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Posts posted by MacDee1975

  1. 8 hours ago, Kyle said:

    i see how you could think that.... but it also could be that Irsay tried to make coaching changes that fell through due to no one wanting to work with Grigs.  Irsay even sent Grigs and Pagano to counseling.  it didn't work.  he finally realized grigs is a * and fired him


    So we can expect Gruden to be named coach of the Colts shortly?  Since the only roadblock when Irsay offered him the job last week was Grigson being GM.  

  2. 1 minute ago, Green_Ranger said:

    For weeks there were reports that Jim Irsay valued GM Ryan Grigson over Pagano. For weeks I was led on to believe that if anyone were to be fired it would of been Pagano. There were reports that Jim Irsay didn't want to fire GM Ryan Grigson and hand over the keys to Jon Gruden, but he would have clearly fired Pagano for Gruden in a heartbeat if he was willing to work with GM Ryan Grigson.


    So now Grigson gets the axe and Irsay claims that Pagano will be our coach for the 2017 season. Irsay also stated he will be hiring a new GM who will come in and evaluate the team from top to bottom.


    So what if the new GM doesn't want Pagano? Doesn't he have the right to fire him?


    I don't like Pagano at all and I really hope if Irsay is going to make a change he would fire Pagano as well. We need an upgrade at the coaching position. I don't believe in Pagano and as long as he's here the Colts will never win anything above a AFC South Title.


    I'm praying Pagano is gone within a week or two of a new GM being hired.


    Those reports were bogus.

  3. Yeah, would've been better to keep Grigson and continue to bring in zero difference makers on defense, make no improvements whatsoever to the OL, sign CFL players and draft "project" players with early round picks.


    And this is the NFL, not college.  If Pagano can't handle the pressure and expectations that come with being an NFL head coach, and if he isn't already motivated to succeed, he should quit and go into another line of work.

  4. 1 hour ago, NewColtsFan said:


    Do you watch football much?


    The Texans were in the game for roughly 3 quarters.     Not embarrassed.


    And the Texans are NOT hapless.      Do you even know what that word means?


    Do you know the Houston defense is #1 in the NFL.      That's means, the best in the whole league.    And,  they're number one WITHOUT the best defensive player in the league,  JJ Watt.      They've got top talent everywhere on that defense.     


    The Texans roster is far superior to the Colts everywhere EXCEPT QB.      That's it.


    The Texans are a very good team,  even with Osweiler.    It should be frightening to think how good they would be if they had someone better at quarterback.



    Good Christ.....get off their n u t s a c k.  They are average at best.....nowhere near "very good".  Do YOU watch football?  If you watched *them* at all you would've noticed they looked like the inferior team in 80% of the games they played this season.  Football outsiders has them as a 5 win team this season based on offensive/defensive/special teams efficiency, so what on earth are YOU taking about?  They got every favorable bounce that a team could ever possibly get and still barely finished over .500 in a garbage division.  The Colts / Jags / Bengals, 3 horrific teams, all were beating Houston handily and then had to p i s s on themselves in order for the Texans to eek out wins in each of those games.  There are numerous Houston locals who are not happy with O'Brien at all.  They know that if he coached in any other division, he'd be going on 3 sub .500 seasons in a row and likely would be gone now.

  5. Hardly light years away.  Tons of cap space available:  hit on both free agency and the draft, this team very easily could win the division.....provided they have the right leadership in place, which currently they do not.


  6. 8 hours ago, tikyle said:

    To answer your question none.  I have never lived within 1000 miles, give or take, of Indianapolis.  When I lived in Atlanta I went to the Thanksgiving night game Colts vs Falcons.  I also caught the Colts v Falcons game in Atlanta a year ago.  I was going to drive to Jacksonville to see Colts v Jags since I live in South Florida now but that game was moved to London.


    All that said I just want my team to improve.  I don't mind if they lose.  If I thought winning games this season would help the team down the road or that they needed to get the taste of the playoffs then I'd be rooting for that.  This team has tasted the playoffs.  At this moment it's talent that we need.  We just are not good.  Part of it is coaching, but another big part is talent.  I just don't see how anyone can watch just the division games we've played and not think "wow, when did the (insert any AFC South team: Jaguars, Titans or Texans) get more talent than Indy?"  Just last year we were an Andrew Luck injury away from owning this division as we always had.  And the answer is in all that winning we did.  All that 11-5 and getting closer to the SB, we didn't draft well or develop the guys we had.  We were a .500 team that feasted on it's division.  Going 5-5 every year outside of your division is telling.  Especially when your division is ghastly.


    All that winning, while exciting, just masked the deficiencies we had.  And now we are paying dearly for it.  So my thing now is why not lose these "we got totally outplayed but Andrew and TY saved the day in the 4th quarter" games and draft better at a higher position and get things rolling.  The entire Colts resurgence happened because we drafted 1st (or 2nd in every round that draft) and look what that draft got us.


    P.S. I'm not saying to lose just for the sake of losing.  I'm saying why not play young guys and get them experience and not worry about our record.  Outside of playing La'Raven Clark (it might get Luck hit even more), I'm all for going young.  Mike Adams is great but let's see more TJ Green.  DQ is great but let's see more Antonio Morrison.  Art Jones is OK, but he can be benched for Ridgeway and some of the young guys.  I love Gore, but give Todman half his carries.  It's just time to go young.  I don't want to wake up one day and realize we wasted Luck's prime trying to get aging veterans to the promised land.


    Atlanta is like 500 miles away from Indianapolis.

  7. On 11/22/2016 at 8:49 AM, King Colt said:

    The Texans are undefeated in the conference. The Colts are going to have to win the division as a tie will go to the best conference record. I don't want to see Luck Thursday, it is not worth the risk. Even if he is "cleared" he will still be getting hit at the league leading pace because the bosses don't believe he deserves protection. The Texans got screwed last night against the Raiders so they could have won that game and they should beat the Chargers. 


    Great call.

  8. 30 minutes ago, Gabriel Alexander Morillo said:

    While I love Butler in the slot I think we need to stick Robinson there permanently . Draft a real #2 corner or sign one. 


    Hell, if I'm being honest, I'd love to resign Butler and keep him as a safety. I'm really disgusted by Green's play back there Lol. If we want to win then you stick with the best player, and right now Butler is better @ safety than Green. 


    Yet another brilliant Grigson pick....using a 2 on TJ Green.

  9. 2 hours ago, GoColts8818 said:

    He's quietly been a very good player for the Colts, one of the few play makers that they have on defense.  He is what he is though, a slot corner.  He's just not a number one or two corner.  He has shown promise at safety though which could come more into play as he gets older and as a guy like Adams reach the end of his career.  Even with Geathers and Green they could use a third safety.


    .....which appears to be very soon.

  10. On 9/23/2016 at 8:34 AM, MacDee1975 said:


    He's not trash, but he certainly isn't good.  There's a reason that a championship organization was willing to let him walk.


    Many of us pointed out that Hoyer was a superior qb to Osweiller last year, and that they would be worse off at this position this year.  Which they are.


    Yep.....when you're right, your right.  Osweiler is not just worse than Hoyer this year, he is worse than every single qb in the league.  72 million well spent.....lolololololololololololol

  11. 7 minutes ago, egg said:

    I never said he doesn't deserve some criticism. Of course he does. But he also deserves credit for guys like Hilton, Doyle, Geathers, and others.


    Yes, he does.  He has had numerous good early round picks:  Luck, Hilton, Mewhort, Moncrief, Anderson, Geathers;  Kelly, Green and Ridgeway look to be great picks this year too.


    But he has missed on way too many early round picks to keep his job.  He's blown 3 first rounders in a row (Werner, Trade For Trent Richardson, Dorsett).  That is unacceptable and should cost him his position.

  12. 26 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


    You've been a member here since 2012,  same as me.


    Clark being a project and not expecting to get anything out of him this year has been the Colts plan since Day One.      That weekend we had all sorts of discussions about not expecting to see Clark this year because he was a long-term project.


    Just as Arizona took OT DJ Humphrey in the 1st round a year ago and he didn't even dress for a single game in 2015.     He just stood on the sidelines.     That was the Cardinals plan.      And this year,  Humphrey starts for them.


    This may work out or it may not.     But Irsay and Pagano were both on board with the pick.   


    Why are you not aware of any of this?       I don't understand your rant.....



    It is my contention that is a terrible plan and a waste of a third round pick.  Unlike the Cardinals, the Colts had needs all over the roster and did not have the luxury of drafting a project with their third round pick. 


    My rant is that this was a terrible plan, and yet another in a long line of blown Ryan Grigson early round picks.  This is why we see the mediocre at best product on the field this year.


    There's a reason that Grigson was on the hot seat last year and is again this year.

  13. 28 minutes ago, ztboiler said:

    Did you really just suggest, as the basis for your logic, that it is better GM work to draft a guy in the 5th who has less impact than the guy you drafted as a project in the 3rd?


    I didn't suggest anything.  I outright stated, correctly so, that it is bad GM evaluation and usage of your 3rd round pick at a position of great need, when he doesn't get so much as a hint of playing time, whereas a guy drafted at the same position, 2 rounds later, is starting.

  14. 14 hours ago, twfish said:

    Haeg's ceiling is not much higher than what he's at now. Maybe, MAYBE run of the mill, middle of the pack guard that can play some tackle solid but not a difference maker. Clark's ceiling is a top tackle in the league. So I guess you don't get it...


    When Le'Raven Clark becomes the top tackle in the league, then you can come on here and crow about it.

    As of right now, Haeg is the superior player.  A higher round player being better than a lower round player at the same position in the same draft means Grigson effed up.  Yet again.

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