and 4-3. with the 3-4 our line is brayton nevis anderson with mathis and hughes on the outside and connor and angerer inside. with the 4-3 our line is freeney johnson nevis mathis with connor and wheeler outside and angerer in the middle.

    In this case how many snaps will Freeny get? I just don't see how they can use their highest paid defensive play for such little.

  9. For me the hiring might mean they have some confidence in retaining Peyton Manning for at least one more year, since they have not yet fired the OC and they are hiring a previous DC as HC to focus on the defense. I don't know, these are crazy days and anything can happen.

  10. Andre Johnson is getting old, and Matt Schaub has never played an entire season. To be honest they are on paper maybe the best and most complete team in AFC, but the absence of AJ and Schaub is inevitable. They are a team based on many defensive players drafted in the past several years, and Arian Foster is a beast, which means the Texans team we have seen in the playoff may be the best they can put together at playoff time next year. Of course they will be in the playoff again next couple of years.

  11. The thing is JC has never been given a chance to show how much difference he can make, and the whole show was run by the Polians. The coaches even didn't have the saying on who to start at a CB position, how can they be blamed as the major reason for the losses? Also it is not their fault to build a team lacking talent thanks to the failed drafts in the past 5 years.

    I believe Irsay did a right thing to adjust the GM position first. For JC, I have no problem giving him one more year. If Peyton comes back, it really does't matter who the HC is as far as they can find a good DC. If Peyton leaves, I don't think Luck can take us to the playoffs immediately, and we will need another set of high draft picks to improve the team. Even if JC fails again it will play into our favor to draft high again in 13.

  12. It seems that the Reggie and Pierre are mostly able to make a catch and protect themselves, while Collie tends to take vicious hits regularly. Is this more of an issue with the nature of the position (slot vs wide receiver) or are Reggie and Pierre just better at protecting themselves?

    Of course slot wrs take more hits. Outside wrs are against cornerbacks, while slot receivers are against safties and linebackers which are much stronger. Also the qbs we have this past yr do not have the time and precision to take advantages of slots.

    Collie when playing outside in our system is not at all worse than wayne or garcon. Last yr he played garcons position in the denvers game he caught 2tds (right?)

  13. We all should move on...but there has to be a balance. The guy did some good things in his tenure which everyone rightly gives him credit but there is a cult of Polian worshipers who refuse to acknowledge his huge failures and refusal to accept responsibilities.

    I pointed out weeks ago when others were asking for the firing of Caldwell that it was Polians' fault not being able to pick up talents from the draft in the past several years. Bill's failing to surround Manning with good players were the reason we are such a team now and had only 1 SB. Even when we lost the SB 2 years ago I said we were lacking talents and that was why we fell short in miami.

    Now the Polians are fired, which is fair considering their failure on what they are in charge of, but I don't think their not being able to get along with some media guys should be a fair reason to get them fired. To be honest some of the media guys are extremely annoying, just trying to make up some pieces of 'news' to get themselves paid.

  14. Man, if the Colts cut a healthy, ready to go Peyton Manning, I might die a bit on the inside. With that said, I would still cheer for the Colts; always gonna be a Colts fan! I would still want Peyton to win a ring or two before he retires. Hopefully they wouldn't cut him and instead trade him if they don't want to keep him on the roster

    I feel if they finally release him healthy, they must be doing him a huge favor, one that is even better than the money they pay him. Not getting him involved in the rebuilding and let him have a free 3-4 years to pursue another superbowl. nothing is bigger than this.

  15. The Polian PR/Resurrection tour continues. The guy wouldn't give the Indy media the time of the day when he was in charge. Now he is on every outlet local and national. What a hypocrite.

    Let go of the old man. What do you gain by knowing the info.? Time to move on.

  16. Sounds alot like Bill was told that Chris was getting fired, someone has to lose their job and all that jazz. Bill likely said "If he goes I go". An honorable thing to do. I would do the same for my son......especially if I was already rich.

    making perfect sense, and considering bill is about to retire, has a resume taking him to the HOF, and being rich enough, it is nothing serious being let go.

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