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Posts posted by colts8718

  1. Lol. So you consider cutting the NFLs best QB after 14 years and 2 super bowls ,not to mention all the MVPS as well as being the one who basically built the new stadium the right thing? Are you sure your a fan of the colts or Jim Irsays familiar? absolutely not the right thing to do was throw Manning away like trash, he just proved it was the wrong thing to do. Hey, everyone is entitled to their opinion and I respect yours, I just think Luck would have benefitted from riding the bench for a while behind manning.

    Yes your entitled to your own opinion but if he kept Manning the team around him would not have been any good Irsay made the right move

  2. Could be better yeah, but we really have no idea what the team would've been like healthy. Cherilus was a good pick up and I think Thornton will be solid next year, Thomas got injured but looked somewhat solid during the limited action we saw from him. With regards to Holmes, I have no clue what they think of him. There's really no way to make up for the injuries on the O side of the ball. I wouldn't be too worried about Grigson.........Yet....

    Its really the D I am concerned about

  3. Cherilus was a pretty good signing.

    Franklin and Jean - François were solid.

    Toler solidified the secondary when he was healthy.

    McNary seems like a decent find.

    How many examples were you looking for?

    I will agree with Cherilus  and McNary  can not include Toler he will never be healthy Grigson spent an awful lot of money to get quantity instead of quality

  4. Do you even watch football? We are a team that led the league in IR players. 2 years removed from a new coaching staff and huge overhaul to the team and still managed to win a playoff game much less make it to the playoffs. You people fricken kill me.

    LOL  I don't want you to do that to yourself please seek help right away

  5. I've made no secret that I hated the Richardson trade. Still do and I don't buy the crap excuse that he needs an offseason and TC to get better. Thats a pathetic and ridiculous premise IMO, with that said...he's on a rookie contract that Cleveland paid most of. We stupidly gave up a 1st rd. pick for him so there is no way we are getting rid of him anytime soon. Hopefully Ballard comes back healthy next season and teaches Trent how to be real NFL RB and run through holes instead of dancing in the backfield and falling down when a defender farts in his direction.

    LOL good one

  6. Right....


    He's put together a roster for two years that's only won 23 games, including one in the playoffs...


    And in his first year he had to do that without $40 Million to spend because of Dead Cap money issues.


    And you're really starting to worry?    Really??


    Grigson's 2nd year was a disaster?   Is this supposed to be sarcasm that I'm not getting,  because otherwise,  you lost me.

    With all those Great free agent defensive player's he signed it showed in the playoff's and both the Chiefs and the Pats where with out many of there best player's on offence Luck covered his butt

  7. We have so many problems on D where do you start this might be worse then the manning era. One problem I see is Grigson might be to stubborn to cut player's he signed I hope that is not the case. After that Richardson trade I have my doubts about him I might be one of the few who never liked the trade from the beginning. GO COLTS

  8. No thanks. I think I speak for a lot of the older Baltimore era fans when I say there is no way I root for the Elways , ever. The way he set back the Colts for about 15 years by refusing to play for them cannot be forgotten ever. And then the slap in the face is our QB , who brought us back to prominence again, joins forces with the man who pulled the original draft stunt . I'll stay neutral, can't stand them or the Pats.

    I understand your feelings toward   ELWAY I was around when that happened and can't stand him either but I would like to see Manning win one more.

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