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Jay Kirk

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Posts posted by Jay Kirk

  1. Pep did NOT suck, but I know if I was the OC, calling plays would get tougher with Wayne out....Allen out....Ballard out....Bradshaw out as well as a M A S H unit of an offensive line.


    We were darned lucky to go 11-5 (12-6) with the mess we had.  


    I saw every game and every play and analyzed it over and over.  As mentioned previously in this thread, he WAS predictable...so was Arians and a whole lotta other OCs....This year will be pretty if the line works out. :blueshoe:  :blueshoe:  :blueshoe:

    Brother your right on all counts ,that being said that's why TR looked so bad ,it was predictable because they probably simplified it because he was lost. You could tell watching him ,he wasn't reacting letting his instinct and vision do the work.If healthy we will have a deeper improved  vastly O-Line  IMO  and TR will shut up some people in this forum.Much as Walden did, there are still some that don't like him but the  # drastically  dropped. Lol we could win the title and still have naysayers in here. ;)  

  2. Everyone gets a medal or trophies now a days..  it is truly pathetic.   All about participation...        


    Indiana went to class basketball so "more kids could experience winning the state" ..     they destroyed the GREATEST tournament in the world.    


    Winning the state in Indiana use to mean something ...  now..     blah...


    Marion use to sell out the Bill Green AA  now they can't get 2500 in there...   it seats 7500.  


    Society is so politically correct today..     Don't dare hurt a kids feelings...   What ever happened to wanting to kick the other teams butt?   Sad...   

    Agreed John its called compition and having the competitive spirit. Agreed on the state tourney as well ,they took away the David vs Goliath intrigue.

  3. I would have played if they had it as a sport when I was a kid.  I always wanted to play goalie...no way my big *** is running up and down that field for 100 minutes.... :)

    Goalie might be tolerable but lets make it interesting ,lets allow tackles and hits ,then your a real man if you score . :spit:

  4. You'll also be hard pressed to find many here that want him thrown out, as many do with Brazill. 


    I think when we compare the two actions, Irsay's offense is a bit worse. He could've killed someone driving in such a state. Meanwhile, the only thing that Brazill hurt, was his career. 

    Will not argue against that point,but it is what it is.Didnt say or insuate I want him thrown out or would I but its the nature of the beast in the NFL.

  5. I think the worst thing for me is Brazill came on strong at the end of last year.  We then bring in Nicks and Moncrief.  His Colts career is on the line....and poof....he made a mockery of his chance yet again.


    Does he deserve rehab?  Yes.  I simply cannot understand anyone that throws chances down the toilet...it really pisses me off because I would have played for nothing to hit those guys!

    Yes Brother im disgusted as well ,and you know I loved Brazils potential on field.Rehab what ? Bad decision making? Pot is not addicting lol his problem is thought process or lack of.Although I hate it ,for talent to go to waste hes the only one to blame,unless lol hes a glaucoma patient ,

  6. Same here. . . I think Bridgewater will turn out to be that guy.  For me if you are looking at QB prospects I generally would go with the guy with the least question marks and that's Bridgewater.  


    The biggest knock on him seems to be "arm strength" which is easily the most overrated aspect of a QB in the NFL.  The guys with the biggest cannons for arms like Cutler and Flacco are only mediocre to above average QB's at best.


    Peyton Manning's arm is a noodle right now and he had a record setting year.


    Sure it helps to have a strong arm but that ability is so completely overrated that it's ridiculous.  

    Im with you on Bridgewater :thmup:

  7. Saying he will not 'tone it down' to the owner just blows me away....there is confidence, there is cocky, and there is pompous *** Johnny Football.


    His knees will be gone the first real opportunity to play.

    LIKE !!!! outta those dreaded critters. 

  8. ........waste your talent and blow your opportunity like so many others.


    Not a moral authoritarian here...just a guy that wasted some opportunities by fighting the boss in my career.  I learned my lesson..and finally had the best job in the company!!

    Lol if I was a GM never would've selected him ,and I don't think he was best QB in the draft.

  9. I think he is a must see in camp.


    Like BBZ above, it will be fun watching McNary, Muamba, and Adongo battling out there.  I simply love McNary...a year off to train hard...a year of "Back to Football."  I love his game, and it looks like I will be liking Muamba.

    Im ready to see Newsome and A Jackson  DQ Jackson  ,think we are loaded with LBs,but in this system you almost have to be to function properly.The positions are to important for one key injury throwing everything out of kilter. If you loose one heaven forbid , it wont be the end ,its like next man up and probably will not fall of greatly performance wise. 

  10. I really wanted to post this article for those who have not seen Henoc Muamba film.  Yes these are highlights, but he shows me speed all the way down the line and to the QB, and he tackles instead of 'hits.'  At 242 pounds he can play inside or outside LB....I like what I see...he makes this team.


    As to the article, we can debate who is over-rated or under-rated.  Feel free to put new names to the over or underrated list as well.  Enjoy!! :coltshelmet:  :coltshelmet:  :coltshelmet:  :coltslogo:  :coltslogo:  :coltslogo:  :colts:  :colts:  :colts: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    Looks Impressive on film, and do agree could play inside and deffinatly outside.

  11. He was an all American center in high school

    This was a great choice for us { Mewhort }  because of his ability to play 3 positions and the smarts to pick them up.Most people fall behind when they switch ,don't think for 1 second this kid will.

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