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Posts posted by tonychen

  1. Elway should know, he's been there done that.  He needs to strengthen the defense.  Jut like Elway late in his career, Manning can't completely carry a team anymore, and neither could Elway.  They got Elway a few key pieces that netted two SB in a row.  John needs to find the key pieces quickly if he's going to make good on his promise top make PM the G.O.A.T.


    If Manning admits he cannot carry the team anymore, I think it is not necessarily a bad thing since there are coaches who can out-plan him in big games and help him. Deviating from Manning's typical games may actually work well and get him a ring. He has to give up his role as the OC on the field since ihis play-calling sucks in the playoffs.

  2. Since Manning won his last and only Super Bowl, he is 2-5 in playoffs, including 4 one-and-dones and a Super Bowl loss. In 09's run he did not play very well either - Thanks to Garcon's effort he avoided a pick-6 in the Raven's game. In the Jets game he was lucky to figure it out at half time. Both Pats and Chargers got eliminated.


    After he won the Super Bowl everybody believed he finally took the monkey off his back, but every yr he proved people wrong.


    Together with many fans, I used to say it's Colts fault for not supporting him enough. This time many blame the Denver defense for blowing the coverage. I thinks it was insane defensive play calling at the end of the regular time. But it could have stopped much earlier considering Holiday game them 14 points for free and the team never trailed. Manning had so many opportunities to get ahead with confortable lead, but he failed every time. His uner-throwing Thomas resulted in the failed FG before the end of 1st half and a Ravens TD. His 3 TOs turned into 17 pts with a FG ending the game. He never threw down field for a single time. He blew the three opportunities to drive into FG range in the OT. It just did not look elite. Manning did look old and tired.


    Manning's offensive scheme works - only in the regular season. In playoffs against good teams, it does not work consistently. He is an offensive coordinator on the field, but he is not a very successful one in the playoff. The scheme is too simple and the adjustment is too slow. When facing playoff teams which have conplex game plans and are playing lightout, only having Manning's own plan is not enough. However, since no alternative options has been tried in the regular season, the coaches have no idea how to help him and they are caught off guard.


    I still think the best choice for Manning - if his purpose was to win another Super Bowl -  was to join SF and simply play QB, not OC, in their scheme. I believe he understood it, but if not for being in the same conference as Eli, he insisted to his own scheme and always wanted to prove he can win big games on his own. Knowing Jim Harbaugh's strong personality, he selected to join a team that would allow him to do everything he wanted. They quickly gave up the tries to infuse their playbook with Manning's earlier in the season and gave him full control. They didn't even try to add anything new even when they were cruising late in the season. Manning demanded prefect execution, but when the opponents kinda figure it out or he is not 100% he is also confused and helpless.


    Sorry Mr. Manning, your play-calling doesn't work in big games. You were out-coached by Belichick and out-played by Brady before, same by Sean Payton and Brees, and now the dummy Jim Caldwell and Flacco. Football is an ultimate team game and it takes more than one arrogant QB to win in big games nowadays. The young QBs are growing up and teams are evolving. Time for you to find some help if you still want another ring. The window is about to close, better hurry up.

  3. Smart move by the GM of the Jags. He does not want to deal with the media circus that Tebow brings to the table. They are in rebuidling mode and to have to deal with Tebow, the fans of Tebow, and the media would be nothing but a headache for a young team.<br /><br />He will not be a starter in this league because the circumstances you need to truly succeeded in this league with him as QB is very hard to replicate. You need a good running game and a good defense that will not let the team fall behind as the offense repeatedly goes three and out. A bad team is not going to have that in place. A good team is going to have a entrenched QB so they will not want to go with Tebow.<br /><br />Tebow will not want to transfer to another position anyways so not really going to work out for him.


    You get the point! And I believe Denver used the tapes of Tebow's games to pursuade Manning to join them - "This D and running game made the playoff with Tebow, you know what you will be able to do."

  4. I imagine he is used to special treatments, so being in NY under Rexy might have been a surprise. He was never an NFL QB material and I don't know if he is willing to switch. My guess is he is too attached to being a QB.


    remember his highschool coaches told him the same and he refused to switch and just wanted to play QB.

  5. So he is enjoying it more in Denver than he ever did in Indy. Yup. Our dear friend and legend is a PR genius as well as an all time great. Telling the Denver media just what they want to hear. Sometimes I do miss him, and I bet Mr Luck is watching everything the guy does....on and off the field.


    To me clearly he did not feel happy about how they handled the situation before they released him. They just did not talk to him at all and then came up with the decision. I noticed he tried to avoid mentioning Colts and Andrew Luck in different interviews.

  6. Same here...


    And at this point he's probably better off landing with a team that has an etched-in-stone...if you will....premier starting QB so it is clear to him before he sets foot in the locker room that a starting QB gig is just not happening. The Denver situation last spring with Manning was unique and I suspect that before he signed with them....Peyton got an "oh, by the way....the Jets want Tim" from Elway. I'm convinced Peyton wanted ZERO distractions with whatever team he went to.


    But somewhere along the line I wouldn't be shocked to see Tebow get a goal-line TD carry for the Pats vs the Jets.


    Heck, New England may have been the best fit for him all along.....just not as a 1st round pick.


    We have to understant that the reason teams do not want him is not like he cannot be a good player. Even if he plays TE or FB and be successful, his fans won't like him to just be a TE or FB. They will find every chance for him to play QB and this is annoying for the growth of the actual starting QB.

  7. That probably fact Tony but he can be a leader at any position, I wish he'd realize this.


    Still it is much more difficult for a TE or FB to be a leader, compared with that for a QB. If I remember correctly even in his highschool the coaches start to believe he was not a QB material but he never wanted to change.

  8. If Colts let him go he might go working with Manning again and replace Stokley? The guys is a fantastic receiver running precise routes and never gives up. However, there are plays he should give up just for his health.

  9. Can he play O-line? If so, i'd take him.


    He could be a TE on the OL. But he also generates a lot of noise for whatever team he joins. Fans will want to see him throw the football whenever their QB struggles. This has destroyed the career of Kyle Orton and Mark Sanchez. I just can see why Broncos ever bothered to trade him away even after a so-called successful season - As great as Manning, in case he struggles due to his injury and familarity with the new team, like the game he played at Atlanta, people would want Tebow to start right away. So very wisely Elway decided to trade Tebow to whoever wanting him and get some value out of him when he still holds some value.

  10. Or a HB project? Seriously he needs soften his stance on being a QB because IMO he won't be in the league much longer if he doesn't. So what's your dream Tebow, to play in the NFL or to be a QB?


    But imo the guy doesn't just want to play in NFL, he wants to play QB and be a leader and focal point.

  11. That's a good point...Manning throws to guys that arent open now..

    ..He expects them to wall off the defender like a basketball player getting a rebound..

    That's big this week agaionst baltimore's corners


    In the year Manning was with Colts we just never had receivers that were physically stronger or taller or faster than players who cover them. If very average QBs like Matt Staford and Andy Dalton look elite once they have their tall and fast weapons, I just don't believe Manning couldn't take advantage of the gifts and take them to an even higher level.

  12. A wonderful story on DT.


    These WRs are pretty much all I asked for when we lost to the Saints in the superbowl - some targets that can beat the coverage do not always require Manning to throw 100% accurate. Unfortunately Manning is no longer with Colts, but he has gotten the weapons now. Hope they help him get the trophy he has always deserved.

  13. I am fine with how the rules that are in place. The rules give some wiggle room, but also controls things so you do not have a coach out there interviewing when he has a game that Sunday.

    I do not think they should stand in the way of someones career. If we had a bye and Bruce wanted to interview with a few teams that think is best for his career then more power to him. Who are we to stand in the way of his career path?


    Exactly. Manning just endorsed Mike McCoy his OC at Denver for his interviews with several teams.

  14. I am in full agreement with that & use Mcgahee sparingly to rest Moreno & in special situations for added power run & blocking 


    I'd still try not to use McGahee as far as the game is not determined. If having a 3TD lead in the 4th qtr I might consider giving him some time for killing the clock But still I could prefer to let him play all the way to the end rather than in and out. Fumbles generally come when a cold hand subsititutes in for the starter for just one or two plays.

  15. Mcgahee accounted for 4 fumbles as wwell as significant dropped passes on 3rd downs, remember Pats game, next to last drice drops a easy 3rd dwn catch & run, then next series again driving and inside the 10 fumbles it away, u cantt do that in playoffs , and only had 3 in any other saeson , i hope he has been sleeping with the ball so he & it become one during this entire time hes been out


    Moreno since he came back has changed way he hold onto ball and usually makes sure its secured and cradled with 2 arms, he apparently learned his lesson since being benched with initial fumble, Mcgahee wasnt benched for that but for injury so hope he realizes need for security is great


    Playoff football is all about playing tight games with 100% concentration. winning the turnover battle is a must. If McGahee could come back I'd still stick with Moreno since he has not lost a fumble recently and is the hotter hand. Look at 07 Colts loss to the Chargers, Harrison came back from injury but lost a crucial fumble in the red zone and changed the momentum for the entire game.

  16. This defense defintely loooks superior than all years' Colts defense maybe execept for 05 before they lost to the Steelers in the playoff. The only one that was close was the defense in 06's playoff with Sanders back. In NFL playoff it is a one-game elimination so anything could happen. But at least I like the chance of this yr's Broncos in the AFC side since there is no Steelers and the Ravens team has been much weaker, so eventually you only need to take care of the Pats. Texans cannot be taken too seriously. The interesting thing is the NFC which has been dominating in recent yrs.



    Yes,and I hope our team is ready as a whole. I'm not familiar with the Colts history, so I wonder: does this Broncos defense look better than any defense Peyton had in Indy? It certainly looks better than the SB winning Broncos defense.
    This is my first year of seeing him up-close and I cannot help but marvel at what he's done with our team; he's on our record book in nearly every category in just one year. Simply amazing.
  17.  throw it all out now, playoffs are a new season, 


    The article u note I didnt see, BTW in your article it notes Britton Colquitt accomplisments , he is a free agent next year, wants to stay pending offer, but must take care of Clady first, dont know who if anone  else are free agents



    Yes just another great  season for the great one


    Talking about regular season I just dont believe any QBs in NFL history is even closely successful as Manning. Having him is almost equal to a guaranteed playoff spot. This year's success at Denver kind of shut down the talks on him not being able to play outdoor and with teams other than Indy.


    For him a few more successful playoff seasons and at least one more ring should solidify his position as the greatest of all time.

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