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Posts posted by Nickster

  1. 16 minutes ago, DougDew said:

    Ok.  I guess last year he could always drive the ball to the boundary and this year he never can.  I'm fine with that.  I don't think he belongs on our team anyway.


    That's non sequitur.  I didn't say anything about always or never.  I think I said he appears not to be able to get the ball there anymore.  He'd still be way better than the guy who QBd the team this year.

    • Like 1
  2. On 1/7/2020 at 8:00 AM, DougDew said:

    I understand and I think that is a good point.  I'm merely saying that NE won the SB last year with Gronk, and I would think with Brady having substantially the same arm strength as this year, what ever that may have been.  I would find it highly coincidental that his arm strength diminished considerably at the same time the best TE in the NFL retired, but age can have a strange impact.


    If it is indeed weak, it certainly won't be getting any stronger next year, IMO.


    How old are you man?  If you are in or have been through your 40s you know from personal experience that things can diminish rapidly and seemingly over night is some instances.


    No doubt that Gronk if he could and did play would help, but that doesn't necessarily have anything to do with whether or not Brady can drive the ball to the sideline anymore.


    It appears to me that he can't.  Dude is freaking old for a football player.

  3. 20 minutes ago, DougDew said:

    Every kind of play helps.


    I always thought the key to NEs offense was how defenses prepared for Gronk.  If they double covered him, they would keep him in to run the ball or highlight Edelman on pass plays.  If they single covered him, NE threw to him because he could beat single coverage.


    Losing him was going to be a big deal when it happened.  

    O I agree.  IMo he was the best player in the game for a few years.  He was a matchup  nightmare and was equally effective as a blocker, like a 6th lineman.  Terrific player.  

    Still ole Tommy could get it outside when he needed too.

    if you watch this highlight video from last year you will see several good throws to the boundary.






  4. 1 hour ago, EastStreet said:

    Kinlaw IMO will be a good DT that can rush, and he likely can be had at 13 or 16. If not, spend some cap on a FA


    T1 QBR guys aren't impossible to get. Did you know that Carr, Fitzmagic, and Tannehill are all top 10 QBR rated this year? And none of those team have the OL that we do. And only one has a better supporting RB group (TN).


    Did you know that OL has the best AV rating through all rounds, and that second round OLs have 10% greater AV than first round on average. Also, 4th round AV is slightly more than 1st? Not going to worry about AC until he says he's retiring. I'd also bet he's coming back.


    Thanks for the Kudos


    yeah but good LTs are very rare.  The other 4 positions are different than LTs.


    what Pass rushing DTs are on the market?


    None of it matters without a QB though.

  5. 2 hours ago, DougDew said:

    But they never did throw many of those patterns when they had Gronk.  They've tended to have subpar outside threats and that's the player that receives those boundary patterns. (Maybe that was Brady's weakness?)


    He can still chuck it down field.


    Not having Gronk is what would allow the D to shut down the middle, IMO.

    Didn’t do it much but enough to keep the D honest.  If the threat isn’t there it makes the field about 20 yds wide and the little dump offs they’ve always thrown won’t be as effective.

  6. 2 hours ago, EastStreet said:

    The TLDR....


    1. QBR was the strongest commonality of SB contenders. And our current QBR is bad to below average. Only 2 teams in the past 19 years had the same or worse QBRs (Peyton and Big Ben). Drafting a QB or finding one in FA should be top priority.

    2. Our second biggest gap is Pass Defense. DT capable of pass rushing please via the draft or FA pretty please.

    3. Rush O, and Rush D, are Tier 1, and are better than 50+% of SB contender over 19 years.

    Thank you kind sir.

    Good stuff.  

    Couple issues.  DTs that can rush the QB are possibly rarer than Tier 1 QBs.  If Castanzo is serious and retires, LTs are possibly rarer than Tier 1 QBs.


    So it is difficult to get either a Tier 1 QB and a DT that can rush the passer in any draft let alone both in the same draft.  If you at an LT to that mix it’s pert  near impossible.


    We could be screwed for years to come if AC doesn’t resign and we bust on a QB draft which is about a 50/50 spin in the first round let alone later.


    Best case IMO is to sign the vet QB you think is best chance and draft a QB if you like one.  I still think this team is competitive with a decent QB now.


    Andrew has just killed the org by quitting.  Not that it isn’t his choice but that’s the reality.


    If AC retires LT is perhaps priority 1.  Open the checkbook and make him an offer he can’t refuse.  Cut Brisett And allocate that money there.

    my amateur choice of vet signing is Rivers.


    • Like 3
  7. 3 hours ago, DougDew said:

    I got it.  Everybody says Brady is regressing.....  


    ....in the same year he lost Gronk.


    I'm not saying that both are not or weren't regressing, but to blame Brady's "regression" solely on himself would mean that Gronk and someone like Moe Allie Cox are the same TE.


    Goes back to my point made a few weeks ago. 


    When a QB puts up great numbers by throwing to a receiver, say, a TE, or both get a high PFF ranking, should they both get the credit for being a top 10 player at their position....or is there double counting.


    And when the numbers are low?


    I get that you can blame the QB when you see them not hit the open receiver.....but then the stats become moot when you replace data with that human overlay.


    I don't know man.  It doesn't look like Brady can get the ball to the boundary anymore, and if that is not a threat, then D's can totally shut down the middle of the field.

    • The team would be decent with an average NFL starter at QB.  The D was fine until the last month and the running game was good.  The kicker thing was utterly ridiculous.


    So I think they are in line to be good as soon as next year if they sign one of the available vets and he can be at least average.


    i hated the Brissett extension and hope we move on.  It was stupid using the washed up kicker this year and was stupid the stiff of a QB 28 million more dollars.  The KC game was fun BUT the QB got injured and was part of the rash of false JB positive.  I and others thought the guy was trash and we appear to be correct.

    • Like 2
  8. 11 hours ago, Imgrandojji said:

    This forum is going to go up like Bikini Atoll when Ballard extends Brissett for 2 years in training camp.


    I see a tweener contract, something like 10-12M AAV.  Something you can move but gives the player a bit of security. 


    I'm honestly convinced that Ballard is going to assess Brissett based on the totality of the season, and lend a lot of weight to the relatively strong first half when the team was intact, rather than the second half when the personnel on the field weren't even close to what was planned for. 


    Meanwhile we're all about the second half because recency bias so we're thinking about Brissett at his worst, after his knee went and most of his pass catchers were in the dispensary.  The first half might as well be the 18th century.


    Just different criteria for assessment but I suspect Ballard is thinking along these lines for real.

    he was the same the first half.  3 of Jacobys “wins” the team scored less than 20.  He sucked the whole year.  He sucks.

    • Like 3
  9. 21 hours ago, Imgrandojji said:

    Brissett DOES get unfair criticism.  That doesn't mean he's suddenly a world beating talent, but people are comparing Brissett to what we're used to, and what we're used to is Manning and Luck.  2 incredibly tough acts to follow.


    And they're frequently not remembering that Brissett was thrust into the starting job because our starter quit in the middle of training camp.  


    Personally I'm interested to see if there's some possible improvement that could be achieved with a roster built around what Brissett can do, rather than built around Luck and hastily adjusted for a guy who definitely is not Luck

    What can Brisett do in your opinion?

    • Like 2
  10. 16 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    That is thing I do not understand, why does 90% of the forum believe Chad Kelly would be a better option over JB? That is like they are saying they know more than Reich and Ballard. Believe me, if Reich and Ballard thought Kelly was far better he wouldve been playing by week 8 after JB's injury. That is common sense. 

    I think it’s because JB is quite obviously terrible.

  11. 10 hours ago, Four2itus said:

    Not being negative has nothing to do with being naive. It has everything to do with choosing to be positive, and reaping the benefits as a fan, from making that choice. I am positive all the freaking time......and am not surprised in the least when things don't go right. 


    In some ways, it is the opposite of being "real" and miserable/dissapointed/depressed/etc.

    False positivity is perhaps the single most destructive force for humanity.

  12. 36 minutes ago, DougDew said:

    You're making several points that lead into a broader discussion of JB.


    I'm talking concepts more than QBs.  Different OCs have different tendencies or things they value....want to run.


    If offenses are moving towards three step drops and getting the ball out quicker, by the shear laws of physics, the QB will have to have his first read open by either a talented WR or by scheme.  No time to go through reads.  I don't see that as a criticism.  I see it as a successful strategy.


    I don't think there are too many traditional pro style offenses in college, meaning, sitting in the pocket and going through reads.  I think both college and NFL are going more to the spread quick throw offense. 


    If you have that offense, then the WRs are never going to be completely open for very long.  To get yardage, they will have to have some ability to do something with the ball after they get it.  And the QB will have to be accurate enough to put the ball on the correct hip, not just throw it in the area of a 15-25 yard dig and let a catch radius of Reggie Wayne bail him out.  TY fits into that older offense.  He's not really a YAC guy.


    While all patterns need to be converted in the NFL, I don't see Reich's offense relying upon the dig patterns, outs, and intermediate timing patterns as much as we used to.  They take more time to develop.  Its a bit of a mix, because we now finally have the oline to do the type of stuff we used to do with Luck.  We may not have the QB to run the offense, especially the patterns more like we ran in the old offense, but we don't have the skill position players to make plays in the new offense.  We need more than a new QB to run Reich's offense correctly, IMO.



    Hey man the quick stuff you reference is in principle a lot like the old fashioned West Coast Offense. 

    There are reads and progressions, they are just quick.  It is extremely important to have a quick thinking/reacting/decisive QB in these types of offenses.  They are not just throwing to a predetermined, pre snap place.


    A major difference is the RPO, but that is still quick and there are multiple reads and progressions and is only very effective if the QB can hurt a team with his feet.


    NONE of which seems to be suited to ANYTHING I've seen JB do.


    He's a big arm, slow QB who can shed tacklers ala Roethlisberger.  He doesnt' read or go through progressions well enough to run the long game and is not decisive enough to run the short game.  He just can't really play.  Hear me now and believe me later.

  13. 18 minutes ago, DougDew said:

    Oh I agree.  Jacoby lacks the long ball accuracy to keep the defense honest (same thing we had with Hasselbeck who was simply too old to throw).  Eventually the D jumps the routes, and the pass rush gets to the QB.


    I was just pointing out that college QBs these days scheme their first read and throw it if its open, because that's what's being taught.  Not sure if their ability to sit in the pocket for 5 seconds and see through their progressions is going to be any better than JBs.


    Whether or not they have long ball accuracy or the ability to extend plays is a different criticism.


    Edit:  Of course, besides the long ball, another way to keep a D honest with the short passes is to have playmakers who can actually do something with the ball once they have it.  Breaking the first tackle and getting 15 extra yards would be nice.  Even TY can't really do that. Neither does Hines.


    I haven't watched much of Jackson.  But I would suspect that the 2nd (or possibly 3rd and 4th) reads are to pull it down and run.  Are you saying there are other college QBs who rely on one read only?  I'd think it would be hard to be successful that way.


    On your edit I disagree for the most part.  You are going to play shallow if there is no downfield threat and this causes YACs to be harder to come by.  When the guy does break a tackle, the safety is closer to clean it up with no downfield threat.


    I am not talking about the long ball either, although I think it's clear JB sucks at that too,  I am talking about sticking the 15-25 yd out or dig.  This is what opens up things underneath and then deep.  The threat has to be there.  Jacoby seems incompetent even on the seem pass down the field which is one of the easier throws in the game.


    The QB is the root of practically all the offensive woes IMO.

    • Like 1
  14. 8 minutes ago, DougDew said:

    This is true.  Not deniable. 


    In part, that's what the scheme is supposed to do.  Having your first read open is how a QB gets rid of the ball quickly.  Its what the NFL is moving towards.  It should not be a criticism.  It should be a commendation for the system working.  A 5 second pocket means the first read was not open (unless the QB is blind by not realizing the WR is open when he's looking right at him.)


    The other issue is, have you seen the types of QBs and offenses they run in college these days?  Exactly the same thing, except when their first read isn't open, they take off and run, or extend the play hoping that a receiver comes open like a sandlot play.


    Its a lot different kind of QB and scheme than we had with Luck and Manning.


    Yes Reich called a few really good games.  Broke down when people realized that Jacoby can't read down the field.   There was never any threat of him hurting the opposition down field.


    But Jacoby can't run.  One of the slowest QBs in the league.

    • Like 1
  15. 12 hours ago, EastStreet said:

    IDK... Many on the board questioned the way we were winning (during the 5-2 days), and said it wasn't sustainable. 


    The way I see it, we had mild success and close wins early vs teams that weren't as good as we thought, teams got tape on JB, started daring him to throw, we became one dimensional on O, and our D all of sudden is on the field a lot more than the O is... 


    The Colts scored under 20 points in three of the wins before the "injury".  He was terrible from start to finish.


    He had a couple of good games, but it you look closely, you'd see that the scheme allowed JB to make many 1st read throws during those games.  


    Teams simply wisened up.

    • Like 1
  16. 2 hours ago, DougDew said:

    Neither is all of the other stuff that doesn't get posted or bolded.


    We can move on from JB.  I don't care.  I have no opinion I'm heavily invested in.


    What's curious is not sure why JB has become the the whpping boy for everything that is wrong with the team.  Its like chickens pecking the one sick one because that's what every other chicken is doing.


    Maybe blaming JB for everything.....even TB scoring 31 point despite Winston's 3 picks....is simply easier than to entertain the notion that Ballard sucks.  LOL. 


    The constant pecking must be comforting.



    Easy.  He's the QB and he sucks.

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  17. 1 hour ago, Jared Cisneros said:

    Agreed. As bad as things have gotten, I'll root for this team as long as there's a continuous effort to get better and ultimately win the SB. The moment we settle in mediocrity is the moment I get disinterested. Not drafting a QB would do the trick for me.


    I'm with you.  I won't watch any more Colts games with JB at QB.  There is no point.  I mean if there is nothing else to do, I might have it on a laptop while watching show or whatever, but I won't plan my day around the game until they move on.  He is a poo poo show.


    They have lost the team with AV and now JB.  I guarantee you he isn't popular anymore.  To his face maybe, but there were visible signs of exasperation with the guy.  


    There is no reason for him to take another starting snap.

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