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Posts posted by 18Manning

  1. This going to sound funny but I have no idea how to select a friend. So far though I have 2 people that have selected me.


    Click on the link (name) above the person's avatar. Once their page opens, near the middle of the page is a radio button that says "Add me as a friend". That's all you have to do.

  2. This is a little off topic but I read some article citing the gameplan as the biggest reason for his problems while acknowledging that he's lost a step. This offense is basically the opposite of a) what Peyton prefers and b) what Peyton does well. Now nobody will admit this but...watch Denver lose a game. Peyton will go so Favre on Kubiak and Elway that Jeff George will wince.


    That makes sense. Even if Peyton lost a step, if he was 75% of what he was (at the beginning of last season) and had their D, the Broncos would be a big-time powerhouse. Some will say the D hasn't really been tested, but they're very good on paper. So far, they're proving paper right.  

  3. After listening to Pat McAfee's explanation, I retract my comment about the play being stupid (at least the idea behind the play). Although, I am still of the opinion trying to use a guy that didn't practice the play was still not so smart (I won't call it straight-up stupid). :)

  4. I don't know if you remember but remember how bad Dolphins fans were in 2012 on the ESPN Gameboard. They took nastiness to another level. I am so glad we won that game. We lost to the Patriots that season 59-24 and I got along with every Pats fans on our Gameboard, I didn't haven't 1 person talk smack to me all game and they could've because we got drilled. The RG3 fans back then were the most annoying overall.


    I don't understand why anyone for any team ever does that. Many of us are very passionate about our respective teams. I can understand respectful banter, but to be nasty and outright disrespectful is never acceptable, IMO. It's easy enough to take some time to compose your idea/comment in such a way not to upset the other guy/gal.

  5. I mostly just like to read the football stuff, don't read the non-football threads/sections so much. I'm not jealous of the Colts, and really see no need for a fan to be jealous of the Pats. The past is done. Both owners have scabs, all these billionaires do. And, our 4 trophies have stains. No way around that. Also, Brady is no role model after his recent deceit...though he did redeem himself somewhat with his recent 'cola is poison' rant...lol

    Anyway, for me I get a better understanding of the team/game from other forums, especially from rivals like the Colts, Jets, Giants, etc. I'm not a 'past/legacy' kind of person, but more a 'present/future' fan. I don't care what anyone thinks of the history... though I just hope no more scandals arise.

    Again, I expect a win, but a loss is not totally out of the question. For this to happen, the Colts need to be at their best, and the Pats need to be average, or worse...don't see this. Lastly, Brady's old man needs to zip the old pie hole!

    Good luck today. Will be back for some crow if you guys win.

    So, I guess I come here because i enjoy it. For many different reasons. Cheers.


    Are you really a Pats fan? It's an honest question. I'm just surprised and appreciate your candor if you are in fact a Pats fan.

  6. Allowing for replay to be used for everything and not just certain things would help(But keeping with the 2 challenges). Yeah some people will complain the games would be to long blah blah...Then don't watch it. The officials and the rest of the NFL have an obligation to get calls right and especially not cost a team a chance to win or tie because a missed call.


    Or if its the last play of the game and a bad call screws a team over and it costs the team a chance to win or tie then replay that down......They owe that to that team to do that, Ya cant just say....Oh the game is over to bad so sad you should have played better throughout the rest of the game so we are going to take this last chance you have to win or tie because you did not play well enough earlier



  7. What is the accountability now?  


    Obviously mistakes will happen and some will be game changers.  Will more accountability lessen the number of mistakes?


    IDK but it's worth exploring how we have fewer mistakes.  Not sure that is penalty or what it is.


    There must be something that can be done


    IMO, more accountability won't make a difference. Unless refs are purposely making bad calls, how will more accountability make them make a better, more accurate call? I think utilizing video, and maybe changing some rules for review would make more sense. But, we don't want the games to drag on either.

  8. According to the article the NFL is working on a discipline matrix that would punish the refs for messing up. I believe that it is definitely something that is needed. However, it will all be after the fact. Do you think the team that gets screwed will actually feel better that the ref was suspended for a game? Especially if the call changes a game with playoff implications. 





    Oh, and they messed up the clock in our game versus the pats. Not once, but twice. Not sure if we benefitted or the pats but still. 


    I don't think it will help. It certainly, as you pointed out, won't help the team that may have just lost because of a botched call. I didn't read the article, but if they start suspending refs, who's the replacement ref? Won't he/she be lacking experience (potentially)? I don't know. This was my, quick, off the cuff response. I would have to ponder over it for a while.

  9. Honestly, I got a little emotional seeing him walk off the field against Indianapolis last year...I thought that was the last time and I wasn't really prepared mentally for that I don't think (in case anyone doesn't recall, he was the slam dunk MVP favorite at the midpoint of the season)...now, this time, I think I'll be ready...deeply saddened, but more prepared...


    LOL, I don't mind saying, I got a bit emotional when I listened to him talking about leaving the Colts (when we weren't sure what was going to happen). I had an appointment that day and had just pulled up in the parking lot about 15-20 prior to the appointment. The presser came on the radio with Peyton talking. Man, that really chocked me up. Good thing I had some time to compose myself before my meeting.

  10. Manning - my favorite player of all-time, and easily the best QB I've ever seen - is now Chad Pennington. Extremely smart, but lacking of the physical tools to properly execute those smarts...it's unfortunate to see him like this...hopefully he goes out on top if the Colts can't, but I don't wish to watch him struggle...


    I will miss him greatly when he is no longer in the NFL.

  11. Nothing is "wrong" with Peyton unless it's wrong to try to defeat Father Time who is undefeated. Age is what we all deal with and now I am convinced it is his time to step down. Right now it does not look as if they can win in the playoffs with his current performance and I hope he does not try to hang on any after this season. I guarantee he will be asked to step down by the organization. As fierce as a competitor as he is it will be hard but he knows better than everyone his numbers are sinking. It gets us all.


    I'm not so sure it didn't take some persuasion from Denver management for him to come back this year. I don't think they'll have to ask him to step down after this season, he will do it on his own.  

  12. Yep, he has always been that way...a difficult habit to break.

    But maybe with his new arm strength and his nice slow spiral lobs, he might learn to throw quicker and shorter.


    The injury may very well teach him to take advantage of opportunities he may have otherwise overlooked. If he can get these short passes down, and have the option of down the field passes once he's healed, that would be all good.

  13. In every game there are X number of plays used to build a lead. No one play has ever lost any game ever and the reason is if the team had accumulated more points the "play that lost the game" would be just another play. "That play cost them the game" is nonsense and football is probably the best example of that cry baby excuse. What would the rhetoric be if the Colts had been up by 14 when the fake punt happened? How many three and outs did the Colts have? Any dropped passes? Any lost yards plays? Any throw the ball out of bounds plays? Any rush attempts for a loss or no gain? The game is four quarters, not one play.


    I get what you're saying, but it's an accumulation of each single play through 4 quarters. So, one play can make a difference. i.e. Seattle losing the SB. If Seattle didn't run what is another stupid play, I think they win the SB. It's about who has the most points when the bell rings regardless of how/when you got the points.

  14. He shouldn't have snapped the ball.

    But... The coaches should have never put him in the game to run a trick play he had never practiced.

    Coaches screwed him on this play.


    Dumb play to call in the first place, even dumber to use someone that hasn't practiced the play.  

  15. A pick 6 is a pick 6, doesn't matter that it was a Brady pick 6. There are many interceptions and pick 6s due to a receiver tipping or bobbling a pass. We don't give those QBs a pass because they're not named Brady. Receivers don't catch balls, lineman don't block, players play injured, etc. It's all part of the game. I'm not saying the Pats didn't outplay the Colts, but the Colts played quite well for more than a half. I'm suggesting this was a winnable game as the OP stated. And it was a close game considering the score. It was unlikely, but not impossible for the Colts to win at the end. There are teams that play a terrible game and come away with a win. That could have been the Colts (playing terribly part of the game). The Pats won, but they did not put a whipping on the Colts like they did in the AFCCG. I disagree that this game didn't say much about the Colts. Aside from at least 1 stupid play, the Colts did well. We stopped NE on a few of their drives. LOL, we basically spotted them 7 points because of the stupid trick play. Punt the ball instead, we very well could have stopped them again as before. The game might have turned out differently.


    Regarding, "Goes both way", IMO, a pick 6 and a stupid call for a trick play are not equal comparisons (not that that's what you were suggesting). The pick 6 took skill to execute. The trick play that gave the Pats EXCELLENT field position was just...stupid. Even if they pulled it off, I would still say it was too risky. We were down less than a TD at that point.


    Just realized I said that wrong, but you know what I meant. :)

  16. I am not surprised the Colts brought their A game as the Pats get everyone's A game. In the end, the blow out talk was just silly. Just win. Especially on the road in the conference. What will be interesting is to see how the Colts come out vs Saints. Will they be emotionally spent from the Pats or will they use it as confidence and continue to built on it?  Pagano has to get this team to put the Pats behind him and the punt call and get ready for Drew Brees.


    Personally, I'm more optimistic about the Colts chances going forward. Aside from a couple of questionable plays, putting us in a bad position, therefore bringing on what many are calling "panic mode" (trying to catch up), I think the Colts were solid. A healthier Luck, the O line holding, D improving and the run improving. What's not to like (barring any trick plays)?


    There's room for improvement (as with most teams), but overall I think the Colts have made progress.

  17. If the pats don't throw a fluke pick 6 this wouldn't have been as close as it was. Goes both ways..... I agree we played them better than the last several meetings.... That's not saying much tho.


    A pick 6 is a pick 6, doesn't matter that it was a Brady pick 6. There are many interceptions and pick 6s due to a receiver tipping or bobbling a pass. We don't give those QBs a pass because they're not named Brady. Receivers don't catch balls, lineman don't block, players play injured, etc. It's all part of the game. I'm not saying the Pats didn't outplay the Colts, but the Colts played quite well for more than a half. I'm suggesting this was a winnable game as the OP stated. And it was a close game considering the score. It was unlikely, but not impossible for the Colts to win at the end. There are teams that play a terrible game and come away with a win. That could have been the Colts (playing terribly part of the game). The Pats won, but they did not put a whipping on the Colts like they did in the AFCCG. I disagree that this game didn't say much about the Colts. Aside from at least 1 stupid play, the Colts did well. We stopped NE on a few of their drives. LOL, we basically spotted them 7 points because of the stupid trick play. Punt the ball instead, we very well could have stopped them again as before. The game might have turned out differently.


    Regarding, "Goes both way", IMO, a pick 6 and a stupid call for a trick play are not equal comparisons (not that that's what you were suggesting). The pick 6 took skill to execute. The trick play that gave the Pats EXCELLENT field position was just...stupid. Even if they pulled it off, I would still say it was too risky. We were down less than a TD at that point.

  18. Perhaps towards somewhere in the 3rd quarter, but I don't think he was toying with the Colts up to that point.


    That didn't sound right. What I meant is maybe starting somewhere in the 3rd, but I don't think he was "toying" with the Colts when the game was tight, or they were behind. Personally, I don't think they ever relaxed, coasted, took their foot off the throttle, etc. And no team, especially the Pats, is going to be so lax to allow the opposition to get within a successful onside kick to have a legitimate shot of tying the game.

  19. Peyton is hanging on because of lifetime records - I understand that but he's one year past what he should have played and will only continue to go down in performance.  His mind will keep him/them in some of the games but his body is betraying him AND he's no longer playing in a system that lets his mind win the games for them.


    I do not want to see him hurt - and I'm very afraid that's how things are going to end for him.


    I don't think he's playing to achieve lifetime records. I believe it took some convincing by the Broncos for him to even come back. I've never met the man, but I'd be willing to bet he's not one playing to break records.

  20. As a Manning fan there is little left to enjoy. I agree it is all of the things listed but the main one is father time with the combination of the neck surgery. I have has the same thing done two times over the last 7 years. Mine was a lot more extensive but still I understand what he is going through. He had work done on one cervical disc while I had work done on four in the last surgery. It made me completely disabled as far as working. I would think he has bouts with numbness in his hand just as I do. Maybe not as bad but any in his job is effecting him. Also the loss of strength with the numbness.


    Wasn't there something out not too long ago about him not having feeling in his finger tips since surgery?

  21. I agree with 18 above.

    SH you know what a fan I am, but I'm not an apologist, or a homer, or so many other adjectives people like to use when describing Peyton fans. I'm just a "fan" and have been for a long time.

    Having said that, this season is bittersweet and frustrating to watch.

    He finally has a killer Defense, and there is no question the D is why they're 6-0. Can you imagine Peyton in his Prime with this D?

    To answer your question, I think the trouble is a combo of things. Sure Peyton shoulders some of the blame, but trying fit him into Kubiaks offense is like trying to put a square peg in a round hole. Peyton under center does not work, and the O line is terrible.

    I see glimpses of greatness still, just when I am ready to join the ranks of those that say its time for him to walk away he'll do something great and there will be the glimpse of the HOF player we know, but glimpses are not enough to sustain. Something is going to have to give.



    That would be INCREDIBLE! I do feel for him though, as you said to have such a good D and can't get the O going.

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