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Synthetic last won the day on November 2 2016

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    Saints fan, music nerd, Star Wars nut. 

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  1. We just witnessed two of the greatest championships in both the NBA and NFL. The two best players of both sports mounting amazing comebacks. So happy I lived to witness...Enjoy these memories while you have them, cause it won't last forever. Hands down, the best Super Bowl I ever seen. Hats off to Brady, he is officially the best quarterback I have ever seen and I'll defend him to the end. Hats off to LeBron, no one deserved it more than Cleveland last year. 

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    2. Synthetic



      We are all witnesses and we should ENJOY these moments...but ya know, there will always be a million arguments to downplay it. Then 10 years from now, people will look back and wish they had enjoyed it back then. 

    3. teganslaw


      Synthetic, I was wondering if you had replaced David Bowie with Tom Brady; glad to see that Bowie is still on your page. :D

      There are always people who argue everything; must be human nature. If they miss out on things now, it's their loss.

    4. 2006Coltsbestever


      What is funny is the Cubs winning the World Series for the 1st time in 108 years blows both of them away. Especially being down 3-1 without HFA. The you mentioned are awesome but aren't even comparable. Even if I wasn't a Cubs fan I would say the same thing and almost everyone agrees with me. Pats fans agree with me reading their Posts. Most Pats fans like the RedSox more than the Pats believe it or not. If you took 100,000 Mass people and asked them what was better, Pats winning this year or the RedSox winning in 2004, 75% of them would say Sox. I know their fanbase.

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