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Posts posted by colts8718

  1. Grigson is pretty smart guy, he WILL learn from this but he also knows we will NEVER give up that many points EVER again.  One of the worst defensive showings I've ever seen since the Colts got here in 84. Big Ben ate us alive, exposed the DB's, their o-linemen were men against boys pushing us all over the place.  Grigson will shore some things up in the coming years.  It will not happen overnight.  Probably two years to get some good defensive talent and some bigger bodies (although I thought we were bigger until I saw how big the Steelers looked at opening kickoff, I was like, wow, they are some very large offensive linemen.)

    He better get these players soon we have to resign after next year Luck,Ty, Allen, Fleener,there wont be much money left to sign anyone else. 

  2. Completely ridiculous.  Where was this comment last week or for the past 5 weeks?


    Completely ridiculous.  Where was this comment last week or for the past 5 weeks?


    Completely ridiculous.  Where was this comment last week or for the past 5 weeks?

    I have said this many times last year and before these 5 games against the mighty Titan's, Jag's Texan's Bengal's and Raven's the best of them.Go Colts always love them but reality is reality 

  3. Aren't you just a basket of sunshine.


    Toler did everything he could out there today. Losing Davis is detrimental to the defense. 


    As for Pagano and Grigson- I don't agree with some of their moves, but they are a combined 27-12 through 3 years so far. I think that gives them the benefit of the doubt here.


    The Colts played like junk tonight, we get that- but I don't think the best way to handle a loss is to go off the deep end. Only one team has ever won every game and that hasn't happened in over 40 years. Not to mention the Steelers beat us at our own game when our roster was riddled with injuries.


    Even still, Moncrief had his first career 100 yard game and touchdown, and he's looking more and more like a stud with every play. The Colts also put up 34 points in probably the worst game we will have to watch all year. 

    I will agree on Moncrief  and if where not for Luck we would not be 27-12 the Steelers exposed how bad our D and coaching staff are 

  4. Gee....   holding this inside the last 5 weeks must have really been eating away at you.


    You must feel so good to be able to vent like that and let it all out.     You pretty much threw-up all over your computer screen.


    And if Luck is wasting his career with Pagano and Grigson,  you must be wasting your fan life supporting this wretched organization.      I assume you'll be leaving soon?      I'm sure someone here will be missing you......


    It just won't be me......

    Your missing me already lol 

  5. The biggest monster in Colts 

    Pitt did us a favor I new last week was a mirage that linebacker Grigson picked up Jackson could not cover my grandmother he is one of the many great defensive players he wasted money on Landry, Toler, the list goes on and on. Feel sorry for Luck he will waste his career with Pagano and Grigson in charge

  6. Colts defense has 5 games of near total domination, and you're calling it a season after ONE bad game? Nice

    Who did we really play Jags, Titans, Houston , Bengals who where short handed that's why our D looked good

  7. I'm not worried and here's why:


    - Ben Roethlisberger, who in my opinion is a Hall of Famer, had himself one of the greatest games you'll ever see from any quarterback. It was pure magic out there and he made huge plays. Games like that rarely happen, and this guy was on and there weren't many defenses in the league that could have stopped him today.


    - The Colts did score 34 points, which more than their average and a very healthy amount.


    - The game was in Pittsburgh and their fans were fired up. Playing in Pittsburgh (maybe not on paper this year) has been tough for the last 25 years (some older fans would say even longer).


    - The Colts are at 5-3 and have won 5 of their last 6 games. They have a nice grip on the division and are still very much in the chase for the top spot in the AFC. THe Broncos are at 6-1 and the Patriots are at 6-2. 


    - This team is so resilient. Andrew Luck is a real fighter and this offense is amongst the best in the league. Donte Moncrief is an animal as well and he needs to get that #3 receiver spot (full time) over Nicks. The Nicks project isn't working out too well.  


    This is where we need to just stay patient, overcome this loss and move forward. 

    Now if only our offense could play Defense we might have a chance that was very discouraging our D has always prevented us from moving ahead same old story another wasted season down the drain. 

  8. I  think HOUSTON is going to win the division anyway there schedule is easier we have the Pats, cowboys, Giants Its for the best nobody is getting past Denver . Everyone got excited about our D we just happened to meet teams at the right time. I have never liked Pagano or Grigson and always felt they would never get us to a SB there both overrated. There will be games like this but our D is not good average at best another wasted season 

  9. If the Colts go on a run, will anything less than clinching the top AFC seed and home-field advantage throughout the American Football Conference playoffs be a failure for the 2014 Indianapolis Colts?

    Last weeks game was a mirage the real Colts D showed up today I said it at the beginning of the year we would not make the playoffs. Pagano once again has his team unprepared 

  10. That's fair.  I didn't want to inflate the CBs because some of the incompletions were due to bad throws or drops. 


    We all know that our LBs can be exploited by athletic TE's.  If the Ravens get Daniels involved it's going to be tough.  I sure hope Freeman is back.


    I was glad to see Newsome and Muamba getting some playing time. 

    I no we have won 2 in a row playing 2 bad teams one of the reason's our D looks good but honestly Our D will once again be our downfall.Luck like Manning will have to be almost perfect 

  11. I don't know about that, but it sure doesn't take a genius to see that this guy is NOT first round talentAnother

    Another great pick by GRIGSON  Iwish he would stop going with his gut feelings, After his first draft where he had help from The new Charger GM ( always forget his name Tom ?) the last 2  have not offered much help besides trading that 1st pick for Richardson that's when i started worrying 

  12. Andrew Luck is a guy that has always reminded me of a faster, more talented Ben Roethlisberger. Big, mobile, hard to tackle, and makes good throws/runs on the fly. Creative, ballsy, moves the chains. Exciting to watch. Innovative. He even makes tackles when needed. Moves fast. Elusive.


    This regime has turned our franchise player into a bland, "game manager" type of QB. He's pretty boring to watch now. These geniuses are banging a round peg into a square hole and that's why Luck looks bad this year as compared to last year and even his rookie year. These bozos in charge are wasting his young NFL years.


    /His hard-count is better...but overall play has regressed big time. That is NOT acceptable.

    I have said it over and over where never going to get to the SB with Pagano and Grigson this is one of Irsay's biggest mistakes 

  13. y'all all need to chill.... like seriously..... we could've very easily won this week and last week. Against 2 very good teams. Honestly, probably the best 2 teams we'll play all year. If it was jackosnville and cleveland I'd be concerned but some of you guys absolutely blow my mind

    Coulda, woulda, shoulda this is a very flawed team with a terrible D our coaching staff scares me along with our incompetent GM

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