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Polian come back home!



Ok, so just watched R. Grigson press conference and let me say, had to bite my lip a few times to keep from swearing listening to his comments from the Indy press core. I'm so tired of these talking heads who get paid the big bucks to entertain the press with extraordinary nonsense! He speaks about B Werner and saids , he needs to get stronger, that's a comment a college coach would make about an in coming freshmen not a first round draft pick, he says Werner had issue while at FSU durning the off seasons getting stronger due to nagging injuries, we'll Hello, why would you draft a guy who has a history of injuries and can't lift weights ,Please explain that one? He speaks of T Richardson as the next Jim Brown are you kidding me? what flavor kool aid is Grigson drinking? We need to trade him off to the Canadian FBL for some more Freeman's and hungry pro's! It sounds as though I'm venting my frustration, well that is partially true, it also may sound as tho I may be a pundit relating to management and decision making, however; actually I'm probably saying what most colt fans are feeling at this point, some may, some not, doesn't really matter! This is my blog and this is what I want to say! Bottom line is this, if you watched the last Saturday loss, you may agree with me when I say, how out coached and out manage the colts were! The patriots had as many injuries as the colts, the fact is their talent pool was so much better than ours!


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You can't be serious.  Let me summarize.  You don't like Grigson or think he has done a good job:  you claim you want Polian back, we need more Freeman type players (that Grigson found), & we lost to NE because their talent pool was better than ours.


1st, Polian decimated this team with his nepotism of having his son Chris as GM elevating himself to President.  Since 2008, he had a series of dud drafts; overpaid several players; he was totally unprepared for Peyton's absence even though Polian knew he had 1 or 2 surgeries.  He put us in salary cap hell.  He had long overstayed & talk about pompous with the media!


2nd, we need more Freeman type players, diamonds in the rough.  That's exactly what Grigson does by signing a rugby player & a West Point guy that no one else even looked at.  Grigson built a team that exceeded expectations 2 years out of 2.  Yet you 2nd guess the moves that may not work without praising the ones that do.  You have no idea how to do his job, but act as if you could not only do it, but better.  Ridiculous.


3rd, NE has had the same coach & system for 14 years & they have a better talent pool than Indy after 2 years of total reconstruction.  That one gets a big, DUH!  The rebuild job here in 2 years was from small, fast guys in a Tampa 2 4-3 defense to a bigger, tougher 3-4 & offense from a "keep Peyton off his butt" to move the chains style.  Not to mention losing our OC after 1 year (previous OC was here 12 years - Peyton had Tom Moore his entire tenure).  Belichick has put players that fit his system in place for 14 years; we are still trying to build the base or core.  The game was in NE; they finished 12-4 & 8-0 at home. 


Yes, this was your blog, but you don't speak for even the average Colts fan, you're negative, impatient, spoiled, & frankly I wish you'd take your attitude elsewhere.  Pick another team, we deserve better fans than you.

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Now what do you think about my statement, bounced last season in second round by guess who.. What da think about last Sunday night? And oh yea, how about TR, great pick Grigs! Andrew has to do it all, D. still can't tackle OL can't block! And last great pic in Hicks, come on man!!!

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