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Posts posted by MacDee1975

  1. Contenders for the AFS South Championship?  Without question.  I guess everyone forgets this team was 1 play away from winning the division this year, with a garbage roster and complete disfunction from the GM down. Why would they not be contenders next year?  They lose nothing in FA except old inneffective players, have 50+ million in cap room, and 5 picks in the first 4 rounds;  will easily be a better team next year.   The only wildcard, as someone has already mentioned, is that Tennessee is poised to make a huge jump if they hit on the draft (again);  they also have tons of cap room to work with.


    Contenders for the AFC Championship?  Hell no.

  2. 1 hour ago, bababooey said:

    Yea, but a misleading statistic. Partly means you're on the field longer than most others.


    Correct.  Someone has to make a tackle on nearly every play.  A high tackle total isn't really that impressive if it's nearly always after a play where the offense has had productive yardage.

  3. 1 hour ago, throwing BBZ said:


    7-8 more talented through FA.  That is :headspin:
     Rookies lack of Experience = :facepalm:
     We will still have the least talented roster in our Division. Winning three games Again in our Division will be very tough next season.


    No....7-8 thru FA and, most definitely, the draft.  I'm pretty sure the expectation will be for a first and second rounder to come in, play immediately, and have an impact.


    So, in 2017, if a first rounder is used at OLB and a second rounder is used at CB, and they can't exceed the production that Robert Mathis and Patrick Robinson gave us in 2016, for instance, then we are in for a very tough road with Chris Ballard as GM.


    That is asinine to say that there wouldn't be rookies out there that could come in next year and far exceed the horrific level of play that some of the vets on this team provided last year.

  4. 4 hours ago, deedub75 said:


    It's difficult for us to gauge immediate needs because we don't know if they are trying to win now or rebuild. Conrad Brunner told JMV that Irsay said that he'd rather have a couple of down years to get younger and build a team for the future than risk going 8-8 again. I think we get younger in a hurry through the draft and FA and not break the bank on older players. 


    How would getting rid of old, mediocre at best players from a historically bad defense while having the capacity to replace them with 7-8 younger, more talented players via FA and 5 picks in the first 4 rounds this offseason .....result in a down year?


    I mean, they went 8-8 last year.  Being a younger and more talented team, which they almost certainly will be, will result in what.....a 6-10 record next year?

  5. 9 minutes ago, Smonroe said:


    Just saw this article:  https://sports.yahoo.com/news/could-joe-mixon-play-colts-203853599.html


    Interesting part:  "New general manager Chris Ballard has been known to take risks on players with questionable pasts. Remember, Ballard helped draft Tyreke Hill and Marcus Peters in Kansas City. Both of whom has big off the field problems that hurt their draft status. Both have been Pro Bowl players since entering the league."


    Mixon isn't invited to the combine, for what that's worth.  Personally, I feel what he did was beyond repugnant and there's no excusing it.  But was it an isolated incident and not a pattern?  How long should a person pay for it, are they marked for life?


    For most teams, right up until draft time, I would imagine.

  6. 7 hours ago, Steamboat_Shaun said:

    Mewhort: building block

    Moncrief: building block

    Dorsett: jury's still out unfortunately, though he's shown flashes

    Anderson: I think building block, but I suspect that he wasn't truly 100% at any point last year

    Geathers: definitely a building block, but health is already a major concern

    Parry: still not sure how I feel about him, probably JAG

    Good: very solid player for a 7th rounder, but is probably a better backup option than a starter


    I agree with this.

  7. Why do people act like the NFL isn't just rife with parody?  Like it ltakes a decade to get Super Bowl talent.


    In this day in age, would probably take 2 years for this particular team to accumulate Super Bowl talent, if that long.  I don't remember anyone saying Atlanta, coming off an 8-8 season (sound familiar?) had Super Bowl talent in August.

  8. 15 minutes ago, braveheartcolt said:

    Get over it. We know a zillion times how you feel. You and Chuck have a lot in common.


    I'm going to continue to point out the innumerable examples of incompetency, and I won't "get over it" until Harry Dunne is shown the door.  


    But at least Lloyd Christmas is finally gone.

  9. 11 hours ago, coltsfeva said:

    Bringing in a whole new coaching staff would be a mistake IMO. It's not just trading one coach for another but a whole new philosophy, terminology and process of developing new relationships between coaches and players. Disruptive to say the least. Given Irsay's commitment to keeping Chuck for 2017 and emphasis on continuity, I would be shocked if retaining the current coaching staff wasn't a condition in Ballard's contract, either written or understood.


    I think this is exactly what the doctor ordered.

  10. 26 minutes ago, Oldschoolcolt19 said:

    Or shop moncreif and the second round pick for  a first and come away with two defensive impact players in the first round. 


    That just opens up another hole that would need to be filled at WR.


    How about keep Moncrief and the 2nd rounder and then *gasp* actually draft someone good with the second rounder, instead of, say, a project player.

  11. 6 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


    Even if someone would think Morrison is a disappointment,  there's ZERO reason to cut him from a cheap affordable rookie contract.     There's way more downside than upside to cutting him.    He's going to go elsewhere and what if he becomes decent.     Players typically get much better after Year 1 and more after Year 2.       I see no reason to cut him.


    As for Gore?     I think Pagano and Chudzinski would encourage a new GM to keep him.    That's he worth the modest contract that he has.    That we want him on the field and in the locker-room.


    I'd guess veterans like DQJ and Art Jones.    Especially if Jones won't re-do his contract again.   


    I don't see the upside of cutting any of the young guys.    Too much downside and not enough upside risk.



    Totally agree.  No point whatsoever on cutting Morrison at this point.

  12. On 1/21/2017 at 6:03 PM, workinman said:

    Well, if you go and look at Mike Tomlinson's record he also has a back to back 8-8 seasons and tomorrow his team is in the AFC championship(where we would like to be), IF chuck learns from his past mistakes and gets some better players we may have a future, if not it will be a

     rinse and repeat.


    "Tomlinson" also won a Super Bowl, and appeared in another, prior to the to 8-8 seasons you speak of, so he has a track record of success and has earned the benefit of the doubt.


    Pagano, on the other hand, has a track record of getting his brains beaten in when he reaches the playoffs, and any slack he earned with those 11 win seasons was used up in 2015.

  13. 8 hours ago, Kyle said:

    i see how you could think that.... but it also could be that Irsay tried to make coaching changes that fell through due to no one wanting to work with Grigs.  Irsay even sent Grigs and Pagano to counseling.  it didn't work.  he finally realized grigs is a * and fired him


    So we can expect Gruden to be named coach of the Colts shortly?  Since the only roadblock when Irsay offered him the job last week was Grigson being GM.  

  14. 1 minute ago, Green_Ranger said:

    For weeks there were reports that Jim Irsay valued GM Ryan Grigson over Pagano. For weeks I was led on to believe that if anyone were to be fired it would of been Pagano. There were reports that Jim Irsay didn't want to fire GM Ryan Grigson and hand over the keys to Jon Gruden, but he would have clearly fired Pagano for Gruden in a heartbeat if he was willing to work with GM Ryan Grigson.


    So now Grigson gets the axe and Irsay claims that Pagano will be our coach for the 2017 season. Irsay also stated he will be hiring a new GM who will come in and evaluate the team from top to bottom.


    So what if the new GM doesn't want Pagano? Doesn't he have the right to fire him?


    I don't like Pagano at all and I really hope if Irsay is going to make a change he would fire Pagano as well. We need an upgrade at the coaching position. I don't believe in Pagano and as long as he's here the Colts will never win anything above a AFC South Title.


    I'm praying Pagano is gone within a week or two of a new GM being hired.


    Those reports were bogus.

  15. Yeah, would've been better to keep Grigson and continue to bring in zero difference makers on defense, make no improvements whatsoever to the OL, sign CFL players and draft "project" players with early round picks.


    And this is the NFL, not college.  If Pagano can't handle the pressure and expectations that come with being an NFL head coach, and if he isn't already motivated to succeed, he should quit and go into another line of work.

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