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Posts posted by 18Manning

  1. If he had not had three TOs that led to 17 points he could have kept himself out of losing. And if you recal, after the first ST score, the Ravens did nothing with the ball and punted back. It was that drive that Manning threw the pick six. Imagine if right there he led the team down for a score and they are up 14-0? Completely different game. That pick six changed the whole flow of the game and gave the Ravens life.


    And I don't about you, but you spot a HoF QB two special teams scores and I am thinking blow out all the way. 14 points. Bam. And then given right back on the pick six and bomb play.


    I already went through this stuff on another post. I don't have time to argue my point again, but the game was lost on the "bomb play". As I said in a previous post, and this will be the only time I'll reference that again (I'm tired of arguing the/my point). If you could some how magically go through the entire game and assign some kind of value to fault for the loss, where do you honestly think Manning would stand in his fault value? How many mistakes did you see Manninig make during the game? How many mistakes were made by D? What key player(s) came out of the game to effect a change? The biggest play everyone is pointing to is the pick in double OT. What about the defense not performing as it had all season? What about the missed FG? What about Moreno getting injured? What about the big bomb at the end? They shouldn't have been in the position to throw a pick.

  2. Sure they blew it but they also gave him 3 chances to drive only for a FG to win.


    Keep in mind, there was a missed FG during the game. Really bad. The kicker kicked the turf/dirt, remember? I mentioned on another post, the fact the ST made 2 TDs also kept Denver's Offense off the field. Either way, Peyton should not have been in the position to throw that pick at the end. The game should have been won already.

  3. "making a good team great" are you serious??? they won a playoff game last year with tebow!! only manning can be on a "great" team and lose in the playoffs.


    "putting up record stats" what were these?


    Hold on a minute...is that you little sister? Even though you're a Redskins fan, you acknowledge how good Peyton Manning is. We disagree on many things, but you're VERY football savvy. Even though we both like Tebow, you would never put Tebow on the same plane as Peyton Manning. As a matter of fact, you were so hoping Peyton would sign with the Skins. Hmmm, maybe you're just messin' with me. If that's you, stop messin' with me. I'm trying to have an intelligent conversation here. Thank you.


    P.S. I'm going to tell mom about you next time I see her.

  4. If I were Arians, I would be upset not getting the HC in San Diego or any other HC job elsewhere.  He would likely stay with Indy and show other teams that they missed out on a good thing.  I hope Irsay pays him $$$ if he does stay with Indy.


    Me too. He did an excellent job. Obviously, he's good enough to be an HC. I would be happy for him to stay, but also feel badly for him not getting an HC position.

  5. Edgerrin James. I have home and away colors. I keep all my collectible Colts stuff in a big tote.


    Not to veer off (the jersey), but still related to collecting Colts stuff, I always buy 2 Sports Illustrated magazines whenever the Colts are on the cover (a player). I keep one to read and I put the other in a protective clear sleve and seal. That's stored in the tote as well.

  6. Then embrace them all; he's tied with Brett Favre for the most postseason losses by a starting QB in NFL history.


    Manipulating statistical information in order to promote a positive narrative to the exclusion of the truth should be a red flag for anyone.


    I am embracing all the stats. I said to look at his body of work and he's still one of the best QBs of all time. Embracing his body of work includes negative aspects/stats. That's what the "body of work" means...everything. If I discount the positive, then I'm not considering the entireity. As I mentioned already, I know Manning has his faults. I'm not manipulating anything. I haven't the time to gather and post the entire body of work for Manning (again, that body of work will includes NEGATIVE). Did you see that...NEGATIVE? Once again, without looking back through your history of posts, only considering our communication, I see ONLY negative comments from you regarding Manning. I would say that's a red flag.


    My little sister argues in the same manner as you. Her come back is typically a play on words, quoting me out of text or coming back with a cute quote/saying. I stopped long ago trying to reason with her because she is unreasonable and has tunnel vision regarding everything and opinion about which she is passionate. Discussing this any further with you would be a waste of time. Alvederzane...

  7. One of the more embarassing comments in this thread. Fellow "Colts fans" are pointing out facts. Not negatives.


    Manning apologists perceive facts as negatives. That's understandable. But that doesn't magically morph the two words into one.


    The facts don't line up with the narrative that someone has to subscribe to in order to pretend Colts fans are not allowed to be disappointed with Manning when it comes to the playoffs.


    The facts I'm referring to are Manning's stats. Included in his stats are negatives and positives. Negatives and positives are pushed together to come up with a compilation reflected in those stats. Are you denying Manning is not a top QB? Why does a so so QB have 4 MVPs and perhaps another coming. Regardless of how you or anyone feels about how an MVP is chosen, he is a 4-time MVP. Why do so many in the sporting world consider Manning to be so good? The adjectives positively describing him are endless. The accolades are abound. Whether you're a Manning fan or not, if you're logical, you can see the numbers. Let's hear something genuinely positive from you regarding Manning. I'll even give you a negative...


    Peyton throwing the pick against New Orleans in the Super Bowl. In that particular case, that picked sealed the game. There's still blame to go around, but that pretty much did the Colts in. The Baltimore/Denver game was not the same.

  8. One of the more embarassing comments in this thread. Fellow "Colts fans" are pointing out facts. Not negatives.


    Manning apologists perceive facts as negatives. That's understandable. But that doesn't magically morph the two words into one.


    The facts don't line up with the narrative that someone has to subscribe to in order to pretend Colts fans are not allowed to be disappointed with Manning when it comes to the playoffs.


    I don't quite follow the point you're attempting to make here. A fact can be negative, positive or neutral. Personally, I pointed out/confirmed Manning tossed a pick (one off a tipped ball). That's a fact and negative. My only point in all this is this loss isn't all on Manning. If there was a reasonable way to breakdown a game and assign a contributive value to the loss of a game, Manning value (or percentage of blame) would be minimal. You pointed out in a previous thread something along the lines of "same old Manning". Except for the one straight pick in OT, there were few errors on Manning's part. Here are a few points that contributed to the loss...


    1. No 2 Defense in NFL giving up 31 pts.

    2. A missed field goal.

    3. Losing the best runner and pass blocker (Moreno).

    4. Allowing a 70+ yard bomb to tie the game (I suppose that's part o 1).


    You have a blind hatred of Manning to suggest this is all on him and typical. You and your little blog would stand with few in the opinion Manning is not one of the best QBs ever. So blog away...

  9. ....you forgot going one and done in the playoffs. Not surprised. All Manning apologists do.

    No. I didn't forget. I think that's what most of these posts are about. How can I forget?


    Manning haters are sure to point out ONLY the negatives. Not sure you fit the description as I can't and won't review all your comments, but I have commented on Manning's errors as recently as my last few posts. I'm pointing out facts about Manning. Recorded and reviewable facts. What's your criteria for a "Manning apologist"?

  10. I'll add this to your post as it seems we agree on most things. Not to bash Manning but isn't your 20 million $ QB suppose to , at least once in a while , just "carry you " to a win when maybe you didn't have the best team. That isn't even the case here as once again a Manning led team , lost a game they were supposed to win. You can keep saying it's a "team" game but great QB's over come the odds evry now and then and Manning has not done that in the post season.

    It's been a while ago, but he did in the Conference Championship game prior to the Super Bowl. And we can go back and forth about the "team thing" all day. What I know to be fact about this game is Denver was winning the game with about a minute to go. Denver's secondary let a 70+ yard bomb be completed for a TD. I'm talking abou this specific game and that specific play. If Manning had completed the pass and the received fumbled, Ravens recovered and kicked a FG, someohow it's still on Manning.

  11. When you're only up one score, time is still left on the clock, and you don't possess the ball....you don't have the game won yet.  Had the Broncos not gone 1 (scoring drive) for their last 8 offensive possessions, and say maybe went 2 for 8 thus putting them up 2 scores then you could say they had the game won.  That didn't happen and neither did them winning the game.  The Broncos offense put up 7 pts in the whole second half of that game....that just won't cut it.  

    The ST play of Denver took away two possessions from its own Offense. Granted points were scored, but that did take away some time of possession and opportunity for rythm to be realized. Either way, I'm pretty sure, the vast majority of people if asked the question "what's the biggest single play that lost this game?" the 70+ yard completion at the end of the game would be given. That's the Defense fault. But, as noted in some other posts, it is a team sport and is all cumulative. 

  12. Well of course, If that bomb at the end of regulation isn't completed the Broncos win. but the thing is teams can be burnt at any time. You can have the best CB's that ever stepped on planet earth and they are vulnerable to being burnt once or twice. It just came at a really bad time for the Bronco's(I know they gave up more than one.) One could also argue that if the ravens didn't have 2 complete ST's failures, that the Bronco's may have never had a chance to win at the end of regulation in the 1st place.


    It's just hard to assign blame to one area of the team. The defense is to blame, the offense as a whole was to blame, and Yes, even Manning himself was to blame. I just don't like to see some(not you particularly) try to go out of their way to exonerate Manning of blame. He has a history of making bad decisions in the playoffs and that just can not be denied. 

    I agree everyone is to blame. It's a team sport. And I also agree, Manning makes a bad decision here and there. He makes them throughout the year as every other player in the NFL. However, I don't agree with anyone that suggests because it's Peyton Manning in the playoffs, a teams odds of winninig are lower. There's no denying he is a great player and to be cliche "he raises everyone's boat". And as crazy as it sounds, I'm not so sure (for the sake of gaining any rythm) those ST breakdowns allowing TDs by Denver didn't have an adverse effect. It almost looked as though (although I'm sure he wasn't) Peyton was disappointed on that second ST TD. He certainly didn't look as happy as he did on the first. I think he wanted to get out ther and play.

  13. Same old Peyton.


    Torches everyone in the regular season...and takes a nap in the playoffs. As a result, he is now tied with Brett Favre for the most postseason losses by a starting QB in NFL history.


    Just wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

    You're right...even after more than a year off with neck surgery. Same MVP caliber player, making a good team great, putting up record stats. Same old Peyton.

  14. You're trying a little too hard to exonerate Manning. Yeah the CB play was pretty terrible, but that does not excuse Manning of making a really bad and downright dumb pass that DID end up causing the Bronco's to lose. You can't have it both ways, saying "Yeah...I noticed how Manning allowed that 70 yard bomb to be completed" and "The win was almost certain if the secondary didn't allow some out-of-this-world bomb to be completed." Then completely exonerate Manning of blame when he throws an interception deep in his own territory. It wasn't completely Mannings fault, but it also wasn't completely the defenses fault. There is blame to be shared from both.

    Sure, there's blame to be shared, a pick is never good. I'm not exonerating Manning of that.


    Would you agree that if the bomb wasn't completed the game is probably  over and won by Denver? How sure are you that Manning completing the pass would win the game for Denver? All I'm suggesting is the Defense has more blame for this loss if blame is to be weighed and placed somewhere.

  15. So what's worse the manning haters or the Luck haters? Cause I don't know about you but Luck is a Colt. And many fans have had to defend our own player all year long. So yeah, it goes both ways

    Personally, I'm a hater of neither. Not sure what you were suggesting here to the OP. I get what the OP is saying. This game was not lost by Manning.

  16. Don't blame the D. Irregardless what the D does its the plays in the clutch that counts.

    Here again, I suppose somehow it's the fault of the O the D let all those completions happen? You can't use a blanket statement/comment "clutch counts". I don't care who the QB is, if the D lets too much happen no amount of "clutch" will win. There's no guarantee if Manning didn't throw the pick, Denver would have won. The win was almost certain if the secondary didn't allow some out-of-this-world bomb to be completed.

  17. Luck is only gonna get better too. Breaking many rookie records is huge for his confidence and just like Manning still knows he has work to do.

    When Flacco threw late 4th QB TD I thought wow once again Manning let down again but the D had nothing to do with Manning's INT.

    BTW If Luck was in Broncos situation late 4th 2 TOs left I have no doubt he would fought for the win. That's the reason Luck was the better choice.

    Yeah...I noticed how Manning allowed that 70 yard bomb to be completed.


    Manning shouldn't have been in the position to throw the pick. Moreno went down, the secondary was terrible, etc. The idea Manning lost that game is ridiculous.

  18. I have always liked Collie as a player and a person.  However with all the new young talent we have, we should just part ways and not take the chance anymore on an injury prone player.  Hopefully he decides for his own health and well being to quit football as a player.  Haven't seen any reports from him since his knee took him out this year.


    Have to applaud everyone here for making this far in thread without taking personal shots and getting into a fight of words.

    Okay. Here's the answer to my question (type of injury). Wasn't the injury potentially something that would go into the new season? I like him too, but he's such an injury risk. I remember when he was back out on the field, I was holding my breath every time he got the ball.

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