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Posts posted by ponyboy

  1. Namely?


    I don't know to what extent the DHB signing influenced the draft strategy, but...


    Perhaps DeAndre Hopkins, Robert Woods, or Keenen Allen in the draft?  I was kind of hoping Grigson would find Reggie's eventual replacement early in last years draft -- ideally with a trade down into the 2nd, but using the 1st if there were no trade options.  These are three that I thought could produce and grow during Reggie's last years and be ready to step in when he retires.


    Maybe we got lucky with Rogers and he'll be that guy. He sure looked solid catching the ball in his first game.

  2. SPOILER ALERT ******


    This is how it'll go.


    #1 NE

    #2 Denver

    #3 Cinci

    #4 Colts

    #5 KC

    #6 seed


    Round 1:  Colts beat KC,  #6 beats Cinci

    Roand 2:  Colts beat Denver, #6 beats NE

    AFC Championship:  Colts hosts #6 at LOS and wins


    I could see San Diego doing this as a #6, but probably not Baltimore or Miami.  It's a long shot for SD to get the #6 seed.

  3. Well, if you buy Triplettes explanation, there was evidence to overturn because the only thing he looked at was the goaline.


    I think he probably now realizes how badly he botched it and is trying to justify why he missed it. He will just say he looked at the goal line only.


    You might be right -- but it only makes him look slightly less inept.

  4. What does this have to do with the colts


    Peyton Manning used to play for Colts and at one time set the NFL record for TD passes at 49 with the Colts.   There will probably be a bronze statue of him outside LOS sometime in the future.  Thanks for asking.

  5. I mean look at him.

    He's like 6'1 isn't he?

    Runs a 4.2ish

    He can locate the ball, just can't catch it

    Based on that resume, he's already better than Vaughn lol


    Actually I think he might have trouble locating the deep ball too.  His issues are beyond drops.  There was 4 years of NFL evidence for this.


    Over his career, he's rarely connected on targets over 20 yards (something like 17% completion percentage when targeting him over 20 yards).  It was dismissed as bad QB play when we signed him.   So some deep passes that other WRs might adjust to and make a play on just look like bad passes if he fails to locate it and adjust.  If you do happen to hit him in stride, then the drops come into play.   He could still be dangerous for YAC on quick slants which is kind of what I was expecting out of him this season but it's tough to target him if you don't have confidence he'll catch it.  I feel bad for him because he does seem to be working hard -- but he's really struggling now.

  6. I forgot about that. It used to be that if you challenged a scoring play you'd be penalized.

    I wonder if we would have called a TO and given them more time to review it?


    There should be no need for a TO.  The booth reviews every scoring play and doesn't allow the extra point until it's been confirmed.  So presumably the booth reviewed and didn't see enough evidence to overturn.

  7. I really don't search for the stats about O-lineman, but how has Hugh Thornton played according to them? I think he's played ok, and he is only a rookie, so I have high hopes for his future


    Thornton is ranked 2nd worst on the team offensively.. The bottom 5 offensively are McGlynn, Thorton, Satele, Richardson, DHB.  Top five in order are Cherilus, Luck, Castanzo, Wayne, TY.

  8. The Rams may be in a position to entertain offers for their pick again if Washington implodes and loses out down the stretch.  They have 49ers, NYG(2), Dallas, KC, and Atl remaining.  I could see the Falcons, Texans, and maybe the Bucs leap frogging the Skins.  That would leave the Skins, Vikings, and Jags at the bottom.


    However there are currently 9 teams with 4 wins.  Skins have 3.  Falcons, Texans, Bucs, Vikings 2.  Jax 1.

  9. Louis Vasquez for FA.


    In the draft (since we still needed interior line after FA signings).. was hoping for a trade out of the first round for high-to-mid 2nd and 3rd and going RG/WR  (or Dominic Hopkins in the 1st if there was no trade).   If trading out of first, my hope was for  Kyle Long or Larry Warford at RG -- and -- Keenan Allen, Robert Woods, or Hopkins at WR.   The reason for a WR in last years draft would be to allow for growth during Reggie's last 2 years and stepping into his spot when he retires.


    Turns out Kyle Long went much higher than expected, but wouldn't he look nice at RG for us.   In hindsight, Warford/Allen would have been a nice possibility in a trade down scenario or Hopkins in the first.

  10. I could easily see him tagged again. Tags for punters are cheap by NFL standards and I don't think we have another free agent worth the tag at his poistion other than maybe Adam.


    I could be wrong about this (I'm relying on my memory and not looking it up).. but I think it's gets really expensive to use the franchise tag on players in consecutive years because you have to pay 120% of the previous year or an average of the top 5.  Since he signed the 1-year franchise last year he already makes the average of the top 5.. next year would be 120% of that.


    I seem to remember this being an issue with Edge.   I wouldn't be surprised if it was used on Davis unless they extend before the deadline.

  11. I need a new name for fans who dismiss a player before they have truly had a realistic chance to fit into a team, (league for rookie), scheme, locker room, etc. Not trying to stir things here, but I think they have earned a label.




    While you’re at it, could you also come up with a name for fans who overreact to any legitimate critique and immediately elevate it to “dismissing”, “impatience”, “disrespecting”, “throwing under the bus”, “and declaring a player a bust”?


    There’s plenty of that going on here.

  12. This is a wild guess... but I'm betting that Irsay is frustrated because a primary goal of this off season was to find better protection for his QB.  He spent a lot of money on some under the radar players and put his faith in Grigson and Pagano that these were the right moves.   All that money spent this off season and Luck is still being pounded -- he's got to be starting to wonder if his money was well spent.

  13. Whoever blocked for Andrew Luck = no one.  But then that means no one had the worst game. haha Sorry, I'm being pedantic.  In all seriousness, the OL had a terrible game.  St. Louis does have a really good front 7, but the blocking in today's game was horrible


    Now you've done it.  That's twice today I've read "pedantic" from you.  I'm gonna finally go look it up in the dictionary  :)

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