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Posts posted by colts8718

  1. Exactly  - Grigson like Polian has a vision  when Manning was drafted the media second guessed - Ryan Leaf on paper looked pretty good & was bigger & stronger .


    Edgerin James over Ricky Williams raised some eye brows in the media , IMO how players on any team fit is based on coaching as well as talent I believe maybe Chuck Pagano has a system that fits the players brought in  better then there last team & stats & playing time don't tell the whole story -  for instance in my book without Jim Harbaugh Alex Smith looked like a bust - Now a Chief QB starter - Stats & playing time so far can't say he'll be a bust or really good & they don't mean everything especially with a new coach & team  .In his case they point out change was good, But will Andy Reid be able to get a playoff berth because of it ? On paper the Chiefs look pretty good but there paper tigers till they hit the field  . At this point the Confusion is all on the outside of the Colts Complex inside there focused on winning filling holes & getting better are there goals . FA filled & upgraded the talent how much remains to be seen .

    Good insight i love Grigson he is willing to take chances GO COLTS

  2. Can you define what a market value contract is for the players we signed? I have no problem with people voicing opinions on subjects, but I do have a problem with people voicing opinions and then not following up with examples/facts to back up their opinions.


    I like each signing we have made (some more than others). While not all contract numbers are public, pretty much everyone is in the $4-$6 million range with not a ton of guaranteed money. In today's NFL, all that matters is the guarantee. If Grigson got it wrong, he can cut the player after a couple of years with little to know ramifications on the cap. 


    Here's my collective read on the signings: Grigson is paying for potential as much or more than past play. He is paying for our defensive system and offensive line now and in the future. He is paying to build a team of solid players who play together. He is paying based on HIS and the Colts' scouts evaluations of NFL talent. He is not paying based on what you, Brad Wells, or the media think. 


    Case and point, signing Avril or Kruger would have put us in the same position we were in last year with Frathis. Don't we want to stop the run? Sure we need a pass rush, but there's more to rushing the passer than just pass rushers...we watched Freeney and Mathis collapse the outside pocket for years and all every QB did was step up into the wide open pocket due to a lack of push from the other DL. Another case and point is that our CB play/system made it nearly impossible to get pressure under the old regime. 


    I could keep going but won't. Say why or why we didn't overpay, and if we did overpay, by how much...or don't and let the thread fall into the ether. 

    Great job Grigson is going about it the right way not blowing all the money on 2 or 3 players and we would still need more players.GO GRIGSON your going about it the right way Irsay your a smart man

  3. yup and that's what I fully expect to happen.  The franchise tag has really become a negotiation tool that teams use to protect a star player from signing with another team while buying more time for them to work out a long term deal with that player.  Like I said before I think Edge is the only player who has played out the franchise tag for a year for the Colts in recent memory.  We have used it many times to get long term deals done including twice with Peyton and with Mathis just last year. 

    And if some team was crazey enough to sign him we get 2 1st round picks

  4. looking at all of peyton's losses in the playoff, the teams he lost to a lot of them when on to win the super bowl or got really close. 2007 chargers and 2010 jets made the afc championship game 1999 titans made the super bowl, 2003 2004 patriots won the super bowl. 2005 steelers won the super bowl. 2009 saints won the super bowl. 2012 ravens won the super bowl. does knowing this change the idea that peyton chokes in the playoffs

    Admit it your a PATS FAN

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