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Posts posted by ponyboy

  1. Yea I saw this this morning.

    I'm really happy it's rated #1. It totally deserves deserves it.

    I was at that game, I'll never forget it for the rest of my life.



    I'm still kicking myself for letting the blizzard forecast dissuade me from making the 10 hour drive to the game :( 


    Tell me, in the middle of a mall parking lot, at 2:30 am, would you drive your car in a straight line so it followed those nicely painted lines?    Would you stop at the stops signs in the parking lot if there are no cars within 500 feet?  Would you sit for 5 minutes at a stop light in that same scenario? 




    I'm feeling like such a square because my answer is yes :)

  3. Truly sad how you all have given up cause of one player

    Just sad


    Truly sad how one post asking if we would change our defensive style without Mathis turns into "you all have given up" within a few replies.


    Just sad.

  4. Yea I hear ya, the tackle to me was hum we have 4 Costanso, Reitz, Nixon, Cherilius. Chances of making the team humm none! Draft I guy with a chance who you like  & has a chance to make the team, & you have him now, you don't have to go to free agents an HOPE to get him! Given what I just said apparently they like the kid!


    Regarding John.. my guess is they drafted him intending to stash him on the PS for a year while they coach and condition him.  Probably very little risk of another team claiming him as we try to move him to the PS too.  So while it's true there is very little chance of him making the final 53, I'd bet he'll be on the team as a PS player this year.

  5. 2. Brooks FS or Nix NT - both would have been better picks then Mewhort and at a greater position of need. Mewhort is a developmental backup RT, he won't start




    You've said before you would've been happy with Gabe Jackson at this pick.  I don't see a whole lot of difference with the Mewhort pick vs. Jackson except maybe Mewhort is more versatile.  They were both rated about the same by analysts and would both be immediately competing for a spot on the interior OL.   Mewhort may eventually be a replacement for Cherilus when his contract runs out or his production starts to drop, but I'm almost certain he was drafted to be compete immediately on the interior and not to be a developmental backup T.

  6. Oh yes it is. You simply choose to parse words, enabling you to be argumentative. Nevertheless the context of Kiper's disagreement was that we were going with Jim Harbaugh and not the player he deemed to be a "franchise QB". 


    Maybe I mistook what you were trying to say.  It looked like you were saying that Kiper suggested that we pass on Faulk to choose Dilfer -- which is VERY different than saying that they should have passed on Alberts to draft Dilfer.  In either case, it's true that Kiper's argument was focused on Dilfer vs. Harbaugh and not so much about who we chose with the pick.


    Sorry if I misunderstood.


    Kiper said we should've drafted Trent Dilfer instead of going with Jim Harbaugh and drafting Marshall Faulk.


    That's not actually true.  It was Trev Alberts that was picked instead of Trent Dilfer with the 5th overall pick.  Marshall Faulk was already a Colt with the #2 pick.   In hindsight the Trev Alberts picks was one of the worst Colts picks ever.

  8. I've been watching at least the first 4 rounds since the 1989 draft.  Before the internet I would continue watching the later rounds too (and subscribed to the Ourlad's draft guide).  After the internet, I'll usually stop watching in the 4th round and follow updates on the web.  I remember one year when they moved the 2nd half of the draft to ESPN2 I had to go to the cable company to rent a cable box so I could watch the 2nd half (ESPN was on basic cable but not ESPN2).

  9. Why would a team trade a 2nd rounder this year for a 2nd rounder next year -- especially a 2nd rounder from a contender?  Usually you see a team offer a rounder higher next year in that type of trade (Ugho: 2nd for 1st, or Hughes: 5th for 4th).  So, the first second rounder is kind of unrealistic.

  10. i was sorta wish'n some of you folks were more than just weekend and board fans... be it Manning or Smthington or Luck...


    Only the true fans know that Smithington had no chance behind the Colts line.  Weekend or board fans blame Smithington.. but we know better :scared:

  11. I like what I saw from Whalen's returns much more than Rainey.  And Whalen also showed a knack for gaining 1st downs with YAC in the receiving game.  I'd keep Whalen over Rainey.  Not having a return specialist might allows us to carry the 6 WRs on the roster (Wayne, TY, Nicks, Rogers, Whalen, Brazil).

  12. How was i being condescending?


    I seem to recall you being dismissive of Gavin’s analysis in the past because he bases his it off video footage (with your same youtube references).  I can’t think of how any fan, other than an insider, could form opinions based on anything other than the video we all watch.  And Gavin seems to watch a lot of it.


    Saying “Youtube man…” seemed to be another instance of you trying to belittle his opinion.  It seemed condescending to me.  Maybe I misunderstood what you meant by that comment.

  13. YouTube man, its where you can truly discern talent


    Cool, we have a Colts insider on the forum!    I'm assuming the opinions you've expressed on the forum have come from being in camp every day and not from viewing video broadcast footage of games or publicly available coaches film.  Even so, it seems a bit condescending to belittle those who don't have your insider access.

  14. Agree the fleener jackhammer was ...sad. but the jazz hands totally made up for it lol


    Was there a story behind the jackhammer?  I thought it was odd at the time.


    I thought the jazz hands was odd too, until I learned the story behind it.   Then I thought it was great.

  15. Just because he wants more money doesn't mean he's going to get it.  He has a very reasonable contract and, at 32, no real leverage.  Doubtful he would sit out and turn down $5.5M at 33.  I don't think the contract demands should even enter into the equation -- he's probably not getting a raise from anybody.


    I'd be for getting him for the next 2 or 3 years.  We are contenders now, why not address the weakest position on the team with a player who has consistently played at a high level for the past 3 years and only missed one game in that time.

  16. I hate how you guys keep saying "If Thomas can stay healthy" like he's injury prone or something. If you go back to the play he was injured, Satele was on his foot obstructing his ability to move & then it went downhill from there

    Satele gone= Healthy Thomas


    He has an injury history before the Colts.   I just don't know what to say about the comment "Satele gone = Healthy Thomas".  I guess you expect his serious injury to heal better now that Satele is gone?


    If I were Irsay and our center play is poor again, I think next off-season I'd be lighting a fire under Grigson's a** to fix the problem -- finally, and once and for all.


    Don't shop at the 99-cent store for a solution.   Pay full retail price and get a quality starting center.    Period.



    Strongly agree with this except I felt this way last season.  I figured this would be FA market where we'd pony up and pay for quality -- and not risk a repeat of the last two seasons on the interior OL.

  18. Agree sometimes I think he was better from the 4th down, and free agency, as opposed to 2 thru the 3rd?


    Yes.  He had a knack for whiffing in the 3rd round.  Here are some of Polian's third round whiffs. [Not including Brandon Bullsworth of course, who was also a 3rd round pick]


    E.G Green

    Paul Miranda (actually 1st pick in 4th round)

    David Macklin

    Cory Bird

    Joe Jefferson

    Don Strickland

    Ben Hartsock

    Gilbert Gardner

    Vincent Burns

    Quinn Pitcock

    Freddy Keiaho

    Dante Hughes

    Philip Wheeler

    Kevin Thomas

  19. Nah.  He still wants Mack.  They've agreed to reasonable and fair contract terms (that the Browns would match).  But now he's just trying to bait the Browns into dropping the transition tag by appearing to have no interest.  Yeah, I'm still in denial.

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