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Posts posted by colts8718

  1. Hi guys, seeing what Bruce Arians is doing with the Cardinals, would you rather have Arians at the helm of the Colts or still keep Chuck?

    Andrew is having a monster year, but one can only imagine how much better he would be with Bruce Arians leading the way...


    In my opinion Arians does very well with his players, he just gets them to play really 

    Arian should be our coach but it was just bad timing. Pagano has no clue and its amazing how many times his team is not prepared after last night you can see him and Grigson have put together a flawed team. Hope Irsay wakes up before its to late 

  2. Wow, great news. To think I was actually proud at one point to have him on our team. His training regimen away from the team, his lack of interaction with his teammates, his PED use and his seemingly obsessive godlike view of his physique and lack of what I consider a team/football first attitude really sours me as a fan. I think the team is making a great decision with Landry, and doing so by admitting they were wrong when they gave him the contact they did.

    This is a classic case of take the money and run this guy is only about himself

  3. I know this is a question that comes up all the time and I know you cant stop someone being a fan. I have a friend who rips on the colts every chance he gets because he claims to be a big peyton manning fan. So naturally he roots for the broncos now. How salty would you feel as  a colt fan for all those fans who left us to come back?

    Who cares :scratch:

  4. Grigson's signings are fine.  Sometimes he misses, but other times he's had huge success.  I dont consider Trent Toler or Landry a miss.  I do think DQwell could be put in that category though.  Take for example how many UDFA made the roster, and starting.  Luck's best bet is to stay in Indy with an established program.  I assure you that! 

    Seriously you don't consider Landry a miss   :scratch:

  5. Reality?  Luck will waste his career spending time in Indy?  Greg Toler is a waste of money?  Who are you kidding? 

    With player's like Toler around Luck will waste his time in Indy. I love my Colts but if Grigson keeps signing these bad free agents on D the new member  Jackson the linebacker we signed who couldn't cover my grandmother we will keep seeing having more games like the last one in Pittsburgh  :Yikes:

  6. No one to complain about?!?      Seriously?!?


    Have you read some of the threads around here lately?


    If 1-yard and a Cloud of Dust got just $1 for every negative response he gets here, he'd be rich!    I'm talking Warren Buffett filthy rich!    And how about 1-yards alter ego,  Moopsiepuffs?      Those two are twins separated at birth!!

    What the heck are Moopsiepuffs lol :headspin:

  7. Hey,  why don't you take the rest of the season off.     Spare yourself all the misery.    And all of us can be spared your silly posts.


    It's a win-win all the way around!!    :thmup:

    What fun would that be then you would have no one to complain about :thmup:  :highfive2: LOL 

  8. Yeah I noticed that a truck load of pressure seems to be coming from his side.  I have no clue how he goes from being what looked like pretty solid last year to garbage th


    I've lost count how many times I've seen edge rushers just run right around him and get to the QB this year.

    Another great pickup by Grigson

  9. You can't sign free agent players that are the same caliber talent wise as practice squad players. Toller is by far the worse db in Football and was exposed yesterday. Jackson at Lb at best is a back up.  I know Josh Gordy is a back up and you saw why yesterday. This guy is a practice squad caliber player at best. There are reasons  why these guys were cut/released.

    My grandmother run's faster then Jackson  :HFire:

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