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Posts posted by 18Manning

  1. This story is a little ridiculous. I guarantee a lot of how they describe Peyton after a game applies to a fairly large percentage of players both young and older.




    It's pro football for goodness' sake. They're crashing in to one another. Peyton probably feels it a little more, but I'm sure there are many other players in more pain than this article suggests Peyton is feeling.

  2. If he does hang it up, I want Peyton to at least recognize when he cannot contribute at a high level. Seems like he is showing spurts of elite QB levels but it is definitely the home stretch. 2 years for his contract with the Broncos to end (at end of 2016-2017 season), that is when I predict he will play it out and hang it up.

    If the Denver Defense can maintain this kind of pressure, and Peyton is only a top 10 QB, they will be formidable. If Denver doesn't force Peyton into working an Offense he's not accustomed to, I think he would be better than top 10. Would help if Denver's O line would block too.

  3. He looked MUCH more comfy back in his Indy offense that is for sure. It was smart of Kubiak to revert back in the second quarter but I do wonder if they will stick with that or not. The Denver offense did nothing in the second half except for the final drive to tie the game so I have to think Kubiak wants to still get his offense going but I think it is clear that Peyton is a fish out of water with it. At this point you do what McCoy did in 2012 IMO and just let him run what he is good at.


    KC has to be absolutely sick this morning though. They should have won comfortably but just kept giving the ball away.

    I'd suggest it was taken away by a great Denver Defense, not so much given away.


    Kubiak should certainly allow Peyton to run the Offense. IMO, it's a bit ridiculous no to do so.

  4. Tom Brady claims he didn't want to set a precedent by turning over his phone. Was that by advice of his lawyers, or his own decision? Was he claiming to do everyone else in the league a favor by not setting that precedent? I don't understand why someone would destroy the one and only thing that would have exonerated him (assuming he is innocent of all wrong doing). Is he out to prove a point? Potentially losing in court, even if he is innocent. Looking guilty, even if he's innocent, only to not set a precedent? It's ridiculous to assume there was nothing on the phone that would work against Tom.

  5. You do realize that every single time a QB comes within even a country mile of some of Brady's achievements, he will be mentioned much like Montana was before him? His records stand as much as you want to see them fade. Every single QB will be chasing him forever ...


    Are you talking about specific records, or merely SB wins? I can think of at least one particular QB that has more records.

  6. Perhaps someone has asked this before, or posted a comment, but I'm not going to look for it. For everyone claiming Goodell/NFL is trying to ruin Brady's reputation, what would be the reasoning behind that? Why would the NFL want to ruin the reputation of a 4-time SB winning QB? It would only make sense that the NFL would be motivated to exonerate Brady. It's their product that looks bad.

  7. Give me a break. He tore up the best defense in football in the SB. He has been a winner ever since he got his first start...and his stats are up there with the greatest of all time. You don't go to 6 SBs by just cheating alone. The PSI had nothing to do with us getting crushed..guy is a winner....but yeah...he isn't acting like an innocent man (and likely isnt)...but what has happened on the field happened on the field...and he won. He likely made some poor choices with this situation but he wasn't the one that cheated with the Spygate thing. Thats on Bill...not Tom.


    He's won a lot of games, but I wouldn't categorize him as a winner. Just winning games doesn't make you a winner. Winning with integrity makes you a winner.

  8. We were favorites a ton through the Manning years and ended up just another horse

    in the race. I Like that people see we have a chance but those odds mean absolutely

    squat over the long haul season.


    I agree, it means nothing over the long haul, but it's cool we're looked at by many as a good team, with a favorable chance to get to the SB.

  9. I know, future odds don't mean jack (sort of). I realize odds are affected by many different factors, but it's cool to see the Colts favored to go to and win the SB by some odds makers. Obviously, there is some logic behind the numbers. The Colts are ranked between 1-4 on most of the future odds I just looked over.


    Yeah, my subject is a little misleading as not all the odds makers have us a favorite, but a few do. :)

  10. It's a nice break from all the slanted, one-sided, disingenuous piece of Anti-Patriot fanned nonsense that everyone else has been posting, eh?


    Why is it that when there's an article or opinion that implicates the Patriots, it is taken like the gospel and referenced for binding truth and proof, but when there is an article or opinion that calls into question that view, it is nonsense?


    What is the Washington Post's fight in all this? Could it be possible that it's not only Patriots fans who believe that there is a lot to question with how this all went down?


    You would have to admit, like it or not, there are far more opinions the Pats are guilty than not. And that's not just because everyone is jealous of the Pats. Perhaps there's not that "smoking gun" (at least not that we're aware of, i.e. maybe Brady's texts). If a NE fan could truly be neutral and look at everything, I would suggest he/she would have the same opinion of guilt. I said it before, as much as I like Peyton, if he was in this same situation, I would think him guilty too.

  11. Was just listening to a show regarding Brady's appeal. They talked about how Brady might now show his text messages to Roger Goodell to illustrate his innocence. Wouldn't that be moot at this point? I mean, Brady would have certainly deleted any incriminating messages by now. I don't think his mobile phone provider will be subpoenaed to provide the records as this isn't going to trial.

  12. We'll see...I have a feeling the next shoe to drop here is going to be Brady's suspension getting lifted. This press conference sounded like deal making...I.e "We'll stop demolishing the report Wells produced, you give us back our QB".


    I think Brady's suspension would have been amended before this press conference. It's not unusual for a suspension to be reduced regardless of the infraction. "We'll stop demolishing the report Wells produced, you give us back our QB" could just as well been "We'll accept the team punishments, let's not expose any more texts in court". We have not clue how the parties postured.

  13. um....no.


    Correct, not for Brady as he's still appealing (LOL, I don't mean the attractive appealing). But, for the Pats, this looks like an admission of guilt to some degree (or in the least admitting the evidence gives the appearance of guilt). You can argue against that opinion and say, as Kraft has, "it's not good for the league to carry on with this fight", etc. I'm not alone in that opinion as is obvious if you should peruse the major sports outlets.


    If I was innocent, or thought my team innocent, I would fight to prove that innocence regardless.

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