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Posts posted by tonychen

  1. NE will be just fine with QB Ryan Mallet. Belichick loves coach's kids who have been around football all their lives. Foxboro won't miss a beat. I marvel at how the Grey Hoodie keeps kicking caboose & taking names. Spygate is dead now, especially if they win the SB this year. Eric who? HA! HA! Just Kidding! New Orleans might be in deep trouble though once Brees is gone. Maybe Sean Payton can convince Mike Shanahan to trade them backup QB Kirk Cousins. That kid can play & could easily develop into a starting franchise QB very easily. RG3 is a bleeping stud...A bedrock in DC for the next decade or more. Yes, with both Luck & Rodgers, fix the line & the sky is the limit baby! 


    RGIII wont last more than 3 yrs.

  2. I have to give VL credit, you tried to clue me into this 2nd half arm strength issue. You were right. I didn't want to listen. I wasn't ready to listen. If I don't see significant improvement throwing the long ball after halftime next year, I will know that the only way the Broncos can win another SB is through a stellar running game & fantastic secondary play with frequent turnovers.


    You were also 100% correct about something else too. Indianapolis will pose more of a challenge to NE competition wise than Denver will over the next few years. I must give credit where it is due. People are free to disagree with me like always. I just call it like I see it. If Peyton is limited in the throws he can made on a consistent post halftime basis, there is no way he can carry this team to another SB. Reality is reality. 


    for long term Indy may be in better position than both Denver and Pats since Luck is perhaps the most promising QB of his generation. 3 yrs later both Manning and Brady could be gone, as well as RGIII. Brees and Rodgers will start to decline. Luck could have a dynasty of his own, if Colts can put together a real OL to protect him.

  3. It's always funny to see the reactions after things like this happen. The Ravens beat Peyton Manning the same way teams always beat him:


    Press the receivers

    Play the safeties deep and force him to be patient (notice how you almost never heard from Ed Reed?)

    Play the run and rush the passer with your front 7 and win the battle there

    Keep the game close and hope to pull it out in the end.


    Just like with the colts back in the day, there were some things out of his control that didn't work out in his favor and so they lost.


    That's it that's all, no narratives or stupid made for TV garbage about heart and nonsense like that.


    Then smart as Manning what can he do to beat this strategy? How about being patient and not to turn the ball over?

  4. "Much was made of the return of guard Chris Kuper, but he was brutal with three holding penalties, hampering the offense from ever getting a two-score lead. The biggest Kuper mistake was the hold to negate a third-down conversion, which set up Manning’s fumble, which is the first fumble on a pass play in his 20-game playoff career." didnt know that stat.



    http://www.coldhardfootballfacts.com/content/peyton-mannings-9-11-playoff-record-is-call-for-help/20868/    ---> probably worth a read to anybody who just uses stats with no context...and who just say "choker"



    The Bronco's OL played like the Colts OL in the second half, which Manning never expected for the entire regular season. After going to the Broncos he has enjoyed the protection in the level of Brady's for most of the yr.

  5. Champ Bailey is still a number 1 Corner


    he is an overrated big name now since he just cannot run anymore. Remember Bengals TJ Green bunrt him very bad and luckily in the regular season game with Ravens Torrey Smith was injured.


    It might work if they move him to safety, but then they still need a real No.1 corner.


    Comparing Bronco's D with the real elite of the league in SF, BAL, SEA is just laughable.

  6. He is 7-6. It may surprise you to know this but every single time the pats made the SB except for '03 the Pats offense was ranked higher than its defense. Brady was the one that led those teams not the D.


    Your arguments dont work for the time they won the SBs, since everybody remember the big names of the defensive stars while that offense is mostly forgetable. Pats bad defense started 06 and after that point pretty much every yr they depend on the offense.

  7. He has also done it in the era where you get a penalty touching a wr 5 yards beyond line of scrimmage and if a Linebacker or D Lineman gets close enough to the QB that he can feel his breath on him then he is flagged for a penalty, different game then it was years ago, taking nothing away from the records broken by QB's these days but if they didn't treat them like fragile sissies today I believe many of those records would be intact today, Hey Brady's accomplishments stand on there own but the league as moved to a much more offensive friendly mindset


    Really dont like to compare players from different era, but a comparison between plays in the same era is much more doable.

  8. I like how this post is started as if the dude played his final game. He still has like 4 years left on his contract. He could go insane in the playoffs and win the next 4 Super Bowls.


    Hah wasn't the same thing said every yr before that there would always be next yr? :) And I don't think he will play a full 4 yrs, since he contract is like a 1+2+2 mode, he might have another 2 and he will be 38 then. Remember he once said he'd not like to play into his 40th. Not to mention for QBs at this age each yr is going to be very different. Viking fans sure thought Favre could come back from that NFCCG loss.

  9. I like this idea a lot GoPats! Rock climbing would give him the intensity he needs to cross the finish line. Peyton would confront the fear of heights, limited oxygen as he climbs higher & higher, the elements of snow, ice, rock sentiment, & sheer exhaustion. Perhaps, he would appreciate life more & be willing to take a few more calculated risks on the field. I will call Peyton, then you, & we will give #18 more bite in that inner dog to close the deal.  haha  What day works best for you man? Can I come along too for additional motivation?  :thmup:  Just Kidding!!! Seriously though, I love this idea! DLR can show him the ropes too!  :lol:



    Sounds fun :)

    In reality I could also see why Manning has some issues dealing with pressure. As a born leader and prepared as an NFL starting QB he has always been dealing with pressure of people's expectation, media's scrutiny, and the demand on winning big games. But losing or commiting mistakes for him has never meant losing his job and there is always nest yr. While for some other guys, e.g. Tom Brady when he started the career as a backup, losing a big game or simply throwing an INT could end his career right away. That is like climbing a cliff. Another example is Joe Flacco, had he not played that well the past 2 weeks he could lose his job and need to find a new home next yr. 

  10. Correct....blame it on age, injury, the weather, stubbornness, lack of creativity OR opposing defenses' familiarity with what Manning does, which Baltimore had plenty of and perhaps the fairy-tale ending he and Elway envisioned.


    Let's face it....without Holliday's TD returns....that game may very well have been a blowout.


    That game is what it was and the only thing that matters now is that game sent Ravens to play the Pats this coming weekend and Ravens earned it.


    The general thing I have seen is pats are always shown to be more prepared and they look more flexible to make system-wise changes, while it looks like Manning would rather imrpove his system through practice and makes less changes.

  11. umm peyton got his first superbowl quicker then Elway did didnt he?? 8 years into his career he got one, Elway got his like around the 11th or 12th year of his career.


    When he won his SB everybody thought he finally got that monkey off his back and more trophies were waiting for him. Unfortunately he answered with only 1 good run and 4 1-and-dones. As manning is generally thought to be a much superior QB than Elway, I think it is natural for people to expect more than 1 SB from him.

  12. You bring up terrific points that I wholeheartedly agree with....but will Manning concede that, at HIS age?


    That has nothing to do with age but what he really wants: Simply more SB rings, or the way he wins those rings. His new team did try to add some new things to his playbook but for some reasons they gave up 2-3 weeks into the season and went back to his old scheme. I don't know how hard it is to do new things, maybe it requires a more creative coach. Looks like Patriots have never given up making changes, every season their offense has some new elements, although sometimes it doesn't work either. So far haven't seen anything new in Manning's games.

  13. but i could actually see Elway being " secretly " happy peyton lost because like you said he is the last super star QB to win in denver. i questioned last off season why Elway would even sign manning and why manning would even sign in Denver giving his history in cold weather enviroments. guess they really didnt think about it.


    Aren't they see each other as their own image? Called chokers and needing a strong late-career run for SB rings.

  14. Not only that....but Elway himself had a miserable 59.9 rating in his 5 Super Bowl appearances, including only 3TDs and 8INTs.


    Even in his 2 SB wins he had a TOTAL of 459yds and 1TD with 2INTs...and RB Terrell Davis and the defense delivered the Broncos those Lombardi's every bit as much as Elway.


    So for all his regular season accolades....horse face is hardly qualified to lecture Manning on substandard post-season QB play.


    How about teaching him to concede the physical limitations of old QBs and the pass-heavy system and instill a more balanced offensive scheme? Getting some running game and D is not a bad idea. In the case of most QBs winning the SB, like the earlier Brady and Big Ben, a balanced team that can find multiple ways to win is the best model for winning big games. Pats have not won any SB after they start to depend mainly on Brady.

  15. But i'll tell all the patriot drones this much,if brady happens to make it to the superbowl and losses again,then the whole 0-3 in the superbowl since *spygate* will only get louder.Tommy has been chokin' lately as well,and with another superbowl loss and his image is tainted.


    hope ravens can beat them to save them from this kind of issues.

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