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Posts posted by colts8718

  1. Ummmm. You're crazy.

    Sure this entire team is jekyll and hyde, but the D is far from "tras

    Our D is a joke and Pagano and Grigs should give some of there salary to Luck because Pagano's monster D will do what it usually does against the big boys :Yikes:

  2. I have pondered this many times. As colt's fans we hate the Patriots, and I think that is what makes a good rivalry. SF hates Seattle, Pitt hates Baltimore. The one thing I don't see in these rivalries is former players going out and just trying to take down guys from other teams. Now I am not in those markets, so it may happen in their newspapers, but usually those things go national when something is said which seems to tear down an opponent.


    The Patriots former players seem to like tearing down Colts players and the teams. Harrison does not like the Colts. If you have ever seen the replay of the 2006 AFC game, with all the players giving voice to what is happening, Harrison is the one guy who talks about the game, although he could not play in it, and seems to think it would have been a totally different result if he played. I do understand it is the player in him, but I get tired of it. Do you see former Colts players ripping on NE? Well enter Troy Brown on Patriots live show, and he needed to give his unvarnished version of what he thinks of Luck.




    If a former player would give an honest estimate of a player, I can respect that, but lets look at reality.

    What do you think Luck would do if he had the Cincinatti OL in front of him? Never considered that!

    I no what your saying about Harrison He constantly makes remarks and gets his shots in when he talks to Dungy 

  3. Penalties are an interesting thing.  I think the Seahawks last year were one of the more penalized teams in the league and I believe the Ravens the year before were the most penalized team in the league.  It's weird, but more penalties seems to have some correlation with winning.  Perhaps it's the aggressiveness?  You play aggressive and you get called for it sometimes, but you gain more from it than you lose with the penalties?

    Seahawks had a great D last year and could take many chances 

  4. At the beginning of the week,  there was a discussion about whether or not Bengals WR  AJ Green would play Sunday.


    I posted confidently that Green would find a way to pass the concussion protocol and be ready to go.


    Well,  much to my surprise,  he did not pass and is not playing.     My bad!     :worthy:


    So, forgive me that I can't remember who you are, but I do remember our exchange and I wanted to acknowledge that you're completely right and I was wrong.


    Props to you!          :thmup:

    Its only football don't be so hard on yourself 

  5. And Randy Moss was no better than Troy Brown...


    If this team were 3-13 with Andy Dalton, they would be lucky.  It's the same nonsense you heard for years with Manning.  Some people, like Brown, aren't intelligent enough to look at the surrounding team Luck has been carrying his first three years in the league, or realize that Luck is only in year 3, and has made the playoffs all three years with this pathetic team.  Compare Luck in year 3 to Manning, Brady, Rodgers or Brees.  He is infinitely more advanced than any of them. 


    Of course, this organization could make things easier on Luck - much easier - by building an actual playoff caliber team around him.  Hopefully, like Manning, he is strong enough to take the blame and criticism and keep going.  Let's face it, to be a Colts QB, you have to.  Hopefully, they don't ruin the him.   Through three years, behind this O-line, with Richardson and this defense, they have done their best to ruin him.  After three years behind this O-line, I'm surprised he's still walking. 

    I could not have said it better and I hope Irsay wakes up every time I talk about this subject some colt fan';s thing I'm being negative just being realistic.Being a Colt fan since the 70's I have seen the good and the bad and will always love my colts and I don't like the direction there going in with Pagano and Grigson  GO COLTS 

  6. Sounds good, but I'm not sure it's true.  If they are on track in year 3 of a 5 year plan, I would love to know what the plan is, because in every way they appear to be going in the wrong direction to me.  To me, they simply look like a bad team who has been 11-5 for three seasons for two reasons:  one, the QB, and two, a weak division.  

    Love my Colts but your words could not be more true like they say the truth hurts GO COLT 

  7. what didn't you like about Irsay's hiring of Grigson?  Who would you have preferred?

    Good question Grigson did well in his first draft with the help of the new GM of Chargers I think his name was Tom Tedesco not sure of the spelling he worked in our organization and many thought he had a lot of input in that 1st draft with Grigson and his recent drafts have been nothing to talk about and many of his free agent either.About the hiring I did not think at that time it was a good idea to bring in someone with not much experience. What did you think at the time of his hiring?

  8. Other posters try to explain why this team still needs work but you insist on being a broken record. What is the use to have a debate with you when you cant get over your negativity long enough to see the big picture as far as how long it takes to build a competitive playoff team. Most of us try to have a debate with you but all your interested in is arguin

    Of course it need's work and yes I see the BIG picture and I don't like Pagano in it. You consider it Negativity I consider it being objective I did not like Irsay's Choice of Pagano and Grigson from the start and I like Irsay. I state what I feel I don't need to debate with anyone have a great xmas  GO COLTS

  9. Pags and Pep are out of their league, I wouldn't mind them both working elsewhere next season.  Don't get me wrong, they are both fine individuals, but collectively, neither are anything but average in their abilities as a coach IMHO.  I do not feel the Colts will ever reach their full potential under the current coaching staff which appears to be tone deaf as to who to play and when. 


    When Pags came into being, he said we were going to have a monster defense, and a monster run game.  Fact is, we've accomplished neither, and are in fact getting worse as time goes on.  The performance last week was shameful, absolutely shameful.  We have had more shameful games this season than most teams not located in Jacksonville have in several seasons of play. 


    We are continually not ready to play, stick with plans that are ineffective, and week after week hear the same old dumb excuses.  Nothing is getting done, and the only reason we have the record we do is because we reside in the AFC South.  Outside the AFC south division against playoff caliber teams we are 1 - 5. 


    I'd like to see a coaching change before it is too late to salvage Andrew Luck's career.  He needs support and he's not getting it.

    Last week was one of the most shameful games I have seen the Colts play Pagano keeps preaching this Monster D and run game it's the same old song. I feel we will never move much further with this coaching staff 

  10.  if the best team in the playoffs were the ones that won the superbowl each year, the 1st seed would always win. in 2012 no one believed the ravens could go into denver and beat the broncos or go into foxboro and beat the patriots. they werent even picked to beat the 49ers. the two runs by the giants , again no one picked them to win and they ran table and even beat the pats twice. we werent the hot team either in 2006, but we won. this loss while bitter was exactly the wake up call we needed. the offense needed that butt kicking so they can get out of the slump their in. I promise you no one in that colts complex has got rid of their morale and confidence and we as fans need to stand up and support our team instead of already thinking of the off-season. we're not done

    I have alway's supported the Colts but you need a D and offensive line plus a running game to win against the good teams we have luck that's as real as it gets 

  11. Matchups.


    If we are the #4 seed, we could play the Steelers or Bengals possibly and beat them at home, I feel.


    Playoffs are a different season. Ravens lost 4 out of their last 5 in 2012 before going on a run when players got healthy. T.Y.Hilton and our starting OL could get healthy and we can go on a simila

    keep dreaming

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