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Posts posted by Nickster

  1. 41 minutes ago, boo2202 said:

    Let the other teams overpay. There’s not one contract signed yesterday that I would’ve felt comfortable with. The Kirk contract is crazy. Reddick maybe but other than that, no way I’m paying those prices. Get the feeling that with no QB in place, we’re just going to kinda of coast this offseason, which I’m cool with. Sometimes you got to wait on your pitch. Don’t do anything crazy that will set us back once again. 

    Yeah this club isn’t going to be very good in all likelihood.  

    perhaps we shine up one of the fa qbs.  It happens occasionally though not often.


    I think there is strong argument we’ve overpaid our own players the last couple seasons.

    it seems like stubbornness an arrogance to me.  Could be something different.


    the schedule next season is likely to put some dark clouds in the way of the sunshine mafia.

  2. 7 minutes ago, chad72 said:


    It was the last sack in the above video. The guy anticipated the spin move, so he spun the other way and still got a sack. What a guy we had!!! What a privilege to call him a Colt!! :) 


    Yeah but the one I was talking about was in his much younger Colt days and was much quicker than that; and if I remeber right he didn't get the sack.


    He was a stud.

  3. 21 hours ago, Jared Cisneros said:

    The Kittle call at the end of the 1st half of the SB was pretty bad IMO. You have to let something like that go. 49ers may of played the last two minutes different if they were down by 1 and needed a fg to win the SB rather than a td. 

    He pushed off to create the separation that allowed him to make the catch.

  4. 4 minutes ago, DougDew said:

    Luck's retirement caused TY to hurt his leg?  Caused Ebron to revert back to DET?  Caused his third best WR, Inman, to not even be on the team?


    Luck's three best receivers from last year had problems that had nothing to do with Luck, one of them not even being here. And the guys who were at least suppose to replace him, Funchess and Campbell, barely saw the field. 


    And that regression was caused by the disappearance of Luck and the appearance of JB?  Lay off the kool aid man.


    Ty was hurt last year too.  Ebron dropped plenty of passes last year too.

    JB had Doyle all year.  A more developed Pascal.  


    OK Dontrelle Inman.

  5. 9 hours ago, BleedBlue4Shoe86 said:

    Your bolded statement is such an ignorant argument. He was by no means a terrible QB. He was efficient and then he got hurt and ended the season throwing to nothing but receivers that went undrafted. 

    STOP WITH THE TERRIBLE QB STUFF. It is what drives people insane in here. 

    I think he’s terrible and grading services generally agree.  Bottom tier starter/back up caliber equals terrible IMO.


    he was below average the first half and terrible after the injury.  

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  6. 4 hours ago, Myles said:

    The Pacers are in NBA purgatory.   As a small market team not located in an attractive location, they have a very hard time enticing FA's to come play for them.   

    They are well run and put a competitive good team out almost every year, so they don't get high draft picks.  

    There last 5 top ten draft picks:

    2010 - Paul George (10)

    1996 - Eric Dampier (10)

    1989 - George McCloud (7)

    1988 - Rik Smits (2)

    1986 - Chuck Person (4)


    I would guess that there is not another team in the NBA with only 2 top 10 picks in the last 24 years.  Tough to build a championship team without those picks.  



    Yeah.  They've been too good for the good of the org.  

  7. 9 minutes ago, DougDew said:

    Please.  How could Luck make them more open than they already were?...as the JB critics contend. 


    You know, the problem wasn't the receivers needing elevation.  The problem is that the NFL Qb looking downfield for 5 seconds couldn't see they were open....LOL.


    Again, if they were open, then spending capital on Funchess and Ebron and a second rounder on Parris was a misguided way to build a roster.


    If they weren't open, then maybe JB wasn't the problem?


    Pick your criticism, but be consistent. 



    But it's not either or.  They were decent and the great QB got them the ball.  The upgrade was probably an attempt to try to keep up with KC Doug.  And their recievers are way better than what we had.  I don't think ours were terrible, but it was obvious that we needed more firepower.


    Doug, Ebron was signed to a two year deal before last year.

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  8. 17 minutes ago, DougDew said:

    Yeah.  I'm trying to compartmentalize the discussion, because usually these threads come around to talking about the decisions Ballard made and some evaluation of Ballard.  I'm not trying to do that, because then other things have to be looked at. 


    I'm trying to look at comparative situations as best I can, without introducing more moving parts than there already is.


    Would we be in the playoffs if we had Luck instead of JB?  Well, Funchess was injured, TY, Parris, Ebron couldn't catch, and the defense was porous. 


    So screen shots of the all 22 view show that Doyle was always open, Pascal and Rogers and Johnson and etc were always open, and that JB just didn't see them.


    Ok, if those guys could get open on a regular basis, then what is the point of Ballard spending money and capital on Ebron, Funchess and Parris?  


    If you feel like we could have won with Luck and the cast of receivers we had....then you need to heavily criticize Ballard for spending capital on receivers we didn't need, and should have spent more on defense.


    I'm not willing to go down that road, that our UDFA receivers were good enough, because that actually leads to a criticism of Ballard that I would simply choose to ignore because I wanted to.  Of course, I don't know why others would not have that criticism.


    So no, all of our receivers were hurt.  Luck's retirement is irrelevant.  And what would happened if they weren't, or next year, is yet to be written and will always be unknown. 



    read my post above.


    We had essentially the same recievers as last year.  Ebron caught like 14 TDs from Luck last year man.   We dropped Ryan Grant and picked up Funchess for a little more money.  Of course they wanted to upgrade the weapons man.


    I'm not sure what you are arguing.  It its we need to follow SFs model or all the sudden the SF "plan" worked, then I'd say OK lets go 2-14 next year and draft better.

  9. 8 minutes ago, NannyMcafee said:


    It is my opinion that you need a top oline, top dline, and top QB to be a perennial SB contender. Top meaning, top 10 at least in every one of those categories. 


    Or... the GOAT head coach. 

    agree on all counts.  NE has really not often been elite on either line, but they've always had Bill Belechik as the coach.


    But I will say one thing.  Many people have undestimated the prodigious offensive talent at skill positions that that team has had over the years.

  10. 4 minutes ago, DougDew said:

    Well, I said the O being responsible for wins, especially passing O relative to the QB, not that they dont have good stats.


    What I saw on Sunday was a team that stifled GBs offense and ran all over them offensively.  I mean, the quality of the QB is always important, but goodness, saying that they won the game because they had JG instead of say, Case Keenum, is a bit of a stretch, IMO.

    No one is saying they won the game because of JG.  But he is a threat.


    You saw the same thing I saw. 


    But about a month ago, I saw an amazing elite game by JG beating NO in an exceedingly important game that helped them win home field.  It wouldn't have been so easy for them to go into Lambeau last week IMO.



  11. 10 minutes ago, DougDew said:

    OK.  If that's your conclusion from your "what if" scenario, that's fine.  I'm just assuming that the actual plays the edge guy made mattered, and I have less ability to judge the Os performance when JG would have had to throw passes in the situations he didn't have to.      


    And I never said JG didn't matter.  I said that Lucks retirement was not relevant to the discussion about the rosters and the actual performance, especially the SF half of the discussion. 


    I think there is simply an assumption that we'd be in the playoffs. 


    Personally, I think both TEN and HOU were probably better this year than last year, and I don't see the addition of Rock and Ben and Parris being all that significant when measuring the Colts potential performance with Luck compared to last year with Luck.  But that's all alternative.


    Well I am pretty sure that Reich wouldn't have passed the opportuniuty to draft Bosa had he had it last year. 


    Parris was hurt, can't judge it.  Both Bangonu and Rock would look a lot better with Bosa harrassing the QB for them.


    Everything one does on the internet is what if.  If not, it's pure outcome bias.  Did you notice that the other team in the Superbowl has a weak defense and a hero ball QB?



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