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Posts posted by colts8718

  1. I think we should have kept Donald Brown and the more I think about it. The more I think we will regret letting him go. We drafted him in the 1st and put 5 yrs into him. We let him get away just when he was warming up. I have nothing against who we got, but I think Brown will show us that last year was a sign that he is a starter.. San Diego got a good running back!

    I thought it was a mistake to let him go Bradshaw and Ballard both coming of serious injuries Richardson has not proved anything. Brown was just starting to hit his stride always thought when Polian was  here he was not used right

  2. Truer words have never been spoken, it is not bad to always admit the truth...it can set you free. Peyton HASN'T played well in any of his SB's, really. That does not mean he can't be in your all time list but his Super Bowl performances are NOT impressive:



    Vs. Bears: Colts won but Rex was almost our MVP and our run game took over.

    Vs. Saints: I am still trying to forget this game......I almost fainted when the pick 6 happened.

    Vs. Seahawks: Was that Peyton or a guy who spent the whole day bar hopping in Jersey before the game?

    You had to remind of that Saints game that one still haunts me
  3. Like the way he hits....dislike his lack of coverage skills...I think he is awful.

    Grigson has made some bad calls on some of these free agent callings most notably on D and that Richardson trade was terrible
  4. After having a great 1st draft 2 years ago I have lost confidence in Grigson he has brought in some bad free agent's and that trade for Richardson really did it for me. I do not like the direction he is leading us into down the line. He seems to lean on his gut feeling to much he is like a poker player taking to many chances. Love my COLTS but not Grigson

  5. so what do you guys think/ feel ?

    me I'm loosing Faith in Grigs... ..


    I know we have been in the playiffs  2 years in a row with 11 wins both years... but I can't seem to follow his picks....


    Melwort won't be a starter from day 1 and was overdrafted...IMO 

    there where starting Offensive players availanle at our pick that could have started Gabe Jackson, Marcus Martin, Trai Turner, Dakoda Dozier to name a few...


    I know I'm not a scout... but Luck has been Hit way Too much to continue to Draft potential starters ... instead of imediate starters


    Moncrief good receiver , but we have more viable needs !


    They must believe Delano Howell is are starter...  ???


    They must think we are OK @ NT to walk away from Nix... ???


    I could go on and on... just not happy with our first 2/3 "Limited" Picks ...


    my initial instant grade D+/C- ... let me sleep on it and come back this weekend..


    PS Pagano is  Defensive Coach and we drafted majority what in 3 years... and we were ranked what for our deefense last year ?


    I welcome your thoughts/replies

    Ever since Grigson's 1st draft he has not done much except sign overrated free agents [ defense  mainly] and that trade for Richardson :scratch: I sometimes feel he is out of control and will eventually hurt us in the long run. I never liked Pagano he looks clueless its because of luck we are ahead of oueselves

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