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Posts posted by Archer

  1. 1 hour ago, Boiler_Colt said:

    Idk why we necessarily need 6 unless Rogers is still hurt. 


    Agree.  We don't necessarily more than five WRs.  I am surprised Aiken made it though.  I really thought Jojo, Bug, or Fred Brown showed more than he did...

  2. pfffft!  Pre-season stats from two bad games and one good one where the vast majority of PT is by players who will not make the team don't mean squat!  I'm just encouraged by the Steeler game, and I'll leave it at that...

  3. Tired of hearing things like our OL is in shambles.  We're definitely fine for Game 1 at LT, RG, & LG.  Clark has disappointed, but Bond and Vujnovich helped form a pretty solid OL against Pitt. Plus, Good looked good subbing for Mewhort.  Our OL is fine.  On a side note, listening to enemy podcasts, Houston and Tennessee fans are freakin' out about how bad their OLs looked in Game 3.  Yes, the vaunted Titan line looked terrible.

  4. 2 hours ago, DaColts85 said:

    As of right now they have said that he is highly likely to miss game 1 and fully prepared to miss the season.  I see another Bosa situation and a week 4 return.  New FO knows he is talented but might let him go a little before he breaks down.


    Finally a LITTLE bit of good news for them Colts!

  5. 10 hours ago, southwest1 said:

    That may all be well & good. However, going up against Rams DC Wade Philips straight out of the regular season recovery gate makes me nervous Archer. Let the backups take the piñata beating not Luck. 


    Rust + Aaron Donald = A bad combination. It's not a question of Andrew's reads just that he hasn't been sacked yet & knocked around yet. 


    I believe Aaron Donald is still holding out and not expected back by game 1...

  6. I don't think the team knows exactly what to expect when Luck comes off PUP later this week and starts to practice with the team.  However, I think Luck physically at 75% is probably better than Tolzien or Morris who have less than 50% of Luck's mental command of the game.  Not to slur the backups, but Luck has a Manning-like understanding of the game and ability to process things...

  7. ...but I think Luck will start Game 1.  I think the staff knew that his shoulder would probably be structurally fine by Week 1, and the plan all along was to activate him at the time of final cuts and start whoever gives us the best chance of beating the Rams.  I'm projecting that will be Luck...

  8. 7 minutes ago, CR91 said:

    I maybe the minority, but I find this green to CB move weird. You would think with Melvin out, Wilson would be getting the majority of first team reps. Perhaps it is for green to get better at coverage, but we play the rams in less then a month and imo Wilson needs all the reps he can get with the 1s if he is going to start week 1


    I think they just want a quick read on this Green to CB thing.  If he doesn't show something quick, then back to S.  The whole thing might be a reaction to our lack of CB tackling.  Green looked very good in run support Sunday...

  9. We all know that the depth chart will change a lot between now and Game 1.  Could this be motivational strategy for both Wilson and Hairston?  absolutely.   I saw Wilson's struggles to play the ball, though, whereas Hairston was invisible (always a good thing for a CB).  Without rewatching a preseason game (which I refuse to do), I'd say their positions on the chart proved apt!  At any rate, I bet Melvin starts Game 1...

  10. It's not enough to say "we're an X-Y team without Andrew Luck".  You have to assume a certain level of back-up QB play.  If you assume abysmal QB play, then I agree...we're a 4-12 team.  If you assume average QB play, then we are at least an 8-8 team IMO.  From everything I've heard so far, the former seems reasonable.  However, I really believe that Luck will miss one or zero games, making us an 11-5 team...

  11. 16 hours ago, Smonroe said:

    If Ballard is true to his word, Spence may not make the team if he can't practice.  


    Don't disagree, but I thought Spence played really well.  He was one of the big winners in this game.  Should put him up in the 2nd team if the injury is minor...

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