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Posts posted by ponyboy

  1. I remember watching Arizona pull out a meaningless win in the last play, of the last game of the 1997 season to give the Colts the #1 pick.  Without that meaningless win on a 1 yard TD pass to Larry Centers with :05 seconds left in the game, the Cardinals would have had the first pick in draft.  My nephew and I celebrated that TD knowing/hoping that it meant Manning would be with the Colts.


    I used to lurk on the Colts forum back in the 90s.   There were some fans on the forum who didn't want Manning or Leaf.  They wanted Andre Wadsworth, who went #3 to Arizona and busted too.  Many were on the Leaf bandwagon -- "he's a bigger/better/faster Brett Favre".

  2. Donald has to at least test free agency to see if he can get good money to be the primary back for some team (like Cleveland, for example) .   I don't think the Colts can commit that kind of money to him to be part of a 3 back rotation with Vick and Trent.  Too bad, I would like to see him stay.


    If the bigger offer isn't there in FA maybe he'll come back.

  3. cut toler, snatch verner


    This sounds like a slam dunk if we could free up 4.5M by cutting Toler (and his injury history) and replacing him with Verner (who has played 16 games each year) for around 5M.  Fortunately, Toler's contract was setup to allow for this.

  4. I disagree with your premise. Keeping Richardson isn't wasting a roster spot, and it has nothing to do with admitting a mistake. He's a solid running back who needs to get better and needs better blocking. He's not making a lot of money, and cutting him would be wasting money.


    I don't have any desire to argue the extremes here. Richardson is going to be with the Colts next season.



    Agreed, he's already paid for.  Unless somebody offers a decent trade (2nd or 3rd round), we have him for 2 more years.  If his rushing doesn't significantly improve early next season he could still be a good situational guy for passing situations (and the 3rd RB in the rotation).

  5. i honestly feel TRICH will make everyone eat their words and everyone who was hating on him will be jumping on his bandwagon. He was a stud in college and he was good in cleveland. He also had a better line. Brown is a better runner with this oline. we get a better oline and I bet Richardson will make everyone eat their words


    Care to quantify the production you're expecting that would cause "everyone to eat their words"?  Just curious what you're expecting.

  6. We don't have anything to offer really, nothing were willing to trade anyway.


    Yeah, it would probably take a pretty good player (like Fleener or Allen) and a 3rd or 4th rounder to get into the bottom half of the first round.  I wouldn't do that unless Grigson doesn't think he'll be able to sign all of Luck, TY, Fleener, and Allen in a couple years -- and would lose one of the TEs to FA anyway.   Ballard and Richard will also be FA in that year, but I don't see either of them having trade value this year.


    For the record, I wouldn't do that trade.  Just saying that's probably what it would take unless you give up next years 1st.

  7. geez, figures you would have it- the walking football encyclopedia :)


    Still own side of 50- what was this ..less than the 30 wasn't it?


    He was referring to what happened tonight in the SD/Denver game..  ironically as this thread was in progress.  A very similar situation to what was being discussed here (down by 17, 4th and 7 about 8 minutes left in the 4th)... and yes SD went for it instead of punting.

  8. He was drafted #3 overall for a reason.  He rushed for 950 yards and had 10+ TDs in his rookie year.  With training camp with the Colts, we will have better knowledge of the offensive scheme.  With are o-line improved next year, the NFL better watch out for Trent Richardson.  He will be the one laughing last.   


    Scouts make mistakes.  Here's a list of top 3 picks over the 10 year period of 1998-2007 that have failed to really produce much in the NFL.


    Ryan Leaf (#2), Andre Wadsworth (#3), Tim Couch (#1), Akili Smith (#3), Courtney Brown (#1), Gerald Warren (#3), David Carr (#1), Joey Harrington (#3), Charles Rodgers (#2), Robert Gallery (#2), Ronnie Brown (#2), Braylon Edwards (#3), Vince Young (#3), Jamarcus Russell (#1).

  9. Yes but that's just not FB- not punting from your own 30 giving the 4th score if you don't make it. Given the odds of getting 3 scores is low but it can happen with 10:30 left and that's what you do in football. Now of course you CAN go for it and gamble to no end.


    As an opponent fan I yelled they HAVE to punt and people looked at me like. And they punted as I knew they would. Or most any team in that position. Its just smart football. Unless you're just into gambling :)


    You're assuming the Pats would hand the ball back over using no time off the clock.  I see, I didn't consider that angle.


    Guess we'll have to agree to disagree, because to me this was a no brainer IN THIS SITUATION.   If we were only down by 10 points I could see the argument.   If it was still the 3rd quarter, I could see the argument.   We were down 3TD with 10:30 remaining and pretty much had to score a TD on that drive to have any realistic chance -- and it was 4th and 1 to boot.    Both punting and failing to convert on 4th down would practically kill any chance of comeback.  Scoring on that drive would have kept a comeback hope alive.

  10. That's actually the right call and I said they have to punt now after not making it while everyone around me said they'd go for it. I can assure you BB would have punted. 10:30 minutes left can be 3 possessions and with TDs each possession that makes it a tie.

    An easy FG if you don't make it on 4th down totally cements the game and that chance for 3 possessions to tie no matter how small is gone.

    Its the right football call.


    Couldn't disagree more.  I think everybody around you was correct.  It was the wrong call and it's not even close, IMO.


    Down 3 TDs with 10:30 to go, you start the drive knowing you have to score a TD on THIS drive to have any realistic chance.  So, even at the start of the drive they should have been planning on going for it on 4th down all the way down the field unless it was something ridiculous like 4th an 20.   The fact that it was 4th and less than a yard made going for it a no brainer.  My jaw was on the floor when they sent in the punting team.   I think the team deflated at that moment.. realizing it was now over.

  11. Do you think if we featured and ran TRich for the majority of the game, it would have worked? Possibly or probably not.



    Sounds like a lot of 3 and outs to me.  The offense started getting better near the end of the regular season when we stopped trying to establish Trent as a runner.

  12. That was not a penalty. Vellano was clearly engaged and was then pushed, which caused him to take that step.

    Luck chose to ran where Velano was stepping.

    If anyone wants to use Dierdorf's misconception of true, by all means, have at it.




    "Yes officer, I was swinging my fist and he chose to put his face were I was swinging."

  13. I think it would have made an awesome gift to arrive on Friday! Send 200 lbs worth!

    SugarFree, so they could eat them....

    Maybe the Broncos should investigate.




    Needless to say, I went to Amazon and read more reviews, and it helped ease the pain of losing. ;) :banana:


    Thank you for sharing.  I still have tears in my eyes from laughing so hard :) 

  14. Thank you, team wasn't even suppose to make the playoffs this year, let alone last year.


    Great things can be achieved under this coaching staff, and they've already done a lot. They are getting a lot out of their players.


    Hopefully they can get some more playmakers on defense, and get healthier on offense and they'll become SB contenders within the next 2 years. That's the new goal if you ask me: become SB contenders within 2 years. 


    I expected them to make the playoffs this year, FWIW.  And I think they are SB contenders next year.  :thmup:

  15. Well we need to part ways with Landry and Toler for sure. Spend money wisely, and honestly, I think we need to move on from Manusky.


    Landry is going nowhere.   He was given too large of a signing bonus to be cut after one year.  There would be too much dead cap space.  We have him for at least one more year.

  16. Indy has T Rich for 2 m per for the next 3 years I think...    very nice digits.


    Brown will command NOWHERE near that over a long term deal.    Indy will bring him back with a very nice signing bonus and the rest will be par for the course.


    I think Brown will deserve something at least in the 3-3.5 million per year range (similar to Sproles or Pierre Thomas).. but less then the $4M/year Reggie Bush got.

  17. My brothers friend got a picture with him. I don't know where it was but I'll find out. Honestly, i hope I'm wrong.



    Maybe he couldn't sleep and needed a late night snack (been there).  Getting to bed a 4am isn't so bad if you can sleep until noon :)   What time do players arrive at the stadium for a 4:30 game?


    Actually, this does sound bad.  I hope you're wrong about it.

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