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Posts posted by Archer

  1. On 12/30/2016 at 8:56 AM, aaron11 said:

    butler needs to stay, we are thin a CB already and he is coming off of a good season


    i know corners dont usually get new contracts at his age, but he is playing better now than when he was younger


    I don't know.  Problem is that Butler is very good in nickel packages, but he is less than serviceable as an outside CB.  Since Robinson was also much better before the Colts put him on the outside, I favor signing a true good #2 CB, forcing Robinson (who is already under a contract) back to the nickel.  Under that scenario, it's pretty hard to imagine signing Butler to take those same reps...

  2. I see us spending a lot on keeping our own FAs - we have a number of guys who are coming into their own and need to be kept: namely, Doyle, Kerr, Swoope, and Harrison.  Plus, Walden and Adams really need to be kept IMO.  Walden is our best LB and pass-rusher, both by a really good margin.  And we need some kind of NFL-ready safety depth, and Adams has a little left in the tank.   That spending should all be offset by losing the salaries of D'Qwell, Mathis, Butler, Thornton, and Cole (about $20 million of saving by my calculation).


    Still, we've operated with almost $17 million of dead money this year, and there's less than $800,000 identified for 2017 (D'Joun/Irving)...so that frees up quite a bit of space.  So, I think we have room to bring in Melvin Ingram and a starting CB like Dre' Kirkpatrick and still spend less than we did last year...

  3. 11 hours ago, krunk said:

    So far for me the one I like is Jarrad Davis from Florida.  Seems to bring the wood like I like, sound tackler and athletic.  Maybe my mind might change but as of right now I like Jarrad Davis.  Think he'd be perfect next to Edwin Jackson or Morrison.  Whatever the lineup is I wouldn't mind this kid on the team at all.


    The other guy I like from small glances is Raekwon Mcmillan.  He's got a lot of the similar type of traits as Jarrad Davis. I'd be cool with picking up either one of them but I prefer Davis by a little bit. 


    What I love about Davis is that he's got top-tier leadership qualities.  All the fiery leadership we've gotten from D'Qwell (who is for all intents and purposes done with the Colts IMO), we'd pick right back up with Davis.  He'd be calling the defensive plays and be the emotional leader of the D from Day 1...

  4. According to overthecap.com, Ayers is under contract in 2017.  He's due a salary of $1,550,000, a roster bonus of $550,000, and pro-rated signing bonus of $500,000.  Therefore, his total cap hit in 2017 will be $2,600,000, but he'll have $500,000 of dead money if you cut him...  Here's the site I use for this stuff:




    I'd be interested to know if there are other discrepancies between the two sites...

  5. 34 minutes ago, twfish said:

    I've yet to watch his tape since I'm still working in RB'S his think is supposed be that he can cover right? So how does he look in that area?


    He was in coverage a bit, but I don't remember seeing him running 1-on-1 with a TE or anything.  I'm probably not qualified to judge his zone coverage, but I don't really remember seeing any catches in his area of responsibility or plays on the ball by him.  You bring up a good point, though - maybe that coverage ability of his won't jump out at you like TFLs or bone-rattling hits...

  6. Dude, I'm totally with you!  I've watched three games this year (Tenn., his bowl game, and one other), and I haven't seen anything impressive either.  In the two games I watched Reuben Foster and the two I watched Jarrad Davis I was extremely impressed.  I'm glad it's not just me, as scouting reports I've read almost seem to describe a different player than I was seeing.  He did seem to have some good closing burst, but he didn't jump off the tape in any way...

  7. 1) We resign Gore and Turbo - Gore is already under contract and not in need of re-signing.  I like him as the #1 back for one more year, but we need a young back in place as a platooner/possible heir apparent.  It's a great draft for it, and our draftee will get Turbin's current reps.  So, no thanks on Turbin.  


    2) we try to find a trade partner wanting Castanzo.  Disagree strongly.  We made good OL moves last draft, and now they need to gel and develop.  The last thing we need is a major overhaul at LT to derail that expected progress. 


    3) IMO LB isn't really a "pressing" need.  - Disagree.  I expect a LB draft similar to the OL draft from last year, probably including the 1st and 2nd round picks.  I'm bullish on Edwin, but I'm so-so on Morrison (better back-up than a starter to pencil in).  Reuben Foster, come on down!


    4) #1 priority, whether draft or free agency IMO is a TRUE, dominate, NT. - Disagree!  I think we have a very good DL that was somewhat derailed by injuries this last year.  When our D wasn't working, particularly against the run, it was due to a lack of sideline-to-sideline LBs.  Especially if Anderson regains his explosion in Year 2 after the ACL (as often happens), our DL is a strength.


    5) NO Offensive skill players AT ALL in 2017 via draft or free agency. - Good call, except for a #2 RB somewhere around Round 3.


    6) Dump all resources, money, picks, etc.. into O-line and Defense Only!! *Side note, send Robinson, Adams, #30 and #32 packing. - o Agree that it should be a defensive draft.  I'd re-sign Adams (ya gotta have one NFL-ready backup safety!), and Robinson would stay (but Butler walks, 'cause Robinson is the one already under contract).  When you draft four OL, though, and three of them seem to be hits, why in the world would you go replacing them before developing them?  Makes no sense to me!  I do plan for a late round draftee to keep the depth coming, though.


    7) Extend Vonte's deal in 2017.  - I favor planning for his departure instead.  I like signing an outside CB like Dre Kirkpatrick in FA, forcing Robinson to the nickel.  Then, should Vontae walk next year, you'll have good options with Kirkpatrick, Robinson, and Melvin on the roster.


    and finally....


    If the Colts do clean house of staff, my personal choice would be Mike Shannahan as GM and Kyle as HC/OC. Pull Tom Cable from Seattle for O-line coach. Yes, they have had a down year, but he's a really good line coach and he's a no-nonsense guy that I personally like. I do not think we would ever have a shot attaining anyone from the Pats organization. - Wow, while I respect your opinion, I disagree with most of your plan.  The biggest mistake I see owners doing is changing management when the team experiences a little misfortune.  Sticking with what you believe to be good coaches and GMs even though they've made some mistakes helps you avoid lost years in transition.  Yeah, I think Pagano lost a couple games on bad game-day decisions, and Grigson has bit it hard on a couple of moves.  But neither is given much credit around here for their successes (like two straight fantastic drafts by Grigson in 2015 and 2016).  

  8. I like it.  I usually try to be very conservative in FA, 'cause your $ never go as far as you think.  All four of your FA additions seem a little optimistic to me.  I've got a couple of your moves (Kirkpatrick, D'Qwell and Butler gone, re-signing Doyle and Harrison, etc.), but one of my top priorities is to re-sign Walden.  He's our best pass-rusher and LB (by far on both accounts), and he'd bring us some veteran continuity and leadership (which will be lacking after booting D'Qwell).  But, hey, if we can do all that in FA, I'm all for it (more than one way to skin a cat)!  One note: Ayers is already under contract for 2017.  Nice job, though!

  9. 6 hours ago, akcolt said:

    1st we need to take the best guy on the board I don't think that's going be an Edge 


    I would really love to get a great Edge rusher, but I agree that's not going to be the best player on the board for us.  Honestly, though, there isn't another player that could realistically fall to us that I'd take before Reuben, Cunningham, or Davis this year.  I'd take a long, hard look at Tim Williams, but I think he's definitely going to be a risky pick compared to those three ILBs (and we're in need of another sure hit in the 1st like we got last year)...

  10. 6 hours ago, akcolt said:

    I like it. We need an ILB I like Foster then Cunningham and Davis. That's what I'd look at. I would draft a CB in the 3rd I was looking at Sutton but take a look at Summers. I am starting to like him. Love Laundry


    We are on the same page with what we need to do. This is a big spot for the team I hope we get it right. I would not rule out DB in the. 1st we need to take the best guy on the board I don't think that's going be an Edge 


    Actually, I think I got Landry from you.  You mentioned him in another post, and I looked him up and loved everything I read.  Looking forward to seeing his bowl game...

  11. Well, now that the Colts are out of the playoffs (let’s not debate, it’s too unlikely at this point to plan for), I’m ready to impart my comprehensive off-season plan.  I expect a LB draft of a scale similar to last year’s OL draft.  One thing I’ve noticed is that when our D is not playing well (quite a few games this year), the big thing missing seems to be sideline-to-sideline run defenders in LB corps.  The line will do its job (though it was a bad injury year for the DL, so that wasn’t always the case), but when that RB finds his hole, there never seems to be a LB filling it fast enough.  I’m hopeful for Edwin Jackson (he’s made some of our most impressive LB plays this year in limited action), but, in general, the LBs are not too promising of a group.  This is especially true of the pass rush – no real possibilities for a top-tier rushing OLB on the team.  While that would be the top priority, it’s a riskier notion to find a pass-rusher in this league (more on that below).  I think LB will be in play for every pick in this draft.  Here’s my projections:



    Off-Season Signings (by Priority/Expense)



    ·        Jack Doyle.  Universally loved in the locker room, and the best all-round TE we’ve had since Allen’s rookie season.  The money we spent on Allen last year is irrelevant.  And, at best, we could have a top duo to go with our solid WR corps.


    ·        Dre Kirkpatrick, CB, Bengals.  May seem like an odd priority to some, but much of our CB depth melted away after TC this year (mostly due to injuries).  If everyone stays healthy, this’ll give us a top-tier group at the top of the depth chart.  Without a solid pass rush, we can implement a strategy of having such good coverage that the likely lack of pass rush won’t be a back-breaker.  Plus, having Robinson and Kirkpatrick under contract for a couple more years would insulate us from possibly losing Vontae after 2017.


    ·        Erik Walden.  If you’re desperately trying to improve the LB corps, you don’t start by getting rid of your best one.  He’s by far the best returning pass rusher.

    ·        Mike Adams.  He’s up there in years, but he’s been good and could be a veteran back-up to Geathers and Green.  An insurance policy that still has some gas left in his tank IMO.


    ·           Mike Adams.  He’s up there in years, but he’s been good and could be a veteran back-up to Geathers and Green.  An insurance policy that still has some gas left in his tank IMO.  


        Zach Kerr.  He won’t break the bank, and competition to make the roster will be steep.  If they can stay healthy next year, our DL will be very good if we just keep who we’ve got (particularly if Henry Anderson returns to form).


        Jonnothan Harrison.  He’s had more success staying healthy than Thornton, and I think he could be a good back-up interior lineman for a few more years.  


         Salary Cap Casualty:  D’Qwell Jackson.  His suspension made me even more certain of this move.  


         Let Walk: Mathis, Cole, Thornton, Butler, Turbin, Todman.


         Maybe, MAYBE, bring back Cole if he shows okay these last two weeks and is willing to work for cheap…






    ·        My mock drafts tend to be pessimistic – I’m always figuring that if I’m right about potential sleepers, then other teams will see it too and he’ll be drafted earlier that current conventional wisdom would indicate.  So, you’ll probably hate my draft…



    1) Reuben Foster, ILB, Florida.  It’s a very good year for first round ILBs.  If we’re drafting around #16, Zach Cunningham should be there if Foster’s not.  (And Jarrad Davis of Florida is very under-rated at this point – I might prefer him to Cunningham.)  At any rate, Foster is a rare five-star recruit who actually lived up to the hype.  Sideline to sideline speed, good in coverage, great tackler, good leadership.  There’s nothing not to like here.  Starting him next to Edwin would totally set a new tone for this D.



    2) Harold Landry, OLB, Boston College.  How do you get a top pass-rusher when you don’t have one?  A number of answers, but, in general: you pay through the nose in FA, you draft one in the top 10 picks of the draft, or you hit on a draft sleeper.  The latter 1st  rounders completely bust as often as they hit it big.  So, if I’m gonna gamble, I’d much rather do it in the 2nd round than in the 1st.  Landry ripped off 15 sacks this year after being previously considered a really good run defender.  A Junior - there’s no guaranty he comes out this year.  At 6’3, 250, he is prototypical for our Rush OLB role. 



    3) Nick Chubb, RB, Georgia.  A swing for the fences.  A health risk who hasn’t returned to his former form, he would have been considered a sure 1st rounder a couple of years ago.  Love his size and strength, giving him the ability to be the short yardage guy, in addition to being the feature back of the future.  If he fully returns to form, he’ll be a steal, though Kiper (who the heck is Mel Kiper?) advised him to go back to school.  Royce Freeman is a very similar option, in that he was considered a possible 1st rounder before an injury-plagued season.  Failing these, there are other viable RBs in the 3rd…Kamara, McNichols, Gallman, etc.  It’s a good RB year.



    4) Jordan Willis, LB, Kansas St.  At 6’5, 258, he’d be the second draftee to develop and compete for playing time with Ayers at Rush OLB.  He’s one of those guys you’d have to get into camp and see where he fits best.  A bit tall for ILB, but he could possibly set the edge at SAM, or be a pass-rush specialist at the Rush OLB or DE positions.  He had a productive career rushing the passer, getting 10.5 sacks this year at DE. 



    4) (Compensatory) Tedric Thompson, S, Colorado.  Talented guy in a talented secondary.  Pulled down 7 interceptions as a Sr., after a productive 2015 in coverage too.  6’, 205 – should fit in as a back-up to T.J. Green and Geathers.  This is an area in need of more depth, even if Adams returns.


    5) Nate Theaker, OL, Wayne St.  I like our OL draft moves last year, and I think they’ve given us good developing depth.   Looking forward one year, I’m not sure we’ll be able to afford to keep Mewhort after 2017.  Haeg would be his obvious replacement, but that would set some things in motion:  Good in the conversation at both RG and RT, Clark competing for the job he was drafted for at RT, another multiple player search for RG, development of new swing tackle depth, etc.  I know I’m over-thinking, but the bottom line is that I’d like to keep the OL depth vacuum we’ve had in recent years from developing again.  As for Theaker, he’s 6’5”,305 lb., and his resume will remind you of Haeg’s.  Very lightly recruited out of HS, he’s done nothing but perform at a high level at a small college.  He played LT as a Sr., but played a lot of RG and RT in the past.  Should test quick and fluid, like a ZBS OG (and again like Haeg)…



    6) Tyus Bowser, LB, Oklahoma St.  Would consider another RB, but here’s another case of looking for LBs to upgrade the corps.  He looked really good in coverage when I watched him.  And while he didn’t rush the passer very often, he looked really quick around the edge to me.  Still he had 8.5 sacks, 12 tfl, 3 pbu, 9 qbh, and 47 tackles as a Sr.  At 6’2, 240, he could probably fit in about anywhere in our LB corps.  Looking for connections, Curt Maggit’s brother is a defensive assistant in the Houston coaching staff…so, there’s that.



    Undrafted College FAs



    Chris Carson, RB, Oklahoma St.  I mainly tuned into the Big-12 championship to watch Carson and Samaje Perine of Oklahoma.  Carson is the one I came away more impressed with.  He’s supposed to be a really good receiver.  Looked patient but decisive (if that’s not too oxymoronic for you).  At 6’1, 215, 4.52ish, he’s a pretty good basket of physical traits for a UCFA. 



    Nick DeLuca, ILB, North Dakota St.  Washed out due to injury as a Sr., but he was a tackling machine as a Jr. (when we would have been there scouting Joe Haeg). 



  12. The Rush OLB prospects seem to be a little too risky for my taste, whereas the ILB prospects seem to be safe picks.  Since we are more likely than not headed to the playoffs (debatable, I know), I think we'll actually miss out on Foster, Cunningham, and Tim Williams.  So, I'm really starting to settle on Jarrad Davis of Florida.  Some consider him an OLB, but I think he'd be a great ILB for us.  He's called a field general and an emotional leader.  After making D'Qwell a salary cap casualty, we'd need the leadership.  And he's a real stud who can go sideline to sideline, cover, and tackle. 

  13. Watched Takkaraist this weekend as a possible 1st round pick for us.  Scouting reports made it seem like he had the right skill set for us at Rush LB.  I only watched the first half before I got bored and turned it off.  He didn't have any impressive plays in the first half.  Made one nice play against the run and had a nice rush once (other DL got to the QB first, however), but was handled by the USC OTs for the most part when rushing the passer.  Announcers talked him up, though, and he did seem to be very interested in playing the run (not just a pass-rushing pretty boy).  Sounds like it was one of his least productive halves of the year, which has to happen some game.  Still, I didn't see the constant presence in the pass game I was hoping to see.  He'll warrant more sudy, but I'm not putting him in my mock any time soon (before round 2, anyway)...

  14. On ‎10‎/‎14‎/‎2016 at 1:16 PM, stitches said:

    I like the first two picks. I like Wayne Gallman more than Michel in the 3d round range. I don't have opinion on the rest(need to watch more) :)


    Yeah,  Gallman is my 2nd choice there.  I admit that I'm enticed by Michel's speed.  We've lacked big plays from the RB position for a long time, so I'd like to have an RB that can turn one of our 8-yd gains into a 40-yard gain.


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