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Posts posted by tonychen

  1. If Peyton is gone and Luck is our starting QB, they will need an experienced coach with strong personality to help the young QB, and Caldwell sure does not qualify. If Peyton remains with the team I see Caldwell stay, since as far as Peyton runs the show nobody should be brought in at the risky of interrupting him. As Peyton is essentially our head coach, things should be going as usual and most of the coaches will stay. However, they still need to maybe get at least one win to secure their jobs. If we do end up winless, no matter what there will be tough decision to make about Caldwell and his crew.

  2. Although both Turner and Caldwell are the worse NFL head-coaches, Caldwell did a horrible job with a talentless and injure-depleted team, while Turner has been wasting the talents in San Diego for many years. Seems for me Turner is a worse one and deserves to be fired even more.

    Anyway at least Bob Sanders has not landed on the IR list for a team with much better record.

  3. Wonder how much heat Bill would get if say in the 4th quarter with the Pats up by 20+ ole Tom gets injuried and is out for the rest of the season all but squashing the Pats shot at the playoffs....

    He has got the experience of playing welker in the meaningless game and teared his acl. They got kicked out of the playoff by the ravens the next week and watched the well-rested colts march all the way to the superbowl.

  4. rotfl.....Tony, if fantasy football is your concern you couldn't have a better starting QB this week than Brady.

    He'll probably play all 60 minutes...and he might just produce 60 points... in reality AND fantasy.

    Actually they have adviced to start any player of any team against the colts including their defense and kickers, and we just keep proving they are right. DeAngelo williams had only 1td in his previous 20sth games but against colts he got 2... Since we slip to the dead last of the league, fantasy football has become my only opium...

  5. I took Vinatieri in my fantasy draft thinking the Colts offense would still probably get into field goal range, but wouldn't be able to score TDs...I was half right...and I am dead last in my fantasy league

    Man what kind of ffl are you in? I have never seen a league that doesn't allow people to change kickers, and you are dead last because of a kicker? Come on man....

  6. What makes me laugh is the fact that people who want to trade Manning and want Luck are assuming that Luck will be better than Manning. The problem is the front office and if that dosnt change I dont care who our QB is we will never win a SB. What makes people think that Pollian can build a team around Luck? He couldnt do it with the GOAT QB so getting Luck wont solve the problem. Manning will play as a Colt next year you can count on it. Luck will sit on the bench.

    No QB can be as good as Manning, in my opinion, even Rodgers and Brees. But none of them can play forever, and you will need to plan for life without them before they can no longer play.

    Plus as people are asking "who knows how good/bad Luck could be", they could have asked "who knows how good/bad Manning could be" in 1997. I am not saying he could be as good as Manning, but he still has the chance to be one of the best in his own era.

  7. Sorry guys sounds great but it ain't happening!!!!!!! Peyton will be back next year, we will will have a LAST PLACE SCHEDULE next year,the Colts will win 10 or more games if Peyton is healthy, & we will win the division with a new young QB in the fold for years to come. This team is struggling now, but is the same team PREDICTED TO WIN OUR DIVISION. This team is not as bad as our record & with BETTER QB PLAY could have EASILY won at least 7 or 8 games!! :D Given that with all the injuries this year alot of young guys getting to play I think the future looks bright, with some of the youngsters continued improvement. If we trade anyone or anything, it will be the first pick it self for MORE PICKS!!

    This team was predicted to win the division only because of Peyton Manning. Yes, he is that great, he is the difference between a winless team and a superbowl contender. What you proposed is also what I would like to see, but use some reasoning you will find how fanatic the idea is, but OK we are fans so there is nothing wrong being fanatic :D

  8. Theres 2 options IMO

    1. you do the right thing for Peyton (since we "owe" him a couple of rings). Trade the Luck pick for as many DPs as you can get and try to fix up the OL and the Secondary situation asap and get Peyton another ring. The downside is that our SB changes diminish drastically after 2 years and will decline over the next decade.

    2. you do the right thing for the Franchise and we trade Peyton for as many DPs as we can get and try to fix up the OL and the secondary situation asap and get Luck some future rings. The downside is that our SB chances are low for at least 3-4 years but increase over the decade.

    #2 seems like a no brainer business decision unless of course..

    a. Luck gets hurt and your in the same exact boat as you are now (in fact worse because the luck trade would yield higher dps than a manning trade).

    b. Luck doesn't pan out and you have a mediocre team with a mediocre QB for another decade. (Yes, I still remember watching Jeff George so....).

    #1 seems to have the highest chance to yield a SB win, even if its only in the short term.

    #1 seems just seems like the right thing to do from a people perspective also.

    Besides, I'd rather sit through another 10 years of mediocrity than lose Manning to another team.

    My emotion also leads me to option 1, but as far as I have been watching this team play, it does not look like we could address the issues (OL, DL, secondary, aging star players, running game, special team) from 1-2 drafts, not to mention the new players and coaches will need time to glue. This is the worst NFL team that may need more than the remaining of Manning's career to rebuild.

  9. Dn, that was a really good post up until " but long term, he is no longer the answer here". That is an opinion and it isn't in stone yet. I'd argue that 28 million for not playing a game is a decent severance package and move on. But I think your implying he wouldn't do his usual work with the team if given a chance and I disagree.

    Some analysists already suspected that the 28 million for this year was the Colts' parting bonus for their QB and that is why they signed the contract even when they knew Manning was not healthy. They may be tanking the season intentionally as far as they know who they are gonna draft.

  10. That sentence is so wrong it makes my hair hurt.

    For one, there's very little luck involved. Either a team has it, or it doesn't. Either they play better than the other team, or they don't. Which brings me to my second point: talent has very little to do with it. Every NFL team has talent. It's whether or not it's being properly coached and utilized.

    Well luck does count. The Colts SB run cost a lot of luck, otherwise how could we suddenly able to stop the run and run the football well? But that run could have consumed Colts luck for 50 years... That's why they need to have "Luck"...

  11. You tell Peyton thank you and you move on. The Colts owe Peyton nothing. They paid him well, put a good team on the field and gave him every opportunity to do as best he and the team could do. He went to 2 SB's which is more then say Dan Marino got to go to in his career. Did Miami cheat Dan Marino out of anything? Did the Packers cheat Brett Farve out of anything? What about Jim Kelly or Fran Tarkington...did their teams cheat them out of anything? Peyton did alot for this town and franchise and we can only wish him the best, but long term, he is no longer the answer here.

    How much does Colts organization make because of Peyton Manning? Will you guys buy tickets and jerseys if your team have <3 wins each year? Yes Manning earns a lot, but guys like Sam Bradfford and Mark Sanchez earns not much less.

  12. I wouldn't call it selfish to hope for the best for the team I support, and I honestly believe keeping Manning is the best solution. What do you suggest the colts tell Mannning "Hey lad, we're convinced you're good enough to compete, but we suck so bad that we need to cut you loose only to have an unprooven QB start instead - but feel free to win a few rings with some other team" what kind of message is that to send? From a business standpoint it doesn't add up - from a personnel standpoint maybe.

    The trading will make perfect business reasoning: you free up cap space, get more talented young players, and start preparing for another decade of business success. Keeping Manning may still sell lots of tickets for 2-3 years, but nobody will want to buy tickets after he retires.

    Manning still has pretty high trade value now, but if he comes back and fails to make playoff next year, his trade value will be much lower. Not to mention if he retires he will have no value.

  13. again my point stands :) If you want the colts to win you keep Manning - I for one don't wish to see him tear apart our sloppy tampa 2 defense for some other team!

    This is simply selfish. You keep him here another 2-3 years, you may barely make the playoff and keep the dreams alive, but this team will always find ways to exit quickly. Considering how good the Texans have been, these 2-3 years may be painful to watch since we may easily fall out of the playoff by losing to them. Don't think about the wildcard since Ravens and Jets always get them and they may have better records than the Texans.

    I personally do not worry about Manning tearing us apart. Every starting QB has learned how to do this, including guys like Josh Freeman and Andy Dalton. It does not make things much worse to have Manning doing the same.

  14. The thought of Peyton playing somewhere other than Indy makes me sick.

    You will feel sicker if he comes back, misses playoff with the record of 8-8 or 9-7 in his last 2-3 years, and retire leaving a team that is gonna register <3 wins each year in the next decade. There will be lots of paper bags sold at the LOS gate for fans to either throw up into or wear on the head.

  15. So, who are you rooting for?! Based on your comment you're a Manning fan and thus can't be called a COLTS fan. I'm a Manning fan too, but I won't root for him to win a SB ring for someone else than the colts!

    On topic: I don't get all the trade Manning posts - he's most likely the best QB in NFL history every, why oh why would you ever trade someone like that if he's healthy?! If his healthy we keep him, if his too worn down with his neck issues he'll retire.

    Colts owe the man at least a couple of SB rings he well deserves. Think about it, he had his best 13 years here and we wasted how many opportunities? This year just answers why Peyton Manning always falls short: His team is winless without him. No wonder they always find ways to lose - defense melt down, pass protection broken apart, running game not being able to pick up 1 yard, special team give up half a field with 1min left...

    You keep him here, he will end his career having only 1 ring and carrying the title "choke artist" at the age of 38. Don't be such selfish to keep him.

  16. If Manning is healthy and stays in Indy, the Colts are maybe 8-8 next season. He's a huge difference maker, no doubting that, but he's not going to take a team still looking for a win in week 13 this year and bring them to the playoffs 12 months later.

    More importantly, and as you guys are aware, Indy needs to fix their offensive line. Assuming he's healthy, is Manning going to want to take a beating week in and week out, regardless of whether the team wins or loses? Would he hold up under those circumstances? We all saw what a struggle that was in 2010, even for a QB of Manning's ilk and talent, and it can't be fun as a football player who is accustomed to success to be tossed around every Sunday like a rag doll.

    Where I'm going with all of this is that a trade scenario is certainly not unlikely. I'm sure Manning is like a god to the Irsays and to Polian, but when #18 does eventually retire, they still have a team to run, and they're going to want to make money. This is a rare opportunity to trade a player who can possibly give you the resources you need to build a foundation aimed at long-term success. If the Cowboys hadn't traded Hershel Walker for a boatload of picks, there's no Dallas Dynasty in the early 90s. And I'm sure the same conversations took place back then.

    Cannot agree more. Most of us Colts fans are just too emotional on the trading, which is understandable. But this is professional football and they run teams as business. If the management do not see the future of the team, they will end up regretting for decisions not based on reasoning and get punished by losing their jobs. Fans may be calling for Bill Pollian's head once Manning gets traded, but to all our fans this day could come sooner than we expected.

  17. I will be happy to see Manning traded since it will be extremely painful to have him struggling with this winless team in the last couple of years of his career. Even as great as he is, he will have tons of difficulties to lead the team to the playoff again in this division due to the rising of the Texans, and the AFC wildcard spots will require even more wins than the AFC south title. If Colts miss the chance to take Luck and trade Manning for valuable picks, the rebuilding after Manning retires will take much longer.

    I just hope they trade him to a decent team that can compete for titles. If they trade him to the Jets he could end his career with two more SB rings, which would be a nice compensation for his lone-ring Colts career of 13 years.

  18. Its not the lack of emotion that I have a problem with. Plenty of calm coaches are good. My problem is the lack of creativity and seems to coach on auto pilot. I don't want a auto pilot, I want an ace dogfighting pilot.

    Once u have Peyton Manning it's better to have an auto pilot who does not disturb him. Once there is no Peyton the coach had better improve his game on his own.

    Do you think a coach like Sean Payton can be a good combination with Manning? Can they be equally or more productive compared with the Payton-Brees combo?

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