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Posts posted by tonychen

  1. For the sake of argument: forget everything you know about each game okay? Don't even think about what transpired in the games just focus on what I ask.



    If I told you a team lost 38-35 who would you say let them down? The offense of the defense?


    If I told you a team lost 17-14 who would you say let them down? The offense or the defense?

    How about not to talk about the total score but instead talk about who delivers when it matters and when the chance is given?

  2. Here let me say it again and just maybe it will sink in.. THE DEFENSE ALLOWED THE RAVENS TO SCORE 38 POINTS! They played like absolute garbage. Tell me where I am wrong in that. HUH?

    Moore, Champ, Doom, Miller all played like crap. That defense couldnt stop a nose from running. When you put pressure on your offense like that, it causes pressing. Yes? Yes. The offense was trying to make a play because the defense obviously could not.

    But those 2 return TDs were not easy to see either. It happened manning got the same number of TDs as flacco, but his 3 turnovers resulted in 17 pts in those 38, and his missing Thomas wide open resulted in not having the score on their side going into the half break but instead giving ravens chance to score and they did. Also if manning is that good it's not like he was not given 3 drives to kill the ravens in ot with FGs. People always say elite QBs live for this kind of moment.

  3. Probably because they blew it. Are you really saying the reason they lost is because Peyton threw a pick in an OT that shouldn't have happened instead of the fact they gave up a 70 yard TD WITH 30 Seconds left in the game.



    If you are talking about the Super Bowls, it's because the defense didn't blow it. Brady and the offense combined for 31 points in 2 super bowls. 4 points less than the Broncos put up Saturday.

    If you think pats defense didn't blow it by letting Eli escape and dropping a sure int, I just have nothing to say. These were just very similar situations, if you blame Manning's defense you should also blame pats d. Or you have to blame both QBs for not getting a bigger lead.

  4. He instills the game plan which is what almost every coach does in the NFL, it's nothing special. If you want to say he's the best at it nobody would argue with you, but it's not like he calls the plays on the sideline and from what I see Brady does a fair amount of audibling himself. I doubt he would have a problem with Peyton doing it.


    I also believe had Manning been Belichick's QB they could have won 3 SBs. But could you tell me why Manning has never been linked to an outstanding coach? It's not like he did not have a chance. Jim Harbaugh is one of the best young coaches.


    All I wanted to say in my 1st post was Manning should get some good coaches involved in his game planning to a higher level and let them give him some fresh ideas, instead of preparing and calling plays from his old playbook all by his own. He is no superman and could struggle as well. In his scheme, everything goes throw him - reading defense, telling the receivers where to go, giving OL and RB assignments. Brady's audibling is surely much simpler and I believe it must be some existing game plans. Comparing the two, Manning is like cooking from scratch while Brady is like cooking some prepared frozen meal. Manning surely looks more masterful and sometimes can be outstanding, but sometimes it could fail badly as well. Brady takes less risk and looks less interesting but is more consistent. 

  5. He had no voice in hiring Fox.  Dungy was brought in to fix the brutal defense we had, with hopes that he would fix the defense and Peyton would keep the offense rolling.  And Caldwell was Dungy's hand picked successor, so I'm not sure how much say Peyton had in that.  Peyton said he felt most comfortable with Denver and that's his choice.  He could have gone to San Fran, but he may not have been comfortable there running a different offense.  Harbaugh would want to run his offense and Peyton would want to run his.


    Harbaugh surely wants his own scheme and it works. If Manning is really that great, do you think he wouldn't adopt to it or sit together with him and make sth. even better? For me Manning's scheme demands too many things to work on the same page and it could be too vulnerable and predictable to good defense.

  6. Give Peyton Belichick, Welker, Gronk, Hernandez, a solid running game, and an opportunistic defense that can get turnovers, then we can see what happens.  With the exceptions of Marvin and possibly Reggie, Gronk is a better option to throw to than any player Peyton has ever had.  They are completely different players on completely different teams with completely different situations.  I strongly disagree with the statement that Brady is better than Peyton, but I would definitely agree with the statement that the Pats have built better teams than the Colts did


    Do you really believe Manning and BB can work together? Is BB going to give Manning 100% control on offense or he will want Manning to execute his plays and only do simple adjustments like Brady does?


    Another point is you don't see Brady throw those erratic ints very often. He does't win improbable games as Eli Manning always does but he also doesn't give it away like Peyton. This is why he is a better playoff QB since stablity and ball security is the top priority in playoffs.

  7. Perhaps it was due to similar circumstances on the team's part, not on Peyton's.  I've never liked John Fox as a head coach.  I liked Dungy, but I don't think he or Caldwell were all that great.  Not only that, but it's not very often that a team puts up 35 points and still loses.  When the defense gives up 38 points to an offense led by Joe Flacco, you have some big problems.  Had Caldwell not called that timeout in 2010, we could have beaten the Jets.  Had Garcon caught the TD pass, Bethea picked off Brees, or the defense made a single stop in general in the Super Bowl game against the Saints, we could have won that.  Football is the ultimate team game, as you said.  It's hard to blame it all on Peyton when his defense gives up 38 points or he has to deal with his own head coach.


    But why every time something fails for him? Is he just so ill-fated or he is just taking too many responsibilities? Jim Harbaugh is a much stronger coach than all those Manning had before, but why did he opt not to work with him and it ended up with all three conservative and unimaginative coaches? 14 yrs into his career it cannot be coincidence.

  8. Manning worse than Brady, okay, that is a very astute observation.


    I just feel so bad for Manning. For so many yrs I have been defending him, but having watched how Brady played against Texans and compare that with Manning's shaky game yesterday, I for now just don't have anything to defend him on. Brady took his team to a 3-score lead and Manning failed to drive for a FG and missed countless chances for a 2-score lead. If Ravens can do the same to Brady next week, I will be more than happy, but I doubt they would be blown out by Pats.

  9. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/126162-the-myth-of-peyton-mannings-postseason-chokes-exposed-as-works-of-fiction


    Only for one team?  Peyton had 4 losses all year if you include the playoff game and those came in the first few weeks when he was still getting used to the new guys around him.  He went on an 11 game winning streak in which he beat San Diego twice, who you claim that he can't beat


    I mean he switched team but the way they failed was just similar to his previous collapses.

  10. You will not find a single person who thinks it is bad to have the smarts Peyton has.  Not only that, but there are no "bad teams" in the NFL.  Last year's Packers lost to the Chiefs.  This year, the Pats lost to the Cardinals.  Any given Sunday, any team can win


    I am only mad at Manning's failing every time. If it's the team not helping him enough before, this Denver team surely has helped him a lot by adding 14 points for free. I just don't know why there are so many one-and-dones for him while Brady generally doesn't fall in his 1st round.


    If it happens only once, it is "any given sunday". If it happens only for one team, it could be for this team. Now it looks like his own problem.

  11. For starters, football is a team sport.  Sure, Peyton has lost a number of playoff games, but why don't people say the same thing about Reggie Wayne?  Or Dwight Freeney?  Peyton doesn't block, he doesn't tackle, he doesn't catch, he doesn't run, he doesn't cover WRs.  He is part of a team.  He had opportunities to put the game away, but so did the Denver defense.  Rahim Moore had a pick thrown for him on a platter and he misjudged the ball's trajectory.  Peyton's first pick also wasn't his fault since it was a catchable pass thrown that hit the receiver in the hands.  If turnovers are Peyton's fault, is it also Peyton's fault that the defense can't stop the Ravens' offense?


    You claim that Peyton's system is flawed because he has lost to the Ravens and Patriots.  However, his recent loss was the very first loss he had against the Ravens in his career and he has beaten Belichick a number of times.  If Manning's offensive system is too simple, why has he been getting better each year? If your statement was correct, he should have been beaten many times by now since coaches would have figured out his simple system.  Instead, he impresses us each year.


    Your comment about him being an arrogant person is ridiculous, ludicrous, and laughable.  I also find it ironic how you say that football is the ultimate team game, but then blame everything on Peyton.  Furthermore, QBs don't play each other.  Put me at QB with a roster and give me the 49ers defense.  Put Peyton at the other QB and give him a high school football defense.  I will probably "outplay" Peyton, but he is the far superior QB.


    You also sound really mad at Peyton.  Has he done something to offend you?  A lot of people seem mad at Peyton for some reason and I don't get it.  It's as though people feel like Peyton owes them a victory and then they get mad and call him arrogant or a choker when his team loses.


    Maybe I shouldn't call him arrogant, but to give up infusing any offensive scheme of his new team only 2-3 weeks into the season surely isn't an humle action.

  12. Your analysis is so terrible and wrong that I actually find it funny.


    This was my favorite part: "Manning's offensive scheme works - only in the regular season."


    Okay, what offensive scheme would that be? Explain to me what type of offensive system he runs and why it suddenly doesn't work in January.


    It looks cool and smart to call every play by the QB, but there are many teams whose QB executes mainly the play calling from the OC on the sideline and audibles for some simple things and still they outplay Manning. His OCs for yrs have been clueless.


    Don't forget his record against playoff teams has been no more than 50-50 in recent seasons. His key to regular season is to win all games against bad teams.

  13. Easy to criticize from behind the keyboard huh?


    This game is difficult, play at his level first, the elite, revolutionary level, then write an article such as above.


    OK I never want to deny his elite and revolutionary level, but he only holds a 9-11 playoff record. He just blew another chance and it could be his best chance ever. Every yr going to the playoff he has a speech prepared for disappointment. Too many one-and-dones even to inferior teams.


    After watching Brady blowing the Texans out, I for the 1st time in 10 yrs admit he is worse than Brady.

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