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Posts posted by MacDee1975

  1. 28 minutes ago, Southside Hoosier Fan said:

    Quite underwhelming and appears we didn't even do it right and filed paperwork incorrectly.


    Seems like a very good signing to me from what i'm reading.


    And i'm sure if we're in November and he has 7 sacks, alot of people will be like "Yeah, but his paperwork was filed to the wrong office last March."

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  2. 1 hour ago, azcolt said:

    It seems the AFC South will be much stronger after today. There is lots of news regarding moves by the other three South teams in free agency. So I am starting a thread to have just the good Colts free agency news from today. 


    I’d start the ball rolling with the good news but I don’t have any yet. So will someone else more in the know please do the honors? (And please take your criticism of other fans including me to one of the several threads seemingly created for the sole purpose of debating who is a better fan.)


    The only thing I see happening is Jacksonville widening the gap between themselves and the other 3 teams.


    Shouldn't be too surprising, considering who they have running the show.  They know what they are doing.

  3. 1 hour ago, Indeee said:

    I'm speaking personally for myself, however it may appeal to others on here.


    I'm totally shocked at this point that the Colts have been silent and it doesn't have anything to do with the amount of money we have, nor that I thought we'd be signing a ton of guys. The real reason I'm shocked is that...


    This team has a roster that seriously needs a lot of upgraded talent. If my memory serves me correct, we have a talent roster ranked in the bottom 10-15 in the league. It's one thing to build from the draft which I agree with, but it cannot be all based on that. It's one thing not to just throw chunks of money at players who you believe aren't worthy, however it's also very concerning and completely irresponsible not to recognize early on that the league will dictate the money spent, not a personal viewpoint based on a system of value.


    We have a QB coming off major injury, who also is about to be 30 and full of speculation and not one move has been made as of now to upgrade the line. Yes, I realize there are a couple guys still out there. My thing is, okay, then what are the Colts waiting for? It's almost like the Colts want player visits to determine fit for the team. This is speculation as I'm trying, like the rest of us to make sense of this so far. If that is the case, the problem is that 31 other teams are signing guys unofficially without that interaction and slowly the player pool is dwindling.


    Let's say Colts do sign Dion Lewis. people on here will be ecstatic, however these are the same people that's screaming not to take Barkley at 3. Logic is another RB can be had later. Okay, well using that same logic then why would getting Dion Lewis be a great sign if an RB can be had in rounds 3-5? My point is that the O-line, more than any other position on this team needs to be filled before any other signings and everyone on here should be unanimous in that feeling.


    We Colts fans have been screaming about O-line for years now and yet here we are... Colts silent


    It makes no sense not to sign O-line now unofficially. The rest of the league doesn't care that FA hasn't officially started. Guys are getting signed left and right.


    I was panicked earlier today, now I'm dumbfounded and if any other players are signed before quality O-line help I will seriously have to question what this organization is doing and where it's really headed and if protecting our most cherished asset is really a priority.









    He turned 28.5 literally yesterday, so he's not about to be 30,


  4. 7 hours ago, Luck 4 president said:

    Honestly our roster is just terrible courtesy of Grigson and friends. Ask yourself, how many of our players would start on the Eagles? I can think of TY, and Castonzo. That’s it. Nobody on defense would start. Possibly Malik Hooker and Rashaan Melvin if healthy, but that’s it. 


    Funny how I never heard a single person raving about how incredibly talented the 2017-2018 Philadelphia Eagles roster was like 5 months ago.

  5. 22 hours ago, Ne-Ca-Higher said:

    Luck is done.  Only a fool would believe that he'll be an NFL caliber thrower after watching him struggle mightily to come back from his serious injury and complicated surgery.  His recovery is way past overdue so quit fooling yourselves.  Draft a QB at #3 or suffer dire consequences.  Brissett isn't even in the same time zone as the top 3 QB prospects in this draft: Darnold, Rosen and Mayfield.  Even drafting Jackson and changing our offense would be a big improvement over Brissett.  We have our capable backup QB in Brissett but nothing more.  Chubb?  Barkley?  A cloned Reggie White or Jim Brown wouldn't do enough good to matter as long as we don't have a good starting QB.  Just review last year's results without a healthy Luck.  And seriously, trade with conference foes Denver or the Jets?  So they can get their franchise QB?  Nonsense.  I'd take Mayfield, who I believe is third best, over any other two players in this draft.


    Luck's done?!  Well crap.  Hopefully you've informed Ballard of this so he knows what to do this offseason.

  6. 1 hour ago, BlueShoe said:

    When I think of weighted balls, I am thinking the weighted baseballs I use with my son. They helped build up his arm strength and also helped him hit with power. I attribute using these weighted balls as an important reason he made the all star team and continues to make it every year. 


    If I am right, and Luck is using these weighted baseballs then you do not want to throw these with everything you have. They are intended to lightly toss around. My son and I only tossed these back and forth about 5-10 yards or so. And we make sure to have an easy throwing motion while doing so. This much weight can seriously hurt your arm if you try to sling it. 


    These are what we use.




    Nah, i'm more picturing him using a shotput & throwing it in the style that a major league starting pitcher would throw a baseball at full game speed.


  7. 2 hours ago, Indeee said:

    Look, every single Dungy supporter hats off to you, your opinion, hats off to you. I didn't/don't hate Dungy I'm not sold on another guy with a "Dungy" PERSONALITY. At least when DSungy did coach he had manning on Offense and Bob (when healthy) on defense to light a fire/get into players faces to hold them accountable, whether in practice or a a game. This Colts team does not have that type of PLAYER character on its team and here we go again with another soft spoken, X's and O's guy just like Pagano.. I wish everybody on here would see through the garbage that's been the Colts over the last few years and even in Dungy's years regarding these Colts teams. They we're regarded as soft during Dungy and regarded as soft and lacking heart under Pagano. And yet here we are again!!!! So if you're one of the many who enjoyed "Soft" Colts teams and under-achieving, Regular season Hero's, can't get motivated/stay motivated enough to play a full game than by all means let's Party because Frank Reich's in town!! Woo-Hoo


    I seriously hope I'm 1000% wrong about this guy as I want the Colts to achieve in every facet, but I'm not sold on this guys passion as a leader. He reminds me at first glance like a room decorated in average wallpaper, easy to clean off and okay on the eyes yes, but not really having any pop


    You nor anyone on here has any clue what Reich's personality type when head coach of an NFL team will be, nor how "soft" they will play.


    And Chuck Pagano being an Xs and Os guy?  That's a howler.

  8. 1 hour ago, ColtsBlitz said:

    What makes them say that? I thought McDaniels was hands down the best candidate until after he backed out.  I don’t know much at all about Reich if I’m being honest. 


    The fact that he’s absolutely sucked anywhere he’s been outside of NE.


    There’s also him being a documented cheater at 2 different places.

  9. 26 minutes ago, Indeee said:

    the argument is HOF coach. Dungy without a QB like manning would squeak into the wildcard round every year... based on his coaching/record... My point was that is not HOF pedigree for a coach


    Name a coach who makes the playoffs with players who suck.

  10. 37 minutes ago, Indeee said:

    This hiring is way too close to the Colts past familiarity for my liking. I realise there wasn't much we could do, however this guy is linked with too many ex Colts for my liking. Guys like Christianson, Caldwell, Dungy, Moore, Mudd


    You mean that group of guys that experienced an almost unprecedented level of success while here?  Yeah, it sure would suck to go 13-3 and win the division every season again like we did with that group of clowns.

  11. 1 hour ago, 1959Colts said:

    It's been reported the Eagles would prefer to keep DeFilippo over Reich.

    Perhaps DeFilippo has better head coaching, leadership, motivational, etc characteristics? 

    True, Reich has been around longer, but really... What has Reich done?


    As a coordinator.  Nobody said they preferred De Filippo over Reich if they had to choose between the 2 for a head coaching position.  

  12. 23 minutes ago, PrincetonTiger said:

    Never said that but that at this point every candidate will have some kind of flaw and we(fans) cannot throw someone away because they are too tall, have little experience, etc.


    Agreed.  From day 1 every candidate has some kind of flaw, including and especially McDaniels.

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