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Posts posted by ponyboy

  1. Looking at it from Reed's point of view... if your only job is to return kick-offs, you want to make something happen to justify your position on the team.   I'm sure he feels pressure to return the kicks from deep in the end zone even when the best thing for the team is to take a knee.  I don't know how useful it is to have a kick-return specialist when most kick-offs are going deep into the end zone these days.  Seems like a waste of a roster spot.

  2. Today I saw the worst CB in the game. Could he cover...NO. Cold he tackle.....No. Could he make a play....No. What a pathetic CB. You know....the Colts could have gave me his paycheck and I could do the same thing. Davis should be cut from our roster. He cant do anything right. Put in Butler or hell some un-drafted piece of crap. Anyone can do better than this guy. Why in the hell did we trade for him??? He has been a disgrace to the Colts jersey since day one. Cut this loser and lets move on. 


    I can only assume you're being sarcastic.  You should include something in the post that shows it's sarcasm otherwise it just looks foolish if taken seriously.


    2) Yes, the browns did pay his signing bonus, but we are still on the hook for the biggest part of his salary $6.6 million and if we take the 5th year option that's about another $7 million ... so we get him 4 years for between $14-$15 million before we have to give him that second contract (or release him).


    So on one hand we have TRich for 4 yrs $14-15 million ---or--- On the other we have a 2nd round RB in 2014 draft for 4 yrs $3-4 million  +  our 1st round draft pick.


    I agree with your point but think it's overstated a bit because there is no way the Colts pick up the 5th year option unless he DOES start producing like a top back.  Also, if Colts were looking to draft a RB with a 2nd round pick then we still have that 2nd round pick to use elsewhere.  So, factoring those in, it's not as bad as stated above.


    TRich at 3 years/$6.6M AND a 2nd round pick (perhaps a 2nd round OG/WR) -- or -- a 2nd round RB at 4 years/$3.4M AND a 1st round pick (perhaps a 1st round OG/WR).

  4. Born and raised in rural north central Indiana.  I was a big Chicago Cubs and Bears fans since the late 1960s (5-6 years old).  Graduated from Purdue in the mid 80s and moved out of state.   Started watching Colts football when they moved to Indy but was still primarily a Bears fan.  Started attending games at the Hoosier dome when visiting family in the late 80s and during the Jeff George era.  Attending games at the dome started to move the needle for the Colts, I would plan my vacations around Colts home games.  Somewhere in the early 90s the Colts overtook the Bears as my primary team (George, Flipper, Emtman, Coryott, Faulk, Harbaugh).  I'm still a fan of the both the Colts and the Bears but prefer the Colts by a wide margin.  I'm still just a Cubs fan in baseball though.



    2) Yes, the browns did pay his signing bonus, but we are still on the hook for the biggest part of his salary $6.6 million and if we take the 5th year option that's about another $7 million ... so we get him 4 years for between $14-$15 million before we have to give him that second contract (or release him).




    Excellent points but I'd say the 5th year option shouldn't be factored into this analysis.  If the production doesn't pick up then there is no chance that they pick up the 5th year option --  he walks after the 4th year (at a cost of about $2.2M/year).   If his production is good enough to pick up the 5th year option then he will have improved significantly and may have been worth the trade.

  6. The ones bashing him apparently doesn't know how our offensive coordinator is calling the game. They are trying to beat you up throughout the game so they can hit the home run later. Same as the pass can open up the run, the run can open up the pass. PEP is the one calling the game.

    It's like boxing or mma. You can't always knock a guy out with the first punch, especially one with equal talent. So you have to game plan, soften him up with body blows, ground and pound, leg kicks and such. Then once he starts trying to protect the lower areas, POW. He gone!! And that is what Brown has been doing. Coming in with that pop and fresh legs and hitting big runs. If those of you can't figure that out or see it for yourself I don't know what to tell you.


    But why would you need Trent Richardson to just deliver body blows.  Couldn't somebody like Delone Carter provide that just as well (plowing 230 lbs. into defenders and picking up a couple of yards)?   I'm sure they expect much more out of Trent.  I wonder how frustrating it is for Donald to hear that he owes is success this year to Trent  :???:  

  7. Some of these responses are quite amazing. And to think its 2013.


    Okay here it goes!


    He reminds me of Dwight Clark, Fred Biletnikoff, Lance Alworth, Don Hudson, Ed Mcaffrey, Brandon Stokley, Bob Chandler, Chris Collinsworth and Raymond Berry.


    Just off the top of my head!



    :thmup:  :thmup:  :thmup:


    Tom Waddle

  8. I wouldn't. I like Ballard fine, he'll be a valuable backup to Richardson next season. Richardson has 11 more rushing tds, more speed, more size, more yards etc etc.

    Ballards ascending production consists of 60 yards gained against Oakland in the opener. He wasn't going to hold off Bradshaw for long.


    Yes, I'd agree Bradshaw was going to take at least half the carries from Vick.


    I was really referring to the end of the 2012 season and going into 2013 for his increasing production.


    Ballard's yards/game for weeks 1-4, 5-8, 9-12, 13-16:

    11 ypg (wk 1-4), 56 ypg (wk 5-8),  51 ypg (wk 9-12), 86 ypg (wk 13-16), 63 (wk 1 2013)


    Ballard's yards/carry:

    2.0 ypc (wk 1-4), 4.0 ypc (wk 5-8),  4.0 ypc (wk 9-12), 4.1 ypc (wk 13-16), 4.8 (wk 1 2013)


    Just trying to give Vick due credit for a fine rookie season and a promising start to 2013.

  9. C'mon man.  I'll give you Bradshaw, that guy is a warrior.  But what has Ballard shown us that's any better than Richardson in his 17 games?


    Actually, Ballard's production has been every bit as good, if not slightly better, than Richardson's so far in their NFL careers-- and Ballard's production was ascending before his injury.  Vick even has a higher Pass Blocking Efficiency rating than Trent per PFF (Donald Brown does too BTW).


    Don't sell Ballard short.  I'd actually rather have a healthy Ballard at the moment.

  10. Depends on who they would trade for. If it's someone like Gordon, who is only 22 yrs old, that is not a short term gain, that's a building block. Not that it will happen, but given the colts salary cap situation, Gordon would be the only realistic trade option.


    Let's say Colts did get Gordon... they would have Luck, Hilton, Richardson, Fleener, Allen, Gordon, and Ballard ALL becoming UFA at the same time and would have to probably let at least 2 of them walk (one of the RBs and one of the TEs, and maybe one of the WR).  Actually, Luck might have an additional year on his rookie contract, but there will be tough decisions when these rookie contracts start running out.


    I kind of like the idea of Nicks for a 5th or lower as a rental for this year -- but not anything higher.  Then Reggie gets his spot back next year (hopefully) and we draft a 2nd round receiver.   I also think shipp's suggestion of Smith is interesting as he could still be highly productive for a couple more years (if there's a chance Reggie won't return at all).    I heard an interview with Steve Smith the other day where the reported suggested that the Panther's owner/GM might consider trading Smith to a contender out of respect for Smith -- giving him a shot for a SB.  I think this was pure hypothetical by the reporter and Smith said he had no interest in leaving Carolina.

  11. Other examples are Priest Holmes, Jamal Lewis, and Ahmad Bradshaw...Usually the power guys for some reason take a little longer to reach potential..


    I don't see where these three struggled in the early years.


    First three years:

    Holmes:      459/2101  4.6 ypc

    Lewis:       1004/4757  4.7 ypc

    Bradshaw   253/1323  5.2 ypc


    First two years:

    Holmes:     322/1514  4.7 ypc

    Lewis:        517/2691  4.4 ypc

    Bradshaw:  90/545     6.0 ypc

  12. I came originally to just give some perspective from experience. I stopped by to see what people were saying and when I see things like I saw, I felt I should try and give some more perspective. You would have been much better served trying to go after a guy like Ben Tate. 


    Yeah, I'm annoyed. I get annoyed when people start twisting what I'm trying to get across as a blind agenda. 


    I’ll risk alienating myself from my fellow Colts fans by saying I appreciate your perspective on this and I think you were making valid points.  After watching many of the Brown games on NFL Game Rewind  (condensed games) I completely understand your point of view.


    I think the trade was a roll-of-the-dice and was worth the gamble for the Colts.  At the time of the trade the Colts were a major injury (Luck) away from possibly trading away a top 10 pick – that makes it a gamble.  But, if the pick is in the 20s as we all hope (or #32 for that matter), then I think it’s probably a good value for both teams.  A win-win situation.


    There are flashes of talent there, but not realized at this point in his NFL career.  I agree the elite/stud/star/top-5/beast talk is way overstated and that’s one of the points you were making.


    I’m glad that Trent is a Colt.  He’s young, appears durable, is a good $$ value for the next 3 years, protects the ball pretty well, and is elusive the in the open field.  I’m hopeful the production will improve but I don’t have expectations that it will be elite.

  13. Averaging the total rushing yardage of the top 5 backs in each of the last 5 years (25 data points).. the average is:


    315 carries / 1505 yards   4.8 ypc


    So as the 2nd best back in the league you have expectations of production near or above this level?

  14. I'd kick the tires with Jacksonville about trading Justin Blackmon too....He has top 5 ability and the off field issues he has had may make him available...I'd give up a second and fourth for him all day with a smile on my face...If we can pick up a Gordon or Blackmon our offense would rival Denver's especially next year with a healthy Ballard and Allen..


    I was thinking the exact same thing regarding Gordon and Blackmon.   I think Blackmon over Gordon, but either would be great.  I still wonder if Blackmon may have been the whopper Irsay was teasing (probably Cruz, though).

  15. hasnt done anything in cleveland? 950 yards 11 TD's is nothing? and did it while hurt? Vick Ballard only had 814 yards and 2 TD's so i would say richardson had a better rookie year. and in no way is this a bashing on ballard because i do like ballard, but to say richardson did nothing in cleveland when he was 50 yards shy of a 1,000 yards is ludicrous. 


    He wasn't saying it's nothing.. he said it was "nothing to warrant the love".. like the superstar/stud/beast talk.


    The 1,000 yard season can be a little misleading.  It at least shows that a back is durable enough to gain the yards, but it's not necessarily indicative of a great season.


    1,000 yards on 400 carries would be poor  (2.5 ypc)

    1,000 yards on 300 carries would be below average (3.33 ypc)

    1,000 yards on 250 carries would be average-good  (4.0 ypc)

    1,000 yards on 200 carries would be very good (5.0 ypc)


    That's why yards per carry is a better stat to look at.  NFL running backs average about 4 yards per carry.

  16. i take it you didn't watch any browns games last year


    It's funny you should say that.  Being out of market I listen to Colts games on NFL audio pass, and then watch the games later on NFL Game Rewind (Colts at midnight on Sunday night).  So yes, I've watched about 9 of the Browns games from last year so far on NFL Game Rewind (you can watch a condensed version of the game in about 20 mins.. even less if you skip forward to when the Cleveland defense if on the field -- and you can key on Richardson the entire time).


    I've seen 4 of the highlight reel plays and about 150 plays that look a lot like what you've seen with the Colts.   The highlight reel plays are on par with highlight reel plays you've see from Donald or Delone.


    I'm glad he's on the Colts and am excited to watch him.   I like that he is young, durable, signed for 3 years cheap ($$), doesn't fumble much, and is elusive in open field.  I'm hoping for a breakout game, but am more realistic having SEEN these games, and feel those calling him stud/beast/star/elite/top-5 are probably the ones that haven't seen the Cleveland games.

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