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Posts posted by 18Manning

  1. Peyton is Peyton. But there is no way Denver wins the Super Bowl this year with that swiss cheese defense. Miller will not solve all the issues they have stopping anything. Right now the top two teams in the AFC are the Chiefs and Colts.

    I agree. They'll have to do something about the Defense. The game tonight looked like the old days here when Peyton had to carry the team.

  2. You do realize that the term "fan" is short for fanatic, right?

    You cannot, by definition, be a fanatic of two teams.

    Again, at least considering the definition below, being a fanatic isn't restricted to a single entity among similar/like entities. Must be in the ViriLudant version of a dictionary. :)



    /fəˈnætɪk/  Show Spelled [fuh-nat-ik]  Show IPA

    1. a person with an extreme and uncritical enthusiasm or zeal, as in religion or politics.


  3. That's a perfectly acceptable position.  I think most of us feel that way about sports in general. 


    I'm a Cards fan (MLB) but if they lose I'm rooting for the Pirates this year.  That doesn't make me a Cards/Pirates fan.

    I'm an IU fan, but I was rooting for Butler during their two runs when IU was out of it.  That doesn't make me an IU/Butler fan.


    The bottom line is that you cannot definitionally be a "fan" of something if it's not the highest priority to you in whatever category it resides in (NFL, etc.).  If you're rooting for one team over another if they play, then you're a fan of the team you want to win because that team has the highest priority.

    This is your opinion, not a rule for fans to abide by. I am a fan of both teams as well as others. You have not asked me which team I prefer to win. My answer to that question is somewhere in this forum.

  4. Ask your wife if she's devoted to you, then ask yourself how you would feel if she was "devoted" to other people the same way.


    You can't be devoted to more than one.

    I was waiting around to see if you would post something a little more logical for an analogy. I can think of a few myself, but that's not a good one.

  5. Wow.

    Just.... wow.

    This mindset is unthinkable to me. And is contrary to the term "fan."

    Well, here's one definition...



    2 /fæn/  Show Spelled [fan]  Show IPA

    an enthusiastic devotee, follower, or admirer of a sport, pastime, celebrity, etc.: a baseball fan; a great fan of Charlie Chaplin.
    Per the definition, I don't see anything that suggests a fan has to be for a single team. It may be "unthinkable" to you, but it's not "contrary" to the term "fan".
  6. have not & will not read this entire thread, (so maybe this has been mentioned) but if anyone wants to sniff the TD record you gotta be aggressive, wish 18 would've been allowed to be a little more aggressive during the Polian/Dungy years...

    Didn't he get pulled early from a few games the year he broke the TD record?

  7. This for the most part expresses my sentiments exactly.  I consider myself in a way to be a Broncos fan because I follow them pretty much equally as I do the Colts (which means borderline obsessively and excessively lol) and root for both.  In all likelihood, when Peyton retires I'm really not going to care that much about the Broncos anymore, although I may still like some of the players (like Demaryius Thomas). The only reason I'm a Colts fan, heck even an NFL fan, is because of Peyton. But that initial fandom because of Peyton, rapidly then turned into fandom for the Indianapolis Colts. Since then, I've tried my best to envelop myself with the team during the present as well as doing all I could to learn about their past.


    My approach to Broncos (with Peyton) vs. Colts is merely to appreciate the game and save myself any headaches/heartaches.


    I'll end with this final analogy: You have a best friend. He/She was your first best friend and still is. That best friend introduces you to the love of your life. For some reason there's a rift between the two. Somehow, someway, I think you need to have loyalty to both because both are equally important to you.

    This is good

  8. A lot of these younger fans are into the star pop culture of players fostered by ESPN, NFL network, and others . They follow individual players in a bandwagon effect, or the hot team du jour. In my world, you stick by your city , your team, and the guys that are currently on your team. I still like Ed Reed, but he's a Texan. I'm pulling for our guys. When he retires and comes back to Baltimore, he will be garnered full honors.

    I'm pushing 50, so I don't fit this description either, but I know what you mean.

  9. I think the difference between being a Manning fan and a Bronco's fan is that a Manning fan knows and acknowledges that he probably won't care about the Bronco's after Manning leaves them.  


    Unless Manning is in the way of the Colt's winning a game or getting into the playoffs then I'm a Manning fan.  I hope he does well and I hope he wins a SB with the Broncos.  


    In that sense I'm cheering for him and the Broncos.  


    But after he's done with the Broncos I'm not really gonna care so much.  

    I can't say that I probably won't care about the Broncos, but I would assume not as much. However, I don't know because I haven't come to that bridge as of yet. 

  10. I don't see how any real true Colts fan could be pulling for Manning when they the Broncos come to play the colts. I question your loyalty to the Colts and you might as well leave this place now because your not a Colts fan first, NO WAY..... But now I truly understand if your a Peyton fan like I was Unitas are he made you a Colts Fan I see nothing wrong with that at all.  The only reason I'm saying this although I don't remember but maybe there was, someone saying around here I hope the Broncos (Manning) kick the Colts (you know what) for getting rid of him?? But sometimes without some saying it you can read their minds. Just saying...

    I became the football fan I am because of the Colts. I followed the Colts long before Peyton arrived. Then, with the help of Manning (HUGE HELP), I saw the Colts win a Super Bowl. In addition to all his skills, he appears to be one of the most standup guys in professional sports. So, I am a Colts fan as well as a Manning (therefore Broncos) fan. As for when the Colts play the Broncos, I won't be disappointed either way. I'm sure many of you here will be all over that, but I don't care. I'm a football fan. I like both teams. I suppose in a perfect scenario, I'd like to see the Colts win, but Manning still get some ridiculous stats. :) 

  11. I love being a Colts/Chiefs/49ers/Packers/Giants/Panthers fan personally.


    It's amazing to have all this wealth of talent to follow and worship.


    I hope all Colts/Chiefs/49ers/Packers/Giants/Panthers fans join me in this quest for domination of the NFL!!!!

    I'll add Giants and then Falcons as I'm from Georgia. :)

  12. I was a fan of Edge too, but I didn't become a Cardinals fan.

    I was an Edge fan too, but didn't become a Cardinals fan either. I've been a fan of many Colts players that went to other teams and did not become fans of those teams. I'd suggest Peyton Manning wasn't just another Colts player. If anyone is suggesting he was just another Colts player, IMO, you're a little off target.

  13. It's funny...It's like your confessing your sin to us because you know you're doing something wrong, and you feel guilty.

    Uhhh, that's not it at all. I'm sure there are many Manning fans here. I was merely commenting after looking at the power rankings and seeing my 2 favorite teams in the top 10. You people are RIDICULOUS!

  14. jpyTI.gif


    Hmmmm Let's see: 


    Your screen name is 18Manning

    Your avatar is Peyton Manning

    Your signature says Peyton Manning MVP blah blah blah. 


    Just embrace the fact that you are a Manning fan and whatever team he was on, you'd be a fan of that team

    Okay. I'm not denying that. So what's your point? I can be both. Your original post suggested I had to pick only a Manning fan.

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