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Posts posted by Nickster

  1. 10 hours ago, Islandecho said:

    IF Ballard and Reich still think JB is the answer at this point, then we need to start thinking about who is running what at Colt world HQs.


    Wholesale changes would be appropriate.  I will be shocked if we don't draft a QB first round unless they have a lower guy they like or sign someone.


    If they think this stiff is the future then I take back every good thing I have ever thought about them.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Superman said:



    So I've seen this a lot, including comments from the broadcast team during the game. Do people believe that AV had a bad game against the Titans?


    He missed a 55 yarder. Then two kicks got blocked. I don't think that was a bad game by AV.


    And I think this waiver claim is a matter of circumstance, not an indication that they're done with AV and he won't kick anymore this year. The Niners waived a guy who has looked pretty good because Robbie Gould is back. The timing is coincidental, IMO.


    AV will get to 600 with the Colts, this year. 


    Edit: By the way, the Colts wanted to sign McLaughlin to the PS earlier this year. 

    2nd block was not his fault.  The first one definitely was.

    • Like 1
  3. It's another limitation with JB.  He has little touch and doesn't throw flairs, and screens very well.   


    Fullbacks are hard to account for in the passing game, but would be obselete with JB at QB.  

    • Like 1
  4. Just now, Patrick Miller said:

    Well... he's kinda leaving the rest of the team to hang. Not cool.


    He's having surgery man.  It's not like he's going to Tahiti or something.  


    Brissett's less than mediocrity at QB is going to have a ripple effect.  People will not want to sign here and the org will have to overpay to get people to resign with JB at QB.  Even though he's a good, popular guy apparantly, nice guys finish last and money talks and bovine fecal matter walks.


    It's an issue.  It's time to move on IMO, no later than game 13 or so if we fall out of contention.  I have no opinion on Chad Kelly, but if we are out of it, they should see what he has, and then look elsewhere.

    • Like 3
  5. On 11/22/2019 at 3:55 PM, LuckyHorseShoe§ said:

    This is what saddens me. I love JB, he’s an awesome guy, but he really needs to be a backup. He is a great backup, mediocre starter.

    I’d give a heck of lot to draft Burrow next year, and have JB and Hoyer tutor him.

    I'm not sure JB is one you want working with QBs.

    • Like 2
  6. On 11/22/2019 at 2:59 PM, DougDew said:

    But the context of JB, we are criticizing his pregression reads.  Hardly anything else is being criticized.  I'm assuming the lack of defensive coverage awareness is why people call him not a franchise QB. 


    Lamar and Mohomes have not displayed such awareness either, IMO.  Not that they don't have it, its just not considered to be the basis for saying they are the best young QBs in the NFL.  To me, a QBs running ability lasts about as long as it did for Kaepernick and Griffin, so we'll see if Lamar becomes elite for other reasons.  And converting sandlot improvisations maintains its longevity for about as long as it did for Johnny Manziel, so we'll see if Mahomes becomes elite for other reasons.


    So, no, I would not want Jalen Hurts, Tua, or even Kyler Murray as my QB, if I'm counting on the QB to carry the load by reading defenses like I would if I labeled him a franchise QB.  I'm not saying they don't have that ability, its merely not been talked about in their skill set.  The hype has been about other things.


    I'm not sure how injuries have impacted Mariota's progressions analysis, or if he ever had much of one to begin with.  It seems Darnold and Rosen have as much starting experience as JB, so I don't know why any of them would be on a different learning trajectory.


    It seem like any college QB we draft, outside of a Manning or Luck, will have as many questions about their ability to read NFL defenses that we are having with JB, so I can't see why its so readily accepted to chuck JB in favor of a mid first or early second round talented college QB.


    From what I've seen Fromm has that mental connection and maturity, but I'm not sure he has the physical tools.  Burrow seemed impressive in the few times I've seen him, has more of a physical game than Fromm but less awareness, IMO. 


    Because we know what JB is.

  7. 4 hours ago, ProblChld32 said:

    They did not but it looked, like a cover 1 robber.

    Well in cover 1 the CB is definitely supposed to stay with the man and try to force him into Hooker.   The robber makes it one deep safety, so in all likelihood, it was not Hooker who blew the coverage.

  8. 1 minute ago, MikeCurtis said:

    They are both young. 


    I doubt wasting is on Ballard's mind


    I would like to see more of 2018 Leonard........  The 2019 version isnt making plays



    I'm sorry dude but that is just dead wrong


    Oops my bad.  EDIT.  Thought you said Nelson isn't making plays.  Leonard was a bit over hyped last year because of number of tackles.  But I agree he isn't as impactful as last year.  He's always been bad in coverage and has been decent after the concussion.  

  9. 1 minute ago, Chloe6124 said:

    He is only under contract for one more year. We won’t be sticking with him for years. We had no choice this year. The only thing different that could of happened is if Luck would of retired after the season and we could of got Foles. That would of been a easy one to get with Reich here.

     Yep.  Luck screwed the organization over.

  10. Just now, Chloe6124 said:

    This could be a little far fetched. What if they were able to talk Luck out of retirement for a year or two. Draft love as his backup and trade Jacoby. I don’t know if anyone saw but Lucks daughter was born a couple weeks ago. Is it possible he didn’t want to be rehabbing his ankle all season after games and missing out on his newborn.


    Moving on to the future is all I want to see.  You can swing and miss in the draft.  But I think it is chrystal clear that JB is not good enough. Any snaps he takes are place holding snaps I hope.  


    Luck playing again would make this team the instant favorite to go to the Superbowl in the AFC imo.  

  11. 9 minutes ago, Chloe6124 said:

    Does anyone fear with the QB situation we are going to waste Leonard’s and Nelson’s career. By the time we figure it out they will be getting older. I know they are still so young but dang we were ready with Luck to win.


    • Like 2
  12. Just now, Chloe6124 said:

    The drive after Williams scored we threw three passes and went three and out. That is what I am talking about. Why did we throw three passes when the previous drive we just ran it down their throat. Throw a run in that drive.


    My guess is to mix it up.  When you pass on first down and don't gain anything, then you are at 2nd and 10.  Do you call a run or a pass?  Well sometimes you call a run sometimes a pass.  THen on 3rd with 2 failed passes you have to call a pass.  

    Are you suggesting be predictiable and run on every 1st down.  Do you think we should run on every 2nd and 10?

  13. We did mix it up Chloe except on the scoring drives.  We mixed it up alot.  


    Do you want to improve on the the 2 TD drives that were almsost exclusively runs just to mix it up?


    The narrative about the play calling warrants a further investigation.  We weren't 1st down run heavy outside the TD drives either.  6P 7R


    The last drive makes it seem that way becasue we ran twice to get to 3rd and 7, but it wasn't that way.

  14. The narrative about he game plan on Thursday is misleading.  (These numbers are me counting with a pencil on ESPN and could be slightly inaccurate.)


    The first 3 Colts drives saw us gain 46 yds.  We had pass plays called 13 times and run plays 8 times.  We had 6 1st downs with run and pass plays called 3 times each.


    We scored on the 3 of the next 4 drives.  The one non scoring drive was all pass plays three and out.  The 2 minute drill was all pass plays and netted a field goal.  ON the 2 TD drives we ran 15 times and passed 1 time.  It is hard to argue that this was bad game planning since we scored two TDs.  This is what makes the gameplan seem run heavy.  IT WASN'T RUN HEAVY with the exception of the 2 TD drives which skewd the R/P ratio.


    So taking away the 3 scoring drives, 2 of which we ran the ball into the end zone like an old HS football team, and the FG which was all passes in 2Min drill,  we ran 22 pass plays to 16 run plays with 6 passes and 7 runs on 1st downs.  This does not indicate a run heavy offense.


    On the last drive, we called 4 runs in a row at one point, but we made  a 1st down on the 1st three of those run plays.

    RUNNING was the only thing working.  So when Reich calls runs on the first two plays of the last set set of downs knowing that he will be using 4 downs and the offense had run the ball so effectively, it shouldn't be so surprising.


    He probably did it because the team was not moving the ball with the passing game with the exception of the 2 minute drill.  Take that away and the passing looks even more woeful


  15. 5 hours ago, ProblChld32 said:

    On the Hopkins TD, it was a blown assignment on Hooker and terrible communication in the secondary. Desir passed Hopkins off , with the expectation that Hooker would take over but Hooker instead did not which led to Hopkins being completely wide open in the end zone.

    did they say what the play call was?

  16. 10 hours ago, richard pallo said:

    I don't see much downside this late in the season.  He might be down to one last chance.  He would be looking to signing with a team that has a chance to be in the playoffs and secure an opportunity for a chance at longer term employment.  If he was ever going to be a model citizen and teammate this would be the time.  His friend TY would most likely be right by his side introducing him to his new team and city.  Out of all the possible landing spots he could do a lot worse than Indianapolis.  And we know his football talent is far superior to any WR on our team.  So hypothetically speaking I would.  

    brown aside.  No one is going to want to come to Indy to try to earn a contract with Brisett at QB.

  17. 1 hour ago, EastStreet said:

    yup. regardless, i think the play calling could have absolutely put JB in a better place to succeed even with his obvious struggles.


    Maybe.  It's hard to say.  


    But we scored 2 TDs on a combined 108 yds on the two drives.  


    JB attempted and completed 1 pass for 7 yds.   That's it.  One pass attempt.  7 yds.  2 TDs.


    Earlier in the 1st half JB was dreadful.

    • Like 1
  18. 17 minutes ago, VaAllDay757 said:

    It's one thing I don't understand....why isn't the offense using more slant routes to get the wr some space??? The slant route is perfect for this offense but we rarely see it I don't get it


    Everything is compacted with JBs inability to throw the ball past 10 yds with any consistency which takes away slants.  Everything is more difficult when you can't throw downfield and there isn't much of a threat of a downfield throw.

  19. 10 minutes ago, EastStreet said:

    You'll see when some publish some all-22s, that there were plenty of open WRs... 


    You can attack a zone. You attack it differently than man, but it's not like some impenetrable scheme.


    And man or zone, they are one of the worst passing Ds in the league. And missing arguably their best DB, and 3 others playing banged up.


    I meant the type of play calls.  Heck yeah you can torch a zone, but the QB has to be able to read quickly and ours can't do that.

  20. 2 hours ago, EastStreet said:

    He's blaming JB and rightfully so for not executing better (missing open guys), but he also needs to take a look in the mirror and ask why he went the opposite direction of the game one game plan.


    They played zone man.  YOu can't do what we did in Indy against zone.  

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