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Posts posted by Nickster

  1. 1 hour ago, csmopar said:

    I can’t say I’m happy with it, I think it is a huge swing for down the road potential. I’m ok with it. Mainly cause we didn’t trade up to do it.


    Knowing that it’ll be two to three years down the road, do you start trading away the guys approaching 30?

    God you’d think you’d have to.  Stockpile picks.  I don’t think we have many players/contracts that would yield much though.

    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, krunk said:

    Yeah Yeah I know! Physically was the only thing i meant.  Hes definitely an elite athlete. Id be crazy to speak on anything more than that until he proves it.


    I have a different take. It’s the media consumer that’s failing.  They give us what we want.  If it didn’t sell they’d do,it differently.

    • Like 1
  3. 6 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:

    Media has literally crumbled in the more than 40 years since I first got in.    And on every level.   Local and national.   And it’s only getting worse.   How do you restore it?   How do you regain trust?   It takes decades to earn it, but can be lost in the blink of an eye these days.   

    And it’s not just sports.   It’s politics, regular news, even entertainment.  

    Sorry for getting up on my soap box,  but it’s hard to watch a once respected and badly needed profession steadily evaporate.  

    Sigh….      :giveup:

    Medias job is to get people to watch, listen, or click now.  Being accurate isn’t very important.

  4. 6 hours ago, DougDew said:

    You seem to have associated my post with intelligence.  Why don't you just admit that it was smart, instead of getting mad that I am the one who thought of it.  BTW Pat, is a one of those fake cool guys and transparent as heck, well, to us smart ones.  OTOH, you seem to have fallen for his fake-schtick.


    Nelson had the credentials, even the horrible pick Hooker had credentials to support the pick.  AR has none, its all about ceiling, potential.....and hope.  Its a desperation pick.

    I disagree with your desperation take.  I’m not sure about the pick but I think Steichen was a major factor here.  

    I doubt anyone thinks this kid is going to take the league by storm right away.  They are showing more delayed gratification lol, but this time the kid is young so that’s quite a bit different IMO.

  5. 7 hours ago, Moosejawcolt said:

    I know it sounds silly but I would 


    This is the reset button for Ballard. His born again opportunity.  I think we can all  agree  there are no more  excuses.  He got his coach. He got te qb  t

    he loves. I will start over with Balard and all is forgiven. Let's go Colts and get it done. Let's go heavy on O in the 2nd and 3rd. I know we need corners but we have to build around thr O and sacrifice the D. I would be tempted to grab another te in the 2nd and guard in the 3rd. Not many wrs of  value tons of tes left. We need long pass catchers.

    I agree about O emphasis.  Gotta support this raw talent for him to develop.  Won’t matter much how good the D is until probably 2025 in reality.  We are definitely rebuilding now with this young guy.  Rebuild the O first to give him a better chance.  He’s really all that matters now and IMO, many of the core players we have now will not be core players by the time AR develops in 2 or 3 seasons.

  6. 15 hours ago, coltsblue1844 said:

    Peter King said today that several GMs have told him that they expect CJ Stroud to be a bust in the NFL...and several also said that they've never seen a QB with a low cognitive test do well in the NFL.


    Just shows how differently everyone (us, GMs etc) view these players.


    Personally I'd take Levis...but I'd also take either Will Anderson or Tyree Wilson (possibly even Jalen Carter) before I'd take Richardson. We don't need a project of that size...and if we ARE going to kick the can so to speak and hope our QB is ready in the future...then let's take the best defensive player available and draft a QB next year... supposed to be a loaded class... Then add to an already good D and let Minshew play for a year. 


    Again, I know that wouldn't be popular...and I'd personally take Levis...but just food for thought.

    Lamar Jackson had a 13 Wonderlich which is pretty low.  Marino, Kelly, Mcnabb , and Bradshaw all had 15s and are all HOFers.


    Stroud had 18.  


    22 is average IQ equivalent wise.  So those are some fairly well below average cognition scores. 


    But unless those GMS never saw those HOFers then they are being exaggerative. 


    Perhaps the game is more complex now than then?


    SO EDIT:  I looked and saw that the S2 isn't based on intelligence but speed of processing.  there is some correlation but it will be interesting to see what the difference is.  They are trying to replace the wonderlic.

  7. 15 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Would you trade our 4th and next years 1st for Jalen Hurts? Eagles wouldn't do it. See I could turn it around. Hurts 53rd pick.


    I'd trade this year's 1st and next years first and the following years first and give them any other player we have for Jalen Hurts.


    And they still wouldn't do it.  He's an elite QB and there are only ever about 5 of those guys.


    9 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Hurts wasn't even that good his 1st 2 years is my point. You are not even giving Fields a chance. Put Fields on Philly and they make the playoffs at worse with that roster and coaching. 

    Hurts was a good rookie.  A great sophomore and and an elite 3rd year player. 

  8. 1 hour ago, EastStreet said:


    We're seeing all kinds of stuff we normally see...


    And more power OL scheme... love it when Q goes down hill.... 


    @Nickster did you notice that....

    Yeah it’s been unimpressive against one of the worst defenses in football.  

    On first glance looked  like an inside zone on that 66 yarder by Taylor.


    so far we look the same to me.  The line looks a little better without Matt Pryor. Taylor’s first big run in a while was nice.

  9. 1 minute ago, TaylorTheStudMuffin said:

    I said nothing about helping Pryor. I am talking about ways a oline schemes and uses blocks. They aren’t doing that in preseason.

    Studmuffin if anything you would increase your chipping and sliding and doing anything you could to protect your vet starting QB wouldn’t you?  Your saying manangement is intentionally limiting o line scheme and exposing Ryan to more danger than they will when the season starts?  That’s insane if that’s what they are doing.


    Irsay should fire them all then.  Incinerate them all.


  10. Nice cut by Raimann. Didn’t Telegraph it and spilled his man

    BR knocked back on a bull stunt

    solid on the TD in pass pro as part of a double .


    we really need this kid to work out.  Maybe this year, cause I’d be very surprised if Pryor holds up.  He has been rough in camp and was on skates today.  He may get better but he’s a vet. 
    I think he’s out of his league at Lt.


    I hope not.  Does anyone know if there are any unsigned vets out there?




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