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Jay Kirk

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Posts posted by Jay Kirk

  1. They have always discussed balance in the offense even WITH the :Power Running."


    This article is nothing new and a true waste of time.  Good Post NCF!


    Our 3 runners are all power runners.....with Allen blocking along with the tackles and new OL help (Mewhort) I am looking forward to what we can achieve.

    We were discussing this earlier today before I seen this post ,with You on this 100%.

  2.  A Felony and "press leaks" about drug world ties...


     Jim was a danger to society so he should get hammered hard. I do get considerable consolation that he wasn`t drinking.

    If he is winning that battle it sure makes his chance for recovery better.

     Unfortunately, constant physical pain dominates everything you Want to do, so his quality of life in many important respects is never going to be good. All of Soloman`s Gold...  lol

    I do like him as a person from the way he treats his players so on so forth but hes not being held accountable as you or I would.

  3. I agree with both of you.  I thought I saw somewhere last year Marshawn Lynch had some charges worse that he did not get a suspension for.  I might have been dreaming though.


    I am personally shocked that with all of the prescription (his or not?) should have bee the breaker toward a felony.  I am glad it is just misdemeanors.  :thmup:

    In all honesty Brother if it was You or I it would be a felony ,just proves the justice system is not just for all.Im all behind Jim but facts are facts.

  4. Really looking forward to Adongo playing as well as Newsome. Do you guys think they will play this season besides special team plays?

    Depends on camp and confidence level of coaching staff.I can see both utilized in passing situations 3rd and long.

  5. Good analysis.  That was when the 'talking heads' immediately mentioned Super Bowl.


    With Mathis out, it is just like an injury.  I see 3 or 4 players that will be hunting PM on opening night in his place.


    • Werner (He will surprise this year...he is healthy)
    • McNary (May be the baddest LB on the team)
    • Adongo? :  Bring 282 at the QB...
    • Newsome :  One thing this man does is RUSH the QB.

    Bring the heat...and disguise with 4-3 and 3-4 blitz packages.  Manusky needs to go after the QBs in number 98's absence.

    Im anxious to see Andrew Jackson as well,and also expect much more from Chapman and With Jones on that line who knows.Thats when your secondary wreaks havoc ,when you get pressure from front 3 disguised LB blitzes .Im ready to see us get right out aggressive ,that's what will spell out if we are dominant or not.IMO we will stuff the run.

  6. If healthy, I feel we can be.  Healthy is the key word.


    I would love to see the absolutely dominant defensive team that played the San Francisco 49ers last year...we were healthy.  Our front seven should be much improved...making the DBs better...just the old LB's opinion ZtB.

    Exactly :thmup:

  7. '85 Bears?  HOF - Dent, Singletary, Hampton? Add studs like Steve McMichael, Otis Wilson and Wilbur Marshall along with Duerson and Fencik on the back end.  Loaded with difference-makers.

    2000 Ravens? Same thing. You need to scan that roster - it is loaded with difference-makers.  

    Cowboys?  Depends on which team, and I'm not sure which one you mean, but all the Superbowl teams have been loaded on the defensive side.

    Dolphins of '72 were the no names you are referring to because the offense received so much attention, and they had at least 4 pro bowlers on the defensive side.

    Well I stand corrected by the expert .Not ! Its the team not individuals,Are you saying the talent isn't here  ?I say it is if used proper.

  8. We don't differ about the overall team thing, but you can't be dominant without a few difference-makers.  If we could pull it off, great, but we'd be the first to do it historically.

    Got to disagree on that one ,who were all the so called superstars on the Dolphins championship teams as well as the Dallas no names ,and IMO  the 85 Bears ,tell me how many of those Bears are in the H.O.F as we speak ?Other than Ray Lewis who was in this catigorie with the great Raven Ds ?

  9. Stepping up is different than becoming a star.  The front line vets are solid and we know their ceiling - no stars except Mathis.  Vontae has the talent to be a star, and let's hope he makes it.  For you to be right you'll need a new stud to emerge at every level of the defense and supplant a vet.  Who are those 3 guys?

    Sorry disagree with you its a team overall thing a star or 2 wont pull it off ,that's where our views differ and that's ok.

  10. I'm pretty bullish about improvement in our D, but Dominant is reserved for a category unlikely for us to reach this year.  Dominant requires 4 pieces, all of which are still developmental for us.


    1) Able to stop the run with 7 in the box on a fairly consistent basis.

    2) Interior pressure disrupting the passer

    3) Edge pressure from both sides (we have 1)

    4) Disruptive secondary


    We can be above average this year, and may make progress in all those areas, but not dominant unless some of the young guys explode and become stars.  

    Wich is exactly what I expect barring injuries ,is for some to step it up bigtime.

  11. Yep...and we all know I love my special teams :)

    S.T s can win games or at least keep you in them ,they are very important ,its also important not to let the enemy start from the 35 or 40 yard line.I want to see the kind of squad that crushes you on returns or lays you out so we get a big return = kicking unit as well as punting.

  12. I may be the only one who thinks Pendleton is not out of the picture either...another 350 pounder with athleticism...

    Brother we could really have some menacing kick coverage on special teams ,lol the kind that puts some fear in the returner :thmup:

  13. Man, I SERIOUSLY hope Greg Manusky becomes wayyyyyyy more aggressive/smarter this year on defense

    1. Stop the interchangeable safeties foolishness

    2. Disguise Blitzes better

    3. Blitz more

    4. Disguise coverages better

    We've got the pieces to be a Top 15 defense, just need the puppet master to do his job


    With you on that TK

  14. For this violation and circumstance the Commisioner is totally out of line.IMO he could find more constructive things to do like insuring the players equipment is safer ,such as helmets # 1.Lets not just police the players like the gastapo lets protect them as well.IMO the commissioner is trying to make a name for himself and with me right now his name is Mud.

  15. There are 7 safeties listed on the roster page right now. 


    I'm just saying, there are a lot of players that won't make the roster. The point is to add depth and competition, and hopefully develop some young players who can contribute later in the year.

    Oh im in total agreement and some always get lost to injury as well,but my point was it would be terribly hard to make this team on the DL. or possibly even make the practice squad will be a tall order for a lot.Should be a very interesting camp.Not against the big boy being there at all the more the merrier :thmup: But wont lose sleep if hes not.

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