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John Waylon

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Everything posted by John Waylon

  1. Good on you defense. Now offense, let’s do that one thing again.
  2. Man watching this picture bugging out like this is making me nauseous.
  3. Yeah they’re really nickel and diming us to death right now. 😑
  4. Hey that’s a benefit for some of the commentary teams we’ve had this year.
  5. Man I hope CBS fixes this picture, this is gonna give someone a seizure before long.
  6. They were on the same page, just in different books. I’m not gonna lie, I wouldn’t have minded going for it there. Call something specifically for Richardson and see if he can get it.
  7. Will there be sun today? I’m a hour south of town and it’s cloudy down here.
  8. I still expect them to be able to handle the Jags. That was not a quality effort today regardless of who is hurt and who isn’t.
  9. Of all the games I’d travel to this season I think going to see frank would be at the bottom of the list lol. I’d walk to Germany to have to sit and watch Mac Jones before I’d go visit frank 😂
  10. Watching the Bills and Jags game now and the Bills better come correct and beat the Jags. I don’t want to start my game day with that kind of disappointment.
  11. I don’t know why people keep trying to let him hide behind the injury. Ballard said in his camp opening presser “he’s healthy and he won’t start camp on the PUP.” That’s probably even close to a direct, word-for-word quote. Why would Ballard go out there and say that only to turn around and look silly just 5 hours later when Taylor was in fact placed on the PUP? How would that serve Ballard in any way other than making him look like an *? He didn’t say that stuff to open camp without being confident in it. He didn’t say that stuff unless it had been indicated to him. And then it was the “injury away from the team” for a few hours until it was pointed out that such a thing would allow the Colts to void his contract on the year and then suddenly, very conveniently, it was the ankle again. Hmmmmmm yeah, what can we glean from that? We don’t need to give inspector Clouseau a call to figure out what went on here, but it’s not hard to see why the people who think he was injured have no shot at making the rank of detective.
  12. Common sense tells us his injury wasn’t what kept him out of camp. Try it some time, you might be surprised. A sprained ankle does not linger for 9 * months. And if it does, you do not give that person 15 million dollars a year to run around on it because that’s a big long row of red flags. Do you go to a car dealership and buy the one with a rod knocking and smoke coming out from under the hood? I know you’re not the swiftest but please at least try to keep up. Just try. Even a little bit. You quoted me and said “he’s here whether I like it or not”. Where did I say I didn’t like it? Where did I say, or even give the impression I didn’t want him here? I didn’t. You crawled out of your hole to bring that to the table, not me. That’s how you spoke out of term. You just assumed how I think, despite the fact that there’s a clearly established history of… … Wait for it… … ….. Me saying the 100% exact opposite.
  13. We’d have to talk her out of trying. Vigorously. There’s a major difference between, say, fudging some numbers to shore up a deal and sitting across the table from someone and telling them a bold faced lie that everyone in the room isn’t even remotely true. Major difference.
  14. It doesn’t happen all the time. The league made a hard rule against it, and they’re very proactive about enforcing it and fining players when it happens. The league has been very active about enforcing not faking injuries in a game. Like I said earlier, when they doubled back on the “injury away from the team” to the ankle it gave them a kernel of reasonable doubt to hide behind that the team couldn’t void his contract for because his ankle had in fact been injured. But the timeline does not support the argument. At all. He was supposed to be healthy and fully recovered by the first of June. June. Two whole months before camp. Two. Whole. Months. if he showed up with an injury that had been lingering for two whole months longer than it was supposed to, why would he choose to force an extension? “Yeah I know I’m hurt, and even though I was supposed to be healthy two whole months ago and I’m not, I’m still gonna need that 1500% pay increase.” You mean to tell me this is what he did? This is about the only thing that would be a worse look than what actually happened. Furthermore, you mean to tell me that Ballard and Irsay just gave a guy who has had an ankle injury lingering for allegedly several more months than it should have almost 15 million a year annually? My 76 year old grandmother healed from a hip replacement in less time than it took Taylor to heal from a sprained ankle. Come on. Quit letting him pull the Colts colored wool over your eyes. It doesn’t take a medical professional to smell something off here. Holdouts incur fines. Hefty fines, especially with what Taylor was being paid. So hefty, in fact, I don’t think he would have been able to afford them. Hiding behind a 6 month old injury was nothing more than a way to avoid getting fined while he held out to get what he wanted. I don’t know how much negotiating you do out in the real world, but negotiating anything with anyone you know is lying to you isn’t ideal. Hopefully he was honest with them behind closed doors, but this whole thing was not what it was presented to everyone outside the building as being. Not at all.
  15. Because it is against the rules to intentionally fake an injury for any reason in the NFL. Remember the big RB conference that took place before all of this started? And how one of the things they talked about was playing up injuries in order to get what they wanted? And then how the league threatened legal action over that? It’s against the rules and it’s a bad faith tactic, especially how it was used in this situation. Don’t fake an injury to stay off the field to get a trade or a new contract. That’s dishonesty. That’s wrong on the basic human level before we add all the layers of legalities that make it an actionable offense. You cool with people lying to you to get what they want? Because that’s all this was. Maybe you let people get away with it, but most people don’t and they consider it wrong. Count me firmly in that camp. Don’t lie to me. I don’t lie to anyone. About anything. Ever. I’m excited to have him back. I’m glad this mess is all finally behind us and we’re going to get one of the best players this franchise has ever had back. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to look the other way and ignore the obvious truth that took place here. I’m not holding it against him, but I saw it, and I’m not afraid to call it what it was even if he, or anyone else is.
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