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King Colt

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Everything posted by King Colt

  1. "Playoffs?? You kidding me? Playoffs?!
  2. Nice to see the money grubbers have relented and the show comes back to free TV. I just hope this does not result in the already impoverished NFL to go out of business. Loved that show and look forward to watching every episode.
  3. According to an article on msn.com, the estimated cost for NFL Sunday Ticket on YouTube TV is around $300 per season. This is a standalone service that can be added to an existing $65 monthly plan or purchased separately. The deal between YouTube TV and the NFL is worth roughly $2 billion per year. The service will be available starting September 10, 2023. Add this to what posts are on here I don't know what to believe,
  4. Looking at tvyoutube.com just now it seems you sign on for their service at $64.99 for the first three months then it rises to $72.99 per month. This is for their basic plan and you must have it to get NFL TICKET. Now you add NFL TICKET for $349. Add these charges up and you pay $1,071 for the year.
  5. I have had it since the beginning and I don't care what it costs and I'll pay whatever the price is for the upcoming season regardless of who carries it. I care about one team and only one team in the NFL and that is the team I will watch.
  6. Trent Richardson the only NRB in NFL history. NRB: nonrunning back
  7. Super Bowl III: A day that will live in infamy rolled into one Hall of Fame embarrassment.
  8. Making 10,20 and 50 dollar bets risking his career when he is earning megga-bucks. Don't dump him for betting dump him for being stupid. Betting goes hand-in-hand with professional sports now. It is everywhere just like the sponsors are beer and whiskey makers.
  9. There is another NFL Florida team with a perfect season. The 1976 Tampa Bay Buccaneers went 0-14 and they accomplished that wearing pink uniforms.
  10. So the Chicago Cubs organization had a Billy Williams bobblehead doll the other day and like the team stunk at doing it. As they handed out the Hall of Famer's dolls it was discovered the number on the jersey was 1. Billy's number was 26!!
  11. After the past few years, I don't care about anyone's opinion of anything related to the Colts. I just want wins.
  12. The last couple seasons he shows signs of a reduced desire to play and for that reason + injuries no one wants to pay him. Mark "AVOID".
  13. PHILADELPHIA — More than $500 million in claims were approved as of Monday under the NFL's concussion settlement, nearly a decade earlier than league officials estimated they would reach that amount. Claims administrators in the settlement released an updated report on the concussion settlement information website saying $502,465,098 had been approved in less than two years of the settlement. The original actuarial estimates from the NFL estimated a little more than $400 million would be paid out in the first decade. Attorneys for the retired players adjusted their estimates on the total payout of expected claims earlier this month, saying the settlement would likely reach $1.4 billion — almost a half billion more than the NFL originally estimated. "We encourage all eligible former players to immediately sign up for a baseline assessment, and they can take comfort in knowing that compensation will be available for more than 60 years if they develop a qualifying condition," said Christopher Seeger, co-lead class counsel for the former NFL players. "The fact that $500 million in claims have been approved in less than two years proves that this settlement is fulfilling its promise to former NFL players and their families." Almost 2,000 claims have been filed in less than two years, according to the update filed Monday. Hundreds more of the nearly 20,500 retired players signed up to be prequalified to file claims than were expected, outpacing all previous projections. As of Monday, the claims administrator said 7,343 medical appointments to assess neurological baselines had been made and more than 6,000 had been attended. https://www.bing.com/search?q=how+many+concussion+lawsuits+have+been+placed+against+the+nFL&cvid=e3ed3974ede44c35a670a38310cdf6bd&aqs=edge..69i57.38209j0j9&FORM=ANAB01&P
  14. I never watched his shows but what I know bout ESPN is they are the Gestapo of sports broadcasting and Berman is the king head chopper. I am surprised Pat went for this and I hope he maintains his appearance instead of kissing butts to dress up in a suit & tie and look like the rest of those wax candles on that network. Mike Wilbon is my sole guy on ESPN mainly because he is from Chicago and a diehard Chicago fan and refuses to speak like the rest of the puppets. I wish him well but why he did this is beyond me.
  15. Stephan quit hogging that weed and pass it around!
  16. The Colts have to be the biggest question not only in the AFC South depending on how they use which QB and when and successful or not. I'm a little surprised to see most pickers have the Texans in the basement. Texans fans are used to that spot.
  17. The real issue this year is who will win the AFC South!?
  18. I watched the Pats beat #18 over and over so Wentz is a nothing burger.
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