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Posts posted by colts8718

  1. Every RB who has played the last few yrs has looked better than TRich. Hell, Ballard faced an equally poor line his rookie year and still produced well.

    4TH and 1 on the opening drive on there 36 I thought Pagano was going to ground and pound that should tell you what they think of Richardson what a JOKE 

  2. I think everyone should breathe and relax..Its the 3rd game of whats going to be a long season...Losses will happen...There will be more where this came from, The team simply has to get better and for the most part I expect they will. Lets look at some of the positives as well:


    1.The combo of Tipton and Herron ran for 101 yards on 16 carries.....That's 6.3 ypc!


    2.Only 3 penalties tonight on the Colts

    6.3 against 2nd and 3rd D of Saints

  3. Dude, there really isn't a point. People will defend him till he's gone, which will probably be next season. He has zero burst. Every great rb had a burst. Every good rb had a burst.

    Its amazing how Colt fan's keep making excuses for Richardson just hope Grigson does not trade another 1st again. We should have kept Brown as I said all along you had Bradshaw and Ballard both coming of injuries what where they thinking :scratch:

  4. IF Vandy hits a bunny in Miami....   

    IF the Colt D stops Eddie George from going 60 yards for a TD

    IF Harper takes a fumble to the house, or SAME GAME Vandy hits a bunny AGAIN....???

    IF Garcon catches a sure TD or SAME GAME Kendra's old man can hold onto an on side kick.... ???

    IF Stary eyed Jim Caldwell DOES NOT CALL A TIME OUT?


    IF is so big in Manning's history...    that said he stunk it up sometimes and others he rocked...   and still lost...   SD in 07 , or 08   or Both?


    Indy has just had some straight up bad luck in playoff games going all the way back to 95...   and I won't even go into that ..  it hurts still too damn bad.


    And actually ... thus far in his career he has been asked to "be the whole show" ..


    Just saying....


    IF Vandy hits a bunny in Miami....   

    IF the Colt D stops Eddie George from going 60 yards for a TD

    IF Harper takes a fumble to the house, or SAME GAME Vandy hits a bunny AGAIN....???

    IF Garcon catches a sure TD or SAME GAME Kendra's old man can hold onto an on side kick.... ???

    IF Stary eyed Jim Caldwell DOES NOT CALL A TIME OUT?


    IF is so big in Manning's history...    that said he stunk it up sometimes and others he rocked...   and still lost...   SD in 07 , or 08   or Both?


    Indy has just had some straight up bad luck in playoff games going all the way back to 95...   and I won't even go into that ..  it hurts still too damn bad.


    And actually ... thus far in his career he has been asked to "be the whole show" ..


    Just saying....



    IF Vandy hits a bunny in Miami....   

    IF the Colt D stops Eddie George from going 60 yards for a TD

    IF Harper takes a fumble to the house, or SAME GAME Vandy hits a bunny AGAIN....???

    IF Garcon catches a sure TD or SAME GAME Kendra's old man can hold onto an on side kick.... ???

    IF Stary eyed Jim Caldwell DOES NOT CALL A TIME OUT?


    IF is so big in Manning's history...    that said he stunk it up sometimes and others he rocked...   and still lost...   SD in 07 , or 08   or Both?


    Indy has just had some straight up bad luck in playoff games going all the way back to 95...   and I won't even go into that ..  it hurts still too damn bad.


    And actually ... thus far in his career he has been asked to "be the whole show" ..


    Just saying....

    I agree with you 100% I remember all those games good job

  5. Its been the story for so many years some of these 2nd hand Defensive players Grigson signed will always be what they are. :violin:

    Grigson has done a bad job overall with the D and the offensive line and that trade for Richardson well enough said. Love my Colts but I think he not the right man for the job. Pagano might be great at motivating players but his in game decisions leave a lot to be desired  GO COLTS GO LUCK without luck they both would not be around

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