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Posts posted by ponyboy

  1. Costa and his contract make a lot of sense if Grigson is making a serious run at Mack (which I think he is).     He couldn't wait for the final decision from Mack/Cleveland before finding a center in the case that Cleveland would match.  But he couldn't sign a higher salary C and then continue to pursue Mack.


    FWIW, Costa was rated 4th by Polian -- ahead of BDLP (EDS was #2).   If Mack does end up with the Colts they have more completion for the G spots with Holmes/Costa now in the mix.

  2. The Guy may not (or may, only God knows) turn out to be a spectacular runner in the NFL, we know already from Cleveland (with broken ribs) he can be an average runner with a bad qb and limited offensive weapons around him. I personally (probably partially because I know him) believe he with his work ethic and drive to improve, on top of the unteachables that he was blessed with, will be really good for the Colts..im not writing him in already for perennial probowls and the HOF, but he has what it takes to be a premier RB as long as he is healthy. To reply to a previous comment about how he responded to being benched..yes he was politically correct in his responses and seemed unphased, but that truly did bother him being benched and It lit a fire for him to work on his game this summer. He truly loves this Colts organization in my opinion and wouldnt ever say/intentionally do anything that would degrade the organization or any of its decisions made. Yes in cleveland he was average at best overall, yes with the Colts he hasnt put up even respectable rushing numbers, so I understand the skepticism and frustration, but just watch! If im wrong, i wont be afraid to come back to this very thread and apologize for my words. I see he, Ballard and Bradshaw causing many headaches for every defense they face this year! GO COLTS!


    Are you a personal friend of Trent's?

  3. I may be wrong, (as I don't fully understand the transition tag), but even if Grigs makes an aggressive offer for Mack, it may be awhile before anything is really reported because (correct me if I am wrong here) but don't the Browns have 5 days to make a counter offer...


    I don't get the transition tag, why it exsists separate to the franchise tag...


    I'm pretty sure the contract terms would be reported immediately when he signs with another team and the clock starts ticking for Cleveland to match the exact same contract.

  4. 1. Sign Mack or a second-tier FA C is a must and #1 priority.  Could have enough Guards with the existing roster.

    2. Ballard starts and splits the bulk of the rushing attempts with Bradshaw.

    3. Richardson gets the occasional carry, but primarily provides blocking and is a receiving target out of the backfield.

    4. Richardson gains more carries as Vick or Ahmed get nicked up.

  5. I think Brown will deserve something at least in the 3-3.5 million per year range (similar to Sproles or Pierre Thomas).. but less then the $4M/year Reggie Bush got.



    hehe..  you are out of your mind... 


    ..   and it's all good...    just diff opinion.


    Signed with San Diego for 3.5M/year.   Hmmm.. my prediction was right on -- so, not so "out of my mind" after all.  But I knew that all along :)

  6. Nothing wrong with Decker but...

    • The $10M that's been rumored is just way to high for Decker.  His numbers the past two years are inflated because of Manning, but he is good.
    • I'd rather  see that kind of money go for an offer to Mack, who is the closest thing to a sure thing in all of FA (IMO) -- and the biggest area of need on the team.  Colts would have to overpay Mack to make it tough for Cleveland to match (~$10-11M/year).
    • Colts need quality out of the gate in the interior line and specifically at the C position.  Counting on a rookie or Holmes is a risk for a repeat of the last two years.  If they're considering anything close to $8M for one of the 2nd tier Centers, just bite the bullet and overpay Mack (within reason).
    • The WR position is incredibly deep at the top of the draft this year (14-15 receivers worthy of a 1st or 2nd round pick).  It's very likely there will be very good value for the Colts at the WR position in round 2nd.
    • A rookie WR makes sense this year.  Don't need them to step in and start right away but be ready for next year as a future replacement for Reggie.
    • A quality 2nd round WR with a rookie contract would be good to have when TY, Luck, Fleener, and Allen get paid in 2016.  It would be hard to sign all of Fleener, Allen, and TY with a $10M Decker.
  7. Theres's still time. I don't think he'd be too sought after. Most teams don't see the special teams stars without watching the team every week.


    That would be a sorry scouting department that didn't know about every player in the league.

  8. Chipped beef and gravy?




    Yum :)   That brings back memories.  Probably 50% of my meals in college were exactly this.  In 1983,  10 cents for a loaf of bread from the day old bakery, 3 packages of chipped beef for $1 (made 6 meals), flour milk, oil.  Was able to get by on about $11 a week for food.  Good times.

  9. Jackson turned down a bigger offer to sign with us. And we can cut him after two years with no harm(because of the way the contract is structured). And he's not being overpaid. He's being paid middle of the pack money.


    Can anybody provide a link to show how the contract is structured?   Where did you see that all the guaranteed money is in the first two years?

  10. Is it still possible to create a "poison pill" clauses in contracts to make the match almost impossible for the Browns?   I'm suspect you can't do that in the league today but the Colts did that to get Will Wolford under the transition tag from the Bills a long time ago.   A clause in the contract said something like he had to be the highest paid offensive player on the team for the first year.  The Bills were already paying Jim Kelley much more and couldn't match.


    Put a clause in there that says you must be snapping to a QB with a horseshoe on his helmet :)

  11. You have no idea what to expect from Davis either.

    He may have a deal lined up to play somewhere else.


    I'm pretty sure that would be against league rules to have a deal lined up somewhere else already.  In fact, I think it's against league rules to even talk at all with other teams until after 3/8.

  12. We dont need a WR this year!!! It is not a position of NEED. Wayne, Hilton, Rogers, Brazill, Whalen, and that doesnt even include the hands of Allen/Fleenor. We are good for this year...Find a WR next year. 


    You wouldn't be drafting a WR for this year -- you would be drafting somebody capable of filling Reggie's shoes next year or the year after.  You shouldn't wait for him to retire before drafting somebody capable of growing into his role.  You take them at least a year earlier and let them develop.  Alshon Jefferies and Josh Gordon are examples of WRs that emerged in their 2nd year.


    I'm all for drafting Reggie's replacement vs. obtaining one via FA.  I'd rather have his replacement on a rookie contract when TY (and others) get paid in 2016.  Unless you think Rogers is that guy (and maybe he is), then his replacement isn't on the team right now.


    If a Reggie-like receiver slides to the 2nd round then I think you consider it.  I don't think you'd find one much lower than that unless you get lucky.  If you do draft one and both he and Rogers emerges then you'd have the option of trading one.  If only one works out, then you've hedged your bet.

  13. why does everyone want to cut Toler?  I get Satele, he sucked even when healthy.  I would rather get Toler healthy than cut him though.  


    Really just because it's tough to depend on him for a full season given his injury history.


    He counts $5M against the cap and has a small hit (~$500K) if cut.  *IF* you could replace him with a FA that has a history of reliability (health-wise) and is just as talented for about the same money, then it's something to consider.

  14. If Cleveland can trade for him then why can't we?  ;)


    2015's first round pick anyone?


    No way!   You need a lot of production out of many players on their rookie contracts in the game today.  Draft picks are probably more important now as they ever have been (because of salary cap and rookie wage scale).  Don't gamble with that 1st round pick -- you never know how a season could implode due to injuries (or whatever) and the #1 could be very valuable.


    It would make more sense to go after Ward if Cleveland wants to trade for Byrd (assuming they wouldn't sign both).  I'd still rather have the top priority be interior OL for FA even if both Ward and Byrd were available. 

  15. No more whiffs on the interior OL in FA.


    It would be *wise* to bite the bullet and sign the closest thing to a sure-thing in Mack (who has never missed a game), even if you have to overpay (within reason).  I'd be fine if that was the only big name FA pickup this off-season.  Front load fully guaranteed money in the first two years and let the cap-hit crater a bit in 2016, 2017 -- to make it easier for the signings that have to occur in 2016.  Backload 2018+ if needed to get the overall numbers where they should be in $M/year.


    This sets up a long term Luck/Mack tandem with both entering their primes.  Can't afford another year of an underperforming interior OL, we need quality at that position right out of the gate next year.  Aside from signing Davis, everything else is secondary, IMO.

  16. Does anyone else besides me think that drafting a WR ( in the early rounds) would be a horrible decision? If you think about it, our WR corps is stacked with proven talent ( Wayne, Hilton), and is flying with amazing potential ( brazill, rogers, WHALEN).


    It depends on who is available.  The Reggie/TY combo is a no-brainer for this year (provided Reggie is fully recovered).  But I don't think you should count on Reggie for much beyond the 2014 season.


    It would be good to have a young receiver capable of being Reggie's eventual replacement on the team next year to grow into the role.  Then hopefully carry on with a Reggie-like/TY combo for years to come.  Is that person Rogers?  Physically he looks the part, and despite the unfortunate drops,  I think he looked good catching the ball.  I couldn't begin to say how effective his route running was  -- it probably wasn't were it needs to be due to him being a rookie but could take a leap forward this year with more reps.


    If the FO thinks a Reggie-like prospect is sitting there in round 2, I don't think it would be horrible to take him this year unless the coaches are pretty confident that Rogers can be that guy.

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