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Jay Kirk

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Posts posted by Jay Kirk

  1. Nobody wants to face 4 quarters of Art Jones and Chap...let alone Redding bringin' it :)

    The key to disrupting Peyton and Denver is stuffing the run , wich this D will , Blitzing from disguise ,wich we will also do ,then Peyton and I love him , is mistake prone IMO.

  2. One thing amazing me is some people our to narrow sighted to see the vast improvement in our Colts D. lol . Sorry to burst some bubbles but if this D is healthy , no way in hell Denver get 4 TDs !

  3. the patriots are good, unfortunately every colts fan knows that, but calling a colts fan a pats fan is a jab, isn't it?


    me being a pacifist, i tried to end this possible conflict with an effort on humorous/overreacting reply, which obviously failed because i didn't put a smiley-face at the end..


    i know pagano will never say anything bad about his players/staff, and that was my point exactly, he says things he has to say, he even goes overboard sometimes.. so i'm not getting my hopes up (on o-line play) based on something he said..


    hope this clarifies my original comment on this subject..


    p.s. thanks for trying to ease the animosity here..

    Lol no animosity on my part.

  4. Pagano raving about his new/unproven players?

    Doesn't he do that all the time?

    T-rich being a bowling ball of butcher knives, rainey doing anything and everything?

    I'm not taking anything pagano says seriously anymore...

    Hmm are you a Patriots fan ? :spit:

  5. Costonzo, Thomas, Holmes, Thornton, Cherilus



    No surprises there. 



    Hopefully Holmes knocks it out of the park, and I like Mewhort, but hopefully we don't end up needing him....yet. 

    Well you always need good back ups to spell the others , in case our offense spends to much time on the field Lol

  6. And.....there is no mention of Reitz and Nixon here.  We have pretty darned good depth. :thmup:


    Thornton will be the starter at RG.

    Agreed now its time to start building chemistry . Mewhort was a great pic because has the physical talent as well as the smarts to play anywhere on that line ,including Center. Maybe hes more valuable not starting ? Oh yes almost forgot ,what a great dilemma  to have = depth  lol.

  7. Here's hoping, boss!!

    He will make the team IMO ,may not start but will be an adequate backup in more than one position if he doesn't.Seems to me Grigson has made an effort not only to get quality,but with that versatility.Im stoked about prospects of this line.
  8. Exactly my thoughts. 


    I still don't think Lance Louis is that good, and Mewhort takes Thomas' spot since I believe he'll start on PUP. 


    I hope FN Lutz makes the FN roster though. 

    Being a Bears fan as well my friend, if Lance is healthy you might be pleasantly surprised . :thmup:

  9. Harnish came from Northern Illinois, this guy is Northern Michigan.  Northern Illinois is way better then Northern Michigan.  


    I believe Northern Illinois is consistently one of the best teams in the MAC.  

    Quite correct don't know why I was thinking NIU lol not enough coffee

  10. One, it was more of a joke about NFLdraft scout.  He wasn't even good enough to get a ranking from them.  Two NMU is a Div II school, at least according to their website


     He very well could be a diamond in the rough, but I doubt it.  


    But he's a Colts and I will cheer for him for as long as he is.

    Actually are Div 1 now lost in orange bowl to FSU 2012 and if not mistaken Harnisch came from there. Lol with you on cheering him on as long as hes with us. 

  11. That's a popular opinion, and maybe Shipley wouldn't have been as bad as Satele, but Shipley was pretty bad for the Ravens himself. He wound up spending most of his time at guard, and struggled there. He was better for us at center. But I think the better route is to get the next guy in there, which is what we're doing now. Hopefully Holmes is way better than either of them.

    Im almost positive that will be the case ,Point I was making imo Satele was just right out terrible all the way around.Think we will be much better off ,Regaurdless of who plays there, more than likely Holmes  but I don't think Mewhort would be a slouch there either.

  12. LIKE!


    Good points all, but believe me we will not get anyone on this forum to shut up.  Us included :)


    There are people with varying knowledge of football on here, and that too is a good thing.  It is hard when someone who has no clue even comments...let alone one word ridicules.  Kind of funny actually...

    At times it is comical . :thmup:

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