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Posts posted by colts8718

  1. why have you only seen him a f


    why have you only seen him a few times

    Exactly he is so bad you hardly see him making play's I watch every game and I have friends who are Buffalo Bill fan's and everyone said he was terrible I guess you don't watch many games

  2. If Peyton played full 60 minutes for all 16 games in 2004, it would have been 55 or 56 easily.


    Same with this year, there are lot of games, he was killing the clock in 4th quarter.


    I do not know the scenarios for Dan Marino and his games but i know Brady played till the end of 60 minutes of the last game during his 50 TDs.

    My thoughts exactly Brady was playing no matter how many points they where up just to pass PEYTON GO PEYTON
  3. If Richardson is our featured back, I cannot imagine beating them Sunday or in the playoffs.  It's too difficult to keep drives going.  They, on the other hand, will run the ball, run an efficient, move-the-chains offense and keep drives going. 

    Charles always run's well against us and right now he is on fire

  4. Grigson scares me instead of signing some some quality free agents he overpaid for players who would not start for many teams. When we lost ( I forgot his name ) to the Chargers who is now there GM it all started to go downhill. The last straw was to give away a 1st round pick for RICHARDSON that's when I lost confidence in GRIGSON

  5. Do you have quotes of these excuses?

    They where talking about it on SB nation he was talking about the injuries right after the game no I don't have quotes never said I did  If  you go to SB nation website within the last few day's you will see the article they made a point of it

  6. I'm kind of amazed that we have no heard much discussion on Ryan Grigson in this quandary. I think some of the apprehension that surrounds the Colts falls on his shoulders. he was the guy who signed some of these free agents  that have not panned out, he is the one who mastered the trade for Richardson, he is the one who kinda left us vulnerable at Wide receiver. I'm still waiting for some of the FA we signed to start earning their pay check, yes I know injuries have played a part but I'm concerned. The DB, are potentially good but that hasn't panned out. Not real fond of Vonte Davis's play, Greg Toler we have not seen, where is Eric Walden, He is earning a lot of money to be average. In closing I think some heat also has to go his way for where we are at, right now.

    GRIGSON is to busy making excuses for all our injuries there was a reason Bill Polian never went after to many free agents and where proving him right

  7. No real offense threat that are Consistent we cannot move the ball unless the other team plays prevent defense and the play calling is horrible.. The defense cannot stop any team from scoring or moving the ball.. The chiefs will most likely run through this team and beat the dog mess outta us. 1 and done book it!

    With our MONSTER DEFENSE and no score offense Charles is going to have a field day no excuses Grigson please don't trade away anymore 1ST round picks and PAGANO try coaching its your job

  8. I remember in 2003 when this exact situation happened against Denver. Denver beat us in week 16 of the regular season, and we pounded them in the Playoffs. That was the playoff game that we did not punt in. We followed up the next playoff game against Kansas City and only punted once in that game. 


    It is very interesting to think about how we will handle this situation. We chose not to show our hand in 2003 and stayed very vanilla. A good question that we will find out soon enough is - Will we play to win the game against Kansas City?


    All that said, I have also laid a out a scenario where we can still make the #2 seed. It involves us winning out, New England losing twice, and Cincinnati losing twice. Looking at their schedules, it can happen too. 


    But most likely, we are the #4 seed and will be playing Kansas City twice in 3 weeks.

    One and done again with our MONSTER D and no offense it could get ugly Charles will have a field day
  9. No disagreement here. There was a definite difference last year in the games that Pagano coached and the games that Arians coached. The team was electric under Arians, and I don't think it was all due to Chuck-Strong, Bruce is a far superior coach.

    Took the word's right out of my mouth I have no confidence in PAGANO he look's lost 1 and done again no doubt
  10. So watching the game today I came away with some positive and negatives...  First lets talk about Positives:


    1. Offense - The O is coming together even after all the injuries.  The exciting thing is that we have playmakers even with some of our main playmakers being on IR. 


    2. Coby Fleener - MAN I LOVE THAT THIS GUY IS MAKING ME EAT CROW.  He may not be the best blocker but he is FINALLY using his size to his advantage.  I guess mentally the game is slowing down because man he is one heck of a receiving threat!  I can only imagine when DA gets back and we have these 2 on the field at the same time!My biggest concern is our coaching staff they look lost very scary


    3. Da Rick - Ok ok I gotta admit with Rodgers out there the O seemed to have more options and moving better.  He does have potential and I'm excited to see when he is the 3rd option how good he can really be.


    4. Defense - For once the D came to play in the 1st half and they made stops.  They did get tired and were unable to make a stop late as usual but I'm glad that we weren't automatically letting them score in the 1st half per the usual.


    5. Werner - He is starting to get it.  Wish he would be faster lol but I'm fine with him making the steady strides too! as long as he is improving right?


    6. Offensive Playcalling - The playcalling was awesome today.  Varied and many receivers and backs getting opportunities to make plays.  I like that we are using the RB more which has been my worry and complaint over the past 5 weeks.  Finally we see this being addressed.


    So now the Negative...


    1. Coaching - I'm seeing a trend and not a good one.  Players dont look motivated and ready to play in the first and decisions on timeouts and punts are getting more and more horrendous.  Pagano is not performing as a HC at an acceptable level.  The coordinators as I see are doing fine with what they have, but unless our HC starts taking charge it will be all for naught.


    2. Defensive Backs - I'm not sure what has happened to our DB core but it seems like Toler was our number 1 and Davis our Number 2 because we have been atrocious since he has gone out.  The DB's have not been performing and have much of the fault when it comes to our defensive pressure.


    3. Interior O-Line - Man these guys..  They did better, but better isn't good enough... They just seem to have no push no power no nothing... 


    4.  Andrew Luck - I'm not sure what has happened, (I hope he isn't losing it mentally) but Luck has not been the same.  I see maybe MAYBE 1 of 10 passes actually on target meaning hitting the receiver in stride or in the receivers hands.  Other than that (with or without time) he throws off target.  Sometimes only by inches and some times feet above or below but either way this is a problem.  A huge one.  In college he wasn't like this and for years I watched Peyton put it right where it needed to be and I just don't see it from Luck.  He is a good player don't get me wrong.  He runs for yards and can throw the ball.  But we need a game changer at QB a player who can make the special throw when the team needs it.  And Luck has not delivered in this regard.  Do we have to be behind and in a game winning drive for Luck to perform?  Just worried and hoping that Luck gets it together soon for a whole game.


    Add to this I think some of our Offensive failures are straight on Luck.  He has not trusted his receivers to make plays and like we see today if he just gets the ball into Rodgers/Brazils hands good things happen.  Luck is going to have to start trusting some of these guys he can't do it all himself.



    All of these together make me somewhat sad... We are on a time constraint as we will only have Luck cheap for 3 more years and then chances of Superbowl caliber teams get lower and lower...  add to it our GM gives up picks like they are going out of style and I fear for what could be in our future...  We weren't in a win now and never should have been. We were in a rebuilt but not complete state that had lots of talent...  A first next year could have been our key component to launching this team into elite status.  Instead we have TR... A back with no vision but tons of talent...

  11. I think we are going to be and done again. I do think back to the year we won the SB and we could not stop the run to save our lives. We faced KC in the first game and held one of the best running backs in the league to under 35 yards. I think we beat Baltimore the next game something like 10-6. Then went on to win the division championship and finally the SB.

    Strange things happen in football, but the problem this year is different. Luck has terrible receivers. TY is the second or third receiver on most other teams. Fleener is doing better and can for the most part be counted on. DHB shouldn't see the field again.

    The rest of them are normally in the wrong spot.

    I would love us to go further, but I doubt it. We have four games to fix the receiving issues, but the personnel is not there. We make a big mistake when Reggie went down to not go after another receiver. It was a bye week and the coaches would have two weeks to work with him. One problem was we already used our first draft pick on TR. Sad.

    Could not have said it better at this rate luck might be better off throwing it to himself please no more DHB could not believe that drop still don't no why Grigson gave a number 1 for TR bad move

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