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Posts posted by 18Manning

  1. lol.


    Brady has been the most hated athlete since he started winning rings out of the gate. This poll is wrong. No way 53 percent of people like Brady.  But he really is not interested in popularity. He is after all, Lord of the Rings:




    Winning, sure. winning by watch edge? Under what circumstances? That will always be a question in my mind, and I can assure you, in the minds of most outside of NE. Has nothing to do with jealousy, or whatever else NE fans want to attribute my view. It has to do with playing the game fairly. There were/are a lot of Lance Armstrong haters. I always respected Lance and thought the same, "Everyone else is jealous since he's so accomplished." But, he had and edge. He was cheating. He's not so great. Brady and NE will forever be tainted. I'm not saying NE isn't any good by any means. But Brady/NE appear to have had an edge, or advantage. Stupid they even stepped that far out to realize those advantages because they are good.

  2. I can understand this.

    I am one who, before all this, gave him credit where credit was due, and as much as I disliked the Pats (mainly because they've been a thorn in our side) I could appreciate his story and his accomplishments.

    From the minute he took the podium right after this broke until this latest information, my opinion has changed and I no longer have any respect for him at all.


    I feel exactly the same way. I respected Tom Brady for his and NE's accomplishments. I don't like them, but respected them. That is no longer the case. Regardless of your opinion of the potential edge of an underinflated ball, Tom's and NE's integrity has been compromised. This time (previously Spygate), Tom Brady has his fingerprints ALL OVER the cheating. I can't imagine the disappointment of a NE fan that has come down to Earth and realized the implications on Brady and NE.

  3. That will be Brady's 1st game back. He will be out for blood.


    Don't think he'll get 4 games suspension in the end, but if he did, that would be a good game to have against NE. Brady will be coming of a suspension. I don't think he will be his sharpest at that time.


    When a player is suspended, aren't they also barred from practice?

  4. Would that have been equivalent to missing the Super Bowl?

    Because that's what his punishment should have been.


    If the investigation could have been expedited and completed prior to the SB, then he should have been suspended for the SB. I agree 100%. But, you know the NFL wouldn't do that for fear of the financial repercussions.

  5. Been saying for days I think his first game back will be against the Colts. It is beyond fitting too.


    If I am wrong, I will say I am wrong later. Over all they should just take it in NE since 4 games is getting off easy. Should be a 6 to 8 game suspension. They have 4 games without Brady and hell they can even see how Jimmy G looks and if he is the future.


    And so far seeing Brady, he has shown zero signs of admitting ANY guilt. If it's all or nothing with the suspension it better be ALL. If they took it away I think many (and not just Colts fans) will be livid.


    This is what I thought the suspension should have been with anticipation of a reduction.

  6. I'm not buying my fellow fans "Integrity" chant. I'd like the Colts to beat the Pats as much as the next guy but I'm not out to persecute the Patriots because of a little known and historically ignored rule. Even when warned about the infraction the league and officials had no protocol for measuring and securing the balls that had so much to do with the leagues 'Integrity". Then they let the Patriots play the first half with balls they knew were most likely compromised...where's the "Integrity" in that? They must not have thought too much of it? Wells takes 108 days and bills the league millions for this garbage then gets upset about his "Integrity " being questioned? This whole thing is a skunk. The league needs to figure out protocol on the matter and implement it across the board then put the boys on the field and let them play. It embarrasses me and my fellow fans to think a under inflated ball is what makes for a SB team. It's just foolishness.     


    The potential culmination of benefits from under inflated balls could very well contribute to a team going to the SB. No one is saying NE is not a good team (not that I saw).

  7. Oh no doubt it brings up some speculation.....all I was saying to Dynasty is that is entirely irrelivant for most people...it was all the other stuff I outlined was reason enough to punish and for people to be upset. We don't even have to try to prove all the other...we don't need to prove it effected the game or even the balls were that much underinflated etc. The evidence is that rule were broken. Balls stolen, altered, Pats workers did it, Brady knew about it (maybe told them to do it), and everyone lied and tried to cover up and even called out the LEAGUE in this. Thats enough for the suspension/penalties etc. We don't need to go into all the games effected blah blah blah....but I understand you feel that way.


    Agreed. I apologize as I didn't read your entire post. I latched on to the "effected games" comment and went with that. One game with an illegal/non-allowed competitive edge can affect much more than the game at hand. Obviously, many games over years would potentially compound the benefits.

  8. I think in the end it isn't going to be how much the balls were altered....its the fact that they were stolen out of the locker room...taken into a restroom and altered. The guys admitted (through texts back and forth) that they were doing this and were doing it because Brady was telling them to. I don't think it really matters how much under, how much they took out, how much it effects the play on the field...its more the fact that they stole the balls and took air out and have been doing it after the officials have checked them. The blatently are breaking the rules and Tom was the one telling them to do it based off his communications with them. Add the lying and cover up...well thats what upsets people. Some may be arguing it effected games etc...to me it isn't about that...its about knowingly breaking the rules, lying, and trying to get an advantage no matter how small it might be. To me I believe this is Belichecks fault. He has opperated a team that wants to flirt with the rules....get as close to breaking or bending them as possible and sometimes he has (spygate which to me yes he broke rules and I know some believe that wasn't) so your players witness that...believe that is ok for them to go off and behave and do things on their own. It isn't about how much advantage...it isn't about how much under the balls were etc. They stole them...they altered them...they lied...they covered up....they deserve to be punished. It may be an extreme punishment...but to me its the actions after altering...not even so much the altering that the punishment is for. We all know if you fess up and own up typically the punishment is lighter...but when you lie etc...momma bear isnt happy and you make the league look even worse calling them out etc...so yeah...your going to get a bigger whoop'in.


    I agree regarding lying, breaking rules, etc. I also don't think the Colts would have won the game had the balls been pumped to regulation. However, if this has occurred in other games, close games, that edge could have made a difference. i.e. the NE vs Baltimore game prior to Colts vs NE. That was a close game. If Baltimore wins, we have the Championship game at home and have fared well against Baltimore as of late. Maybe we're in the SB. That's only 1 game and that's assuming NE cheated. NE doesn't always blow every opponent out of the park. An edge may have won a few games for them over the years (assuming this has gone on years). I realize there are what ifs and maybes, but NE cheated. It's not my fault, or anyone else's fault we're pondering the possibilities.


    NAPTOWNCLOWN, on 13 May 2015 - 1:03 PM, said:snapback.png

    It's this simple - if you think a rule is stupid, irrelevant or just don't like the rule, you lobby to change that rule.  


    If you don't want every other team to have the advantage that you are taking you don't lobby for the rules to be changed, you sneak around, steal balls, deflate them and then play your games as though nothing has happened.  Maybe/probably for years on end.  That is what people are up in arms about not "just a little air."



    There's a good chance.

  10. I too have 3 attorneys in the family, and am somewhat familiar in how the court system works.

    All the legal jargon aside....

    no matter how long this gets dragged out, to what level and technicalities they want to use, I can't for the life of me understand how anyone could possibly for a second think Brady is innocent in any of this.


    Yeah, it's ridiculous. However, there's no "smoking gun" per se. Like I've posted previously, murders have gotten away with their crimes because of a lack of the "smoking gun". The jury could not convict beyond a reasonable doubt. They might be 99% sure, but that 1% cuts them loose.

  11. Not if they sue the league, like people are saying they will. The courts could postpone any punishments until rulings are given, and then throw out the penalties altogether. I could easily see that happening, and the Patriots and Brady getting away with zero penalty, all because some judge doesn't like something about the situation.


    This is what I think will happen. Kraft has plenty of money and won't mind spending it. In the end, I think NE/Brady will get away with everything. Except in the court of public opinion. IMO, this will hang with them much longer and stronger than Spygate.

  12. Yes. The key with the Boston accent is no "r's" and no "g's" for words that end in "g". So something is somethin'. Also, the really thick accents skip syllables or speak words so fast that the syllables roll together. When I hear the Bronx accent it may be the most similar to Boston.


    The Boston guy on Survivor keeps saying potty for party. I wasn't sure if he had to use the restroom, or wanted to celebrate. :)

  13. I come here and discuss everything. I like the board overall. I have said that from day one. Of course I will defend my team and this deflategate thing is really big with a lot of sensitivities for Colts fans which I get so I need to tread more lightly. I do enjoy the debates about my team and other football news. And I have also enjoyed posting with you too.


    Thank you, same here. But now I'm reading your posts with a Boston accent in my head. :)

  14. FYI - no more posts on this from me unless this thread gets back to topic on the Pats potentially playing without Brady. I said yesterday I would stay off the deflategate thread and this one has pretty much turned into that so I am not avoiding you. Please PM if you would like to continue to discuss. I do not want to upset posters even though the convo here has been respectful and informatiive on both sides. I appreciate that.


    I'll give you kudos for coming on here to defend NE/Brady. Don't know that I would visit NE board so much to argue my point(s).

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