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Posts posted by colts8718

  1. Polian has become what he hated most, a biased media head. Every NFL ranking you can find has the Colts as high as #2 in ranking some (yahoo sports) have them as #1. Bill Polian every since he's been an "analyst" Refuse to give this current Colts team ANY type of recognition as even being barley a good team. I Just saw him on ESPN- who we all know love and give the proper coverage and respect to the Colts, Pacers and everything  Indiana in general..(extreme sarcasm) But when Bill was asked could'nt bring himself to put the Colts in a list of top five while including of course Denver Seattle and san Fran...It was sad. I understand, He and his son was relieved of duty from the organization, And Im sure he wanted to feel vindicated when the Organization failed without him. 


                        But not only did the organization survive but it became a more COMPLETE TEAM, CHAMPIONSHIP CONTENTEDING TEAM  with General Manager who is BETTER than he was...And it stings..probably a lot.

    Just wondering if anyone else noticed. 

    He is still upset about what Irsay said the truth hurts. He hated the media talking heads now he is one take it for what it is

  2. I no he has been injured a lot but Colts never seemed to find right way to use him. You have a good idea maybe you can tell PEP he seems clueless I miss Arians always thought he should be the coach Pagano is not very creative and never makes adjustments fast enough

  3. I just hope Peyton comes away from L.O.S feeling like the Colts fans appreciate his contributions to their football team and are grateful for his service.


    I doubt a single fan thought Irsay was taking a shot at Manning, nor would they want him to, and this whole debacle has been generated by the media. I want to believe that he can see this.

    We all love Peyton and I just hope he knows it.

    Agreed Fox should worry more about his Defense after last years debacle in playoffs. IRSAY was just being honest and of course the Sharks came out GO COLTS

  4. I'm not going to go into a full schpiel about the game, but here are couple of big points that I thought the Chargers beat the Colts at:


    - Time of possesion was a huge reason why they won. They dominated us in that regard. They did what the Colts did to the 49ers. They kept them off the field using their rushing attack and getting key first downs. They kept Luck and that's why they couldn't score.


    - The pressure was there most of the night. They blitzed a lot and it got to Luck. He was able to get the ball off but it wasn't perfect. They outplayed the Colts' O-line.


    - Their running game handily beat us with Matthews really leading the way in that regard. Their interior O-line, especially Nick Hardwick, really lead the way their, and I'd go as far as saying they dominated our D-line.


    - They showed up at key times.


    But let's look at the bright side. The Colts are still 4-2, and have a nice grasp on their division. Through 6 weeks last year, they were 2-3 and 3-3 through 6 games. This is a much better team and it had an off night tonight as the coaches got outplayed, it was on the road and their wasn't any spark to this offense.


    I, for one am not too dissatisfied. The Colts weren't going to win every game, and this was a classic trap game. Don't expect to Colts to beat all the opponents that they're "better" than, and vice versa. 



    This is the kind of game I expected when Caldwell use to coach us

  5. Just because Bill Polian works as a director of pro personnel (NOT GM or assistent GM, different role), doesn't mean that they have a bad FO.


    I have to agree more with BotT, they've put in place some pretty good FO guys. That's not the reason they're playing badly, they inherited a terrible team. I don't think any FO could've fixed this team this year.

    Agreed about inheriting a bad team but if they let Chris Polian have any input into there draft there in trouble
  6. Since when is a guy with a career 3.5 ypc the 2nd best RB in the league! In fact he's even doin worse with us than he did with Cleveland. I can't believe we gave up our Number 1 draft pick for Mr. 3 yards and a cloud of dust!

    Agree I never liked him when Browns picked him Grigson takes many chances some good and bad.
  7. none that show the colts game. I live in a small town full of giant eagle and jet fans

    Colts 91 I don't no where you live in NJ I live in Wayne NJ there are plenty of bars with all the games I watch colts every Sunday at Houlahans in Wayne

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