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Posts posted by Archer

  1. 11 minutes ago, azcolt said:

    The South no longer provides an easy 5 or 6 wins and Chuck will lose a couple. 8-8 would be a great season even with Luck.


    I can't imagine thinking this way.  Our Offense could be dominant if we get a break on the O-line injuries for once.  8-8 is wayyy below my expectations for a "great season".

  2. 1 minute ago, DaColts85 said:

    Know he was right....Bill is the deciding factor.  Hints the 3-1 record last year with their #2 and #3 QB.  Oh and that year a terrible QB (Cassell) went 11-5.  Bill and that system make it happen.


    Not sure the extent will ever be known, but it's no coincidence that the team routinely caught cheating is the one experiencing a preternatural run of success.  Bill has more shenanigans in mind, I'm sure...

  3. Victory will be almost unanimous with that AFCCG win over the Pats.  My biggest loss would be the 20-3 playoff loss at the Pats.  Don't remember the year.  It was so odd b/c no one had slowed the offense all year.  Of course, we now know that the Pats certainly cheated to do that...so it makes sense.

  4. I've got a bad feeling about Langford.  With the deep DL we've got, I wonder if there's room for a 31 YO veteran limping back from a major injury.  if he's not off the PUP soon, I fear a younger and healthier player who actually has a long-term future with the team takes his roster spot...

  5. I think every element of our offense is being under-rated by the national guys.  That always opens the door for a season where we can constantly hear about the "surprising" Colt offense or OL.  It's amazing what lengths those guys will go to avoid admitting their analysis was crap. That can be more fun for the fans than those years the team is expected to dominate.  Anyway, I wouldn't be shocked if the Colts end up in the thick of the SB race, but I wouldn't expect it...


    I think our strength and conditioning staff will have their hands full with three of our draftees this year.  I expect that all three will get redshirt seasons as we’re getting them to proper weights and improving their physical traits:


    1)      Zach Banner.  Seems like a terrible fit and pick to most of us.  What the team is probably thinking is that getting him to a correct playing weight will result in the minimal mobility necessary to be a power RT.  He was playing at almost 390 most of the time, so of course he struggled.  Now, his abysmal combine numbers were at a lower weight of 353 pounds; however, getting down to a weight that enables a player to gain mobility and retain his strength is a trickier process that takes some time.  This is where our strength and conditioning staff will earn their money.  I’m not too hopeful, since he’s coming from a program that certainly had a nearly NFL-quality strength and conditioning program (not from Watsamatta U., as Grigson would say).  In fact, if I had to guess at the three best programs in college football, I’d say Ohio St., Alabama, and USC would have the best strength and conditioning programs.


    2)      Anthony Walker Jr.  Such a weird case.  Would have been a 2nd or 3rd round pick after his RSoph season.  Respected draftniks said he had sideline-to-sideline range and was really good in coverage (having run step-for-step with Christian McCaffrey in coverage that year).  Then, he gained 20 pounds of muscle.  From this year’s tape, he has limited range and can’t cover.  He’s from a school that certainly doesn’t have a good training staff, and he probably bulked up in a way that compromised his quickness and flexibility.   I really think that the NFL strength and conditioning program will be the key to getting him back on track.  I’m hoping that some of the false steps and other technical flaws many have noted from this past year resulted from his uncertainty about his new body (kind of like how teenagers on extreme growth spurts can get really clumsy as they break in their new, longer limbs).


    3)      Grover Stewart.  For some reason, NFL.com has him listed at 6’5, 295.  It’s easy to see which draft reviewers are using that misinformation, as they say he’s notably unathletic for his size.  In reality, it’s the opposite.  His PD size was 6’4, 347 (seriously, they’re off by 52 pounds!).   He was actually quite quick for his size, and he’s strong as an ox.  Truly, he already has an NFL body and athleticism.  He is an athletic lump of clay who needs a year to learn proper technique.  The reason the strength and conditioning staff will have to spend a lot of time with him is that he is figuratively coming from Watsamatta U.  I can’t imagine that Albany State did more than point him towards the track and the weight room.  In this instance, the Colts’ staff has an opportunity to make him even quicker and stronger at the same time the coaching staff is teaching him proper technique.  He could be a beast by his second season.


    On a totally unrelated note: rumored tryout player Chris Lyles (CB from Mississippi College) could be an interesting player.  Best I could tell, he was 6’4, 200 pounds at his PD, and he ran a 4.40 forty.  But the most interesting thing was this quote:  "I want them (NFL scouts) to know that I've been overrated.  Been the underdog for a long time and it's time for the dog to come out the gate."  Not only misused “overrated” (he obviously meant “underrated”), but he either got lost in his dog metaphor and strayed into horse-racing or was completing a rare dog-racing metaphor.  Or maybe he was talking about a dog that’s been locked up in a yard, and the gate has nothing to do with racing.  Who knows…?  I’m just hope he gets to TC so we can hear some more goofy quotes!

  7. I feel like a move back to OT could be in order for Good.  He played fairly well there as a rookie, but he struggled at OG last year (even before he got injured).  I expect to see him at both spots, however, as guys like him have to show some versatility to hang around...

  8. I was unaware that there was only an 8 spot drop for Ealy - I was thinking of it as a whole round.  I overstated when I said "moronic", but I have a hard time believing that one or two years of Cooks is worth the # 32 pick in this draft.  That's missing out on Mixon, or Cam Robinson, or Bowser, or whoever...  And, I'd be very surprised if Allen gave you much...

  9. DT: McGill      NT: Hankins     DE: Anderson

    SOLB: Simon        Mike: Bostic    Will: Spence           Rush: Sheard

    CB: Davis                           SS: Geathers              FS: Hooker                CB: Wilson



    If Anderson gets his explosion back in his second year back (as is typical), he starts.  Langford is 31 and coming off the first injury of his career.  If everyone is on the same page, Ballard's earlier comments about getting pass rush out of the D-linemen could push McGill in the the starting lineup (as he's flashed some excellent PR ability).  The ILBs will be a heck of a competition, but if Bostic can stay healthy, he's a great option...

  10. Yeah, I'll value the strategy: it's moronic and short sighted.  Getting Brandon Cooks and this Ealy guy for one year is in no way better than getting a first rounder for five years and a second rounder for four years.  Any other team and the "experts" w/b deriding the short-term gain as running the team into the ground.  As for the Pats' actual picks, none were really personal faves of mine.  Rivers had gotten ridiculously over-hyped, but they ended up taking him about where he deserved to go (or maybe a little too high imo).  They did okay, but a fairly poor draft in all even after factoring getting Cooks and Ealy for the short term...

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