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sb41champs last won the day on June 20 2023

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    Avid fan of the Super Bowl XLI Champion Colts!! My goal is to meet ALL the players from that team - get a few autographs - and - a picture with each player!!

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  1. Re: Karen Klein - Bullies Are PUNKS !!

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    2. southwest1


      How is that bully that injured your daughter back allowed back indeed MCF? Don't school administrator's realize that this bully has no respect for authority & she might turn her anger toward a teacher or another school employee next? I hope your daughter is mending well psychologically & physically anyway. I applaud your daughter for defending another student being tormented by this bully.

    3. MIColtsFan


      my daughter is fine, it was just the one incident.. but my point is this girl has injured multiple students, video taped herself beating up another girl and posted it on facebook, smashed a girls head into the cement ground, among other things there is not enough room to type and she does it for no reason, she is just mean...when is enough, enough? you are right SW, a teacher may be next.. also what's wrong with her? what is going on in her life that is causing this behavior?.. just plain...

    4. BrentMc11


      She needs to be in a juvenile detention center ASAP.....she is mentally sick.

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